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小牛季前消息(小牛签下Eddie Jones)

慕尼黑之恋 发表于 2007-5-12 10:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>stephenlon</i>在2007-5-11 23:23:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p><p>准备再花一个赛季去培养新人吗</p><p>照你这种想法小牛的总冠军是没指望了</p></div><p></p>     不是花一个赛季去培养新人,而是挖掘新人充实板凳深度
 楼主| yohjif 发表于 2007-5-12 11:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>stephenlon</i>在2007-5-11 23:31:00的发言:</b><br/><p>现在小牛需要的不是新人而是能为夺取总冠军出力的人</p><p>本赛季结束后比鲁普斯和坎比都将成为自由人</p><p>反正库班有的是钱把他们弄过来补强阵容是势在必行的</p><p>还有威尔斯在火箭不受重用也应该考虑把他弄过来</p><p>拿下这三人小牛的内外线就基本无弱点了</p></div><p>NBA不是足球,NBA有工资帽这个说法的。</p><p>小牛现在的工资早就超了,自由签约只能用中产,坎比和比卢普斯哪个是能用中产签下的?</p><p>如果说交易的话,小牛就必须拿出对等工资的球员,那么谁来换?damp换坎比?掘金会同意?比卢普斯就更难了,他肯定是要顶薪合同的,特里+buckner?活塞我看也不会同意。再说,汉密尔顿表态了,比卢普斯去哪儿他就要去哪儿。。。难道小牛整个后场换活塞俩后卫?OMG。。。</p>
 楼主| yohjif 发表于 2007-5-12 11:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>Grant Hill - When he\'s healthy (and he played 65 this season, plus 4 more in the playoffs), he\'s still a force and can attack. The teams reportedly at the top of his list (Detroit, Phoenix, Orlando) all are facing money dilemmas. We think Hill and J-Ho could play alongside each other at SG/SF, offering size and two-way play at both positions and freeing Harris and Jet to split PG duties rather than be an undersized guard pair, and allowing room for Stack and Ager to complement them.</p><p> <img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /></p><p>我喜欢这个想法,按希尔在魔术今年的状态,打一个半主力还是可以胜任的,而且能提高小牛后场的高度</p><p>他可以打SG,也可以给jho替一下SF,stack可以和他分SG的上场时间。</p><p>而且hill又帅性格又好</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" />
 楼主| yohjif 发表于 2007-5-12 11:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>今夏值得小牛花中产的自由球员(先后顺序):</p><p>全部中产</p><p>活塞大前锋Chris Webber</p><p>魔术小前锋Grant Hill</p><p>部分中产</p><p>公牛大前锋PJ Brown、掘金控卫Steve Blake、国王前锋Corliss Williamson</p><p>黄蜂分卫Desmond Mason、火箭分卫Bonzi Wells、猛龙小前锋Morris Peterson、76人大前锋/中锋Joe Smith、马刺大前锋Francisco Oberto、湖人中锋Chris Mihm、勇士小前锋Matt Barnes</p><p>这是dallasbasketball.com的一个记者的观点</p>
慕尼黑之恋 发表于 2007-5-12 11:26:00 | 显示全部楼层
克尼马 发表于 2007-5-12 12:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>yohjif</i>在2007-5-12 11:19:00的发言:</b><br/><p>Grant Hill - When he\'s healthy (and he played 65 this season, plus 4 more in the playoffs), he\'s still a force and can attack. The teams reportedly at the top of his list (Detroit, Phoenix, Orlando) all are facing money dilemmas. We think Hill and J-Ho could play alongside each other at SG/SF, offering size and two-way play at both positions and freeing Harris and Jet to split PG duties rather than be an undersized guard pair, and allowing room for Stack and Ager to complement them.</p><p> <img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /></p><p>我喜欢这个想法,按希尔在魔术今年的状态,打一个半主力还是可以胜任的,而且能提高小牛后场的高度</p><p>他可以打SG,也可以给jho替一下SF,stack可以和他分SG的上场时间。</p><p>而且hill又帅性格又好</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" /></div><p><font size=\"2\">可惜身体不行。。。</font></p>
克尼马 发表于 2007-5-12 12:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>yohjif</i>在2007-5-12 11:21:00的发言:</b><br/><p>今夏值得小牛花中产的自由球员(先后顺序):</p><p>全部中产</p><p>活塞大前锋Chris Webber</p><p>魔术小前锋Grant Hill</p><p>部分中产</p><p>公牛大前锋PJ Brown、掘金控卫Steve Blake、国王前锋Corliss Williamson</p><p>黄蜂分卫Desmond Mason、火箭分卫Bonzi Wells、猛龙小前锋Morris Peterson、76人大前锋/中锋Joe Smith、马刺大前锋Francisco Oberto、湖人中锋Chris Mihm、勇士小前锋Matt Barnes</p><p>这是dallasbasketball.com的一个记者的观点</p></div><p><font size=\"2\">黄蜂分卫Desmond Mason,感觉这人不错,我牛可以考虑。</font></p>
Liujin 发表于 2007-5-12 13:24:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>yohjif</i>在2007-5-12 11:19:00的发言:</b><br/><p>Grant Hill - When he\'s healthy (and he played 65 this season, plus 4 more in the playoffs), he\'s still a force and can attack. The teams reportedly at the top of his list (Detroit, Phoenix, Orlando) all are facing money dilemmas. We think Hill and J-Ho could play alongside each other at SG/SF, offering size and two-way play at both positions and freeing Harris and Jet to split PG duties rather than be an undersized guard pair, and allowing room for Stack and Ager to complement them.</p><p> <img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /></p><p>我喜欢这个想法,按希尔在魔术今年的状态,打一个半主力还是可以胜任的,而且能提高小牛后场的高度</p><p>他可以打SG,也可以给jho替一下SF,stack可以和他分SG的上场时间。</p><p>而且hill又帅性格又好</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" /></div><p></p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" /></p><p>恩!但是他会离开魔术么</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em12.gif\" />
没有梦的白 发表于 2007-5-12 16:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| yohjif 发表于 2007-5-12 16:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>克尼马</i>在2007-5-12 12:05:00的发言:</b><br/><p><font size=\"2\">可惜身体不行。。。</font></p></div><p>不能胜任完全主力的时间</p><p>但是每场打个20分钟,或者打几场休息一场还是可以的</p><p>这赛季在魔术打了69场比赛(包括季候赛4场),背靠背的比赛都不打</p><p>看状况还可以</p><p>不过就不知道hill本人的意愿了,多次说想退役的……</p><p>不过他好像也说了,如果继续打就想到有夺冠能力的球队</p>
Shumi的BMW 发表于 2007-5-12 17:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>最有价值球员评选尘埃落定 诺维茨基力压纳什当选</p><p><font color=\"#3366ff\" size=\"3\">北京时间5月7日《亚利桑那共和报》<span class=\"folodaLink\"><u>新闻</u></span>,达拉斯小牛前锋德克-诺维茨基当选本</font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#3366ff\" size=\"3\">赛季</font></a><font color=\"#3366ff\" size=\"3\">最有价值球员。</font>
        </p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\"><font color=\"#3366ff\" size=\"3\">最有价值球员由来自美国和加拿大的132名媒体专家投票选出,评选规则为每人选择五名球员依次排列,第一位得10分、第二位7分、第三位5分、第四位3分、第五位1分,共和报做了一个73%的样本调查,结果一共57位评委将诺维茨基排在第一位,德国人总分831分,菲尼克斯<span class=\"folodaLink\"><u>太阳</u></span>后卫史蒂夫-纳什获得了37位评委的青睐,总分778分屈居第二,洛杉矶湖人后卫科比-布莱恩特获得两张第一位的选票,排名第三,第四、第五位分别是克里夫兰骑士前锋勒布朗-詹姆斯和圣安东尼奥马刺前锋蒂姆-邓肯。</font></p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\"><font color=\"#3366ff\" size=\"3\">诺维茨基因此成为NBA第一位欧洲出生的最有价值球员,德国人同时是25年来第一位首轮即遭淘汰的MVP,纳什则遗憾的未能连续三年当选,加入拉里-伯德、威尔特-张伯伦以及比尔-拉塞尔三名传奇巨星组成的最有价值球员三连庄历史殿堂,值得一提的是,每一名评委都将诺维茨基和纳什排在了选票的前三位。</font></p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\"></p><div align=\"left\" forimg=\"1\"><img class=\"blogimg\" src=\"\" border=\"0\" small=\"0\" alt=\"\"/></div>
Shumi的BMW 发表于 2007-5-12 17:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><a href=\"\"><img height=\"500\" src=\"\" width=\"328\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"/></a></p><p>
        </p><p align=\"left\"><a href=\"\"><img height=\"375\" src=\"\" width=\"500\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"/></a></p>
Shumi的BMW 发表于 2007-5-12 17:15:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>Dirk: </p><p>-- \"I understand the business by now. If you play well and you win, you\'re the greatest. If you lose, you\'re the worst player in the league. I understand that. I\'ve been in the business for nine years now. It\'s obviously not the position I want to be in, but it\'s nothing I can change now. I believe everything happens for a reason and I can learn from this experience again.\" </p><p>-- \"That\'s the kind of person I am. I always take stuff very, very hard on myself first. I don\'t need media people to tell me that I did bad. I know that I didn\'t play my best in the playoffs and that\'s disappointing to me the most.\" </p><p>-- \"You can\'t point any fingers at this point. It\'s everybody\'s fault, all the way to the 15th man. Anytime you lose as a team, you go down as a team.\" </p><p>-- \"We kept the focus and the pressure and the intensity high for basically all the regular season. Once you get to the playoffs, you should be able to raise the intensity another level. But I think the way we pounded through the regular season, it was hard for us to go to another level.\" </p><p>-- \"We played every game to win. That\'s what you\'re supposed to do. I don\'t think we had another level to go to in the playoffs.\" </p><p>-- \"We had to play that way to get the No. 1 seed. That\'s always something you want to reach, you want to play to get the home-court advantage in the playoffs. I\'m not necessarily saying we did something wrong.\" </p><p>-- \"You\'ve got to see the whole last two weeks with us not really having anything to play for and kind of letting loose a little bit, and the Warriors playing all the way down to the end got hot at the right moment. They caught us.\" </p><p>-- \"I did a pretty decent job in the regular season taking over when I had to and sitting back when I saw the team was rolling. For whatever reason this playoff series, I couldn\'t do it. I couldn\'t put my stamp the way I wanted to.\" </p><p>-- \"I still think I have pretty good leadership skills. I just didn\'t show it this playoff series.\" </p><p>\"I realize that I\'m not 20 anymore. I\'m approaching 30 hard. For me I needed a daily workout. People say during the season you push yourself too hard. I just don\'t like off days. Even if I just come in and do a quick 20 minutes of cardio or shooting, I just need a little sweat to get going. It\'s hard for me to say what my off-season will look like. I haven\'t really thought about it at all.\" </p><p>-- \"I am going to play again for Germany with the national team in Spain.\" </p><p>-- \"Get away here a little bit and think of some stuff that I did wrong and we did wrong, and then I\'ll go from there. The next couple weeks are definitely going to be tough.\" </p>
Shumi的BMW 发表于 2007-5-12 17:20:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><span class=\"bold\">写给德克的歌《Dirk Nowitzki》</span><br/><br/>机器声轰鸣 德国战车驾临 <br/>用眼生欢迎 柏林剪的短发轻盈 <br/>湛蓝的球衣41代表场均 <br/><br/>表达中投的强项 向后旋转着倔强 <br/>球进筐的刹那 good shot响斥全场 <br/>惜日的弃将都学你短发时尚 <br/><br/>Dirk Nowitzki 碾碎了西部列强 <br/>战车上好炮弹 准备冲击梦想 <br/>决杀的容光 <br/><br/>Dirk Nowitzki 剪短决赛的忧伤 <br/>用眼生寻找 达拉斯的心跳 <br/>来自柏林的骄傲</p><p></p><p><img alt=\"\" src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></p>
Shumi的BMW 发表于 2007-5-12 17:23:00 | 显示全部楼层
<span class=\"bold\">小牛正式启动下赛季规划 宣布继续履行迪奥普合同</span><br/><br/><div style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12px;\">新浪体育讯 北京时间5月12日,小牛正式宣布,球队将行使同替补中锋迪奥普的第三年也是最后一年合同。留下这位内线大将,是常规赛冠军下赛季规划迈出的第一步。  迪奥普2005年以自由球员身份加盟小牛,签下了一份“2+1”的合同,在本赛季结束后有一个球队选项,决定是否继续履行最后一年的合约。<br/>  这位来自塞内加尔的中锋身高2米11,本赛季作为小牛的头号内线替补,常规赛共出战81场,场均18.3分钟内可以贡献2.3分,5.4个篮板和1.4次封盖,其中场均封盖居联盟第22位,是位防守能力不俗的大个子球员,也是主力中锋丹皮尔的不错补充。<br/>  迪奥普于2001年进入NBA,当时他贵为第8号新秀,被骑士选中。<br/>  小牛的 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">中锋</font></a>位置一直是个软肋,首发中锋丹皮尔勉强算二流中锋,作为苦力还算称职但进攻不敢恭维。替补迪奥普跟丹皮尔的类型很相似,过去两个赛季都是这二人撑起了小牛的5号位。这次小牛首轮遭淘汰,但球队高层表示不会对球队进行太大改变。<br/>  现在他们留下了迪奥普,下一步估计就是“第六人”斯塔克豪斯的问题了,这位老将合同到期,不久前他曾表示希望留在达拉斯。</div>
Shumi的BMW 发表于 2007-5-12 17:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
                </strong></p><p>DALLAS, May 5 (AP) -- Forced to deal with a long offseason, <a href=\"\"><font color=\"#000000\">Dirk Nowitzki</font></a> plans to spend much of it figuring out what went wrong for him and the Dallas Mavericks in the playoffs. </p><p>\"The next couple of weeks are definitely going to be tough,\'\' he said Saturday. \"A lot of thinking.\'\' </p><p>Among the things he\'ll ponder: How did the Dallas Mavericks\' 67-win regular season come crashing down in the first round? And how did he go from being the likely league MVP to being part of a team that couldn\'t get past a No. 8 seed? </p><p>The one question Nowitzki won\'t ask himself is the one everyone else is asking about him: Does he have what it takes to lead a team to a championship? </p><p>\"I think I did a decent job in the regular season of taking over when I had to,\'\' he said. \"For whatever reason, this playoff series I couldn\'t do it. I couldn\'t put my stamp on it the way I wanted to. It was definitely very disappointing. I still think I have pretty good leadership skills. I just didn\'t show it this playoff series.\'\' </p><p>Although Nowitzki said \"you go down as a team,\'\' he knows it\'s not that simple, not for a perennial All-Star who is the face of the franchise. Thing is, his own expectations are just as high, which is why the six-game ousting by Golden State, and how little he did to stop it, will eat at him all summer - just like Dallas\' collapse against Miami in the finals bothered him all last summer. </p><p>\"That\'s the kind of person I am. I always take things very, very hard on myself,\'\' he said. \"I don\'t need media people to tell me that I did bad. I know I didn\'t play my best in the playoffs. ... </p><p>\"I understand the business by now. If you play well and you win, you\'re the greatest. And if you lose, you\'re the worst player in the league. It\'s obviously not the position I want to be in, but it\'s nothing I can change now. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Hopefully I can learn from this experience.\'\' </p><p>Nowitzki\'s critics are strictly outside the organization. Team owner Mark Cuban, front-office boss Donnie Nelson and coach <a href=\"\"><font color=\"#000000\">Avery Johnson</font></a> all still believe Nowitzki can lead the Mavericks to a championship. </p><p>\"You can\'t put it on one guy\'s shoulders,\'\' Nelson said. \"We won 67 games this year. That\'s no fluke. We didn\'t all of a sudden become stupid and poor performers overnight. </p><p>\"I think the easy thing to do in this is pile it on Dirk or Avery. But you can\'t do that. If you actually open up the hood and look into things, you\'ll see there\'s a lot more reasons.\'\' </p><p>Cuban\'s support of Nowitzki is just as unwavering. Asked immediately after the Mavs were eliminated whether he questioned Nowitzki\'s leadership, Cuban said: \"Not at all. Not a little bit. Anyone who suggests otherwise is a moron.\'\' </p><p>Nelson noted that Nowitzki is a different kind of leader, much like he\'s a mold-breaking 7-footer who shoots 3s. </p><p>\"If you look at his entire career, he has always been a very unique combination of a total team player and an All-Star performer. There are not many of those guys walking around,\'\' Nelson said. \"Dirk is going to make the right play. Does that mean he\'s going to shoot over a triple team? No. Dirk\'s always going to do the thing that\'s in the best interest of helping his club.\'\' </p><p>But wouldn\'t being more selfish be in the team\'s best interest? </p><p>\"I think Dirk needs to be himself,\'\' Nelson said. \"We\'ve had some pretty special years with that. ... He\'s not King Kong. He does it more with skill. Last year, just to get us to the point of being in the finals, he did everything, he put our team on his back. This was just a very odd matchup for us and we ran into a hot team at the wrong time.\'\' </p><p>Nowitzki said he plans to take a month off, then start working out again in June. As always, his offseason goal will be to become \"more of a complete player.\'\' </p><p>He also plans to join the German national team for the European Championship tournament in September, aiming for a top-three finish to clinch a spot in next year\'s Olympics or at least earning a spot in the Olympics qualifying event. </p><p>While the playoffs go on without the Mavericks, Nowitzki will have plenty of time to work on his MVP acceptance speech. That\'s what happens when you follow the best regular-season of your career with your worst postseason. </p>
Shumi的BMW 发表于 2007-5-12 17:34:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>地产大亨炮轰小牛必须换老板 库班再次引发嘴上风暴</p><p>北京时间5月12日消息,小牛队好不容易从峰尖浪口上走了下来,库班不老实的大嘴又开始闹了。日前,美国地产大亨唐纳德参加ESPN的一档节目的时候,对库班进行了炮轰。向来不甘示弱的库班当然要回击,两人不亦乐乎的打起了嘴仗。</p><p>  唐纳德表示:“我看到了一支球队对阵小牛的时候会爆发出怎样惊人的精神力量。难以置信。如果看看库班都干了些什么,我认为他给球员施加了太多压力。他太想获胜了,他想把自己放到球员的位置上,我猜他想要成为一名球员,可他不是一名球员。”</p><p>  唐纳德认为,小牛很优秀,但是只要库班掌管着球队,就不会有大的作为。“他可能一辈子都想追求胜利,但是如果你和他相似,你不会成功。他想把自己放到运动员的地位上,因此事实就是他的球队崩溃掉。”</p><p>  库班很快就在自己的博客里面进行了回击,他说:“我想他还在为自己买不起一支NBA球队而心烦。毫无疑问,超过10K美金的资金需求都会给他带来问题。当然,如果他能够卖掉足够的牛排、<span class=\"yqlink\">
                        <a class=\"akey\" title=\"香水\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">香水</font></a></span>和娃娃之类的玩意儿,才有希望买下一支球队。然后,我们可以看看他要做什么。在此之前,他也只不过是一个崇拜者而已。”</p>
克尼马 发表于 2007-5-12 17:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>yohjif</i>在2007-5-12 16:51:00的发言:</b><br/><p>不能胜任完全主力的时间</p><p>但是每场打个20分钟,或者打几场休息一场还是可以的</p><p>这赛季在魔术打了69场比赛(包括季候赛4场),背靠背的比赛都不打</p><p>看状况还可以</p><p>不过就不知道hill本人的意愿了,多次说想退役的……</p><p>不过他好像也说了,如果继续打就想到有夺冠能力的球队</p></div><p><font size=\"2\">感觉我牛找他还不如找一个身强体壮的蓝领。。。</font></p>
Shumi的BMW 发表于 2007-5-12 18:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>诺维茨基六月就开练 坦言季后赛是自己拖累了球队</p><p>输了,结束了。德克·诺维茨基脱下了沉重的球衣。</p><p>  德国人拒绝眼泪,他只是觉得沮丧,仍然深深自责,“常规赛做得很好,但是季后赛完全没有节奏。”任何的数据、评论,诺维茨基都不想再看再听,“不用媒体告诉我,我也知道自己在这一系列赛打得有多糟糕!”诺维茨基说,“我完全明白一个道理———在联盟中,如果你打得出色,你就是个超级领袖;如果打得糟糕透顶,你就什么也不是。”</p><p>  诺维茨基不在意这样贬低自己,他承认季后赛是自己拖累了球队,“接下来,我将好好反省,”诺维茨基说。</p><p>  他知道在此之前,艾弗里·约翰逊说了什么,作为球员,约翰逊曾与戴维斯有过交手,现在身为教练,他更看到了一个坚强的戴维斯。“领袖?毫无疑问,巴朗拥有一颗坚强的心,永不言弃,要知道核心球员的决心很大程度上将决定他所属球队的命运,我们这一点做得远不如巴朗,”约翰逊说。</p><p>  是的,约翰逊已经将矛头对准诺维茨基,但德国人也并不想去反驳什么。</p><p>  过去八九年里,诺维茨基经历无数风浪,自然明白何为“成王败寇”。</p><p>  他不希望被这一次的失败所击倒,因为他听到,更多的队友、昔日的队友,甚至是对手仍然是在给他鼓励,说“德克会重新站起来,他是个伟大的球员”。在这个时候,诺维茨基需要做的只是给自己一些勇气,他说:“我仍然认为自己具备领袖气质,只是这一次我没有打好,压力太大。虽然现在,我知道说什么都于事无补,但我只想告诉所有人,我将在六月份就恢复训练。”</p><p>  他说:“我知道自己的弱点在哪里,低位单打一直是我的最大弱点,(低位进攻)也是球队目前最薄弱的环节。今年夏季,这将是我的主要补习课程。”</p><p>  诺维茨基肯定会将MVP奖杯抛在了脑后,不是觉得烫手,而是没有必要再沉浸于回忆之中。九月,他将随德国人征战欧锦赛,他渴望重新证明自己。 </p>
小圣 发表于 2007-5-12 20:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>yohjif</i>在2007-5-11 18:59:00的发言:</b><br/><p>那张可以,哇哈哈 </p><p>我只是觉得头像一样我很容易昏,我是习惯先看头像再看ID的 - - </p><p>如果你喜欢这个旗子,我换一个也可以</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" /></div><p>为什么那张我用不了...一换就变回水手图...<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em09.gif\" /></p><p>选了半天,决定用现在这张,感觉还不错~</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em20.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em20.gif\" />
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