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 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-5-25 19:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>Irkie</I>在2005-5-23 21:57:00的发言:</B>

<>帕克   新秀赛季场均   哈里斯</P>
<>29.4     上场时间       15.4
9.2        得分         10.9
4.3        助攻          4.2
2.6        篮板          2.5
1.16       抢断         1.93
1.96       失误         2.06
41.9    投篮命中率      42.9
32.3    三分命中率      33.6</P>
<><B>AJ Endorses JET As Next Year\'s PG</B></P>
<><B>NEXT YEAR\'S POINT GUARD.</B> With the Mavs exit from the playoffs, the speculation has already begun about what changes might be made this summer to improve the team. But if you are playing guessing games with your friends regarding what the team might do at point guard, dont put money on major changes at that position, according to the guy in charge.

<>In an interview Monday, Avery Johnson was asked if, in some scenario or another, Devin Harris might be ready to be the starter at point guard next year, thereby opening up a way to use Jason Terry in a combo-guard role. Avery, who doesn\'t mince words, was incredibly blunt with his reply.

<>\"Why would we do that?\" he answered. \"Jason Terry is my starting point guard. He\'s come a long ways this year, and he\'ll be an even better point guard for us next year. Devin Harris, we hope, will be ready to step up and be our solid backup at that position, and maybe in a couple years, after another year or two, we hope he can be good enough to start. But Jason\'s my guy.\" <B>David Lord, 05/23/05, 1:00pm</B></P>
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-5-27 14:27:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>From RealGM:</P><>Just heard on the Jim Rome show that Dallas and Indiana are discussing a Dirk Nowitzki/Josh Howard/Shawn Bradley for Artest/O\'Neal deal?!?!? </P><>-------------------------------</P><>好像又是YY,似乎只有一个人听说谣言。这个谣言要是成真还真让我抓狂,虽然诺维这个季后赛够差,虽然我一直挺喜欢小奥,但是我仍然认为Dirk&gt;JO,何况小奥在季后赛的表现……阿泰我很是喜欢,季后赛当中牛迷讨论过换来他就好了,当时说要不要用霍华德换他,现在来讲,JHO&gt;RON,但是这个想法被杀死了,舍不得JHO,外加不想在火爆的阿泰身上冒险。如果是诺维+丹尼尔斯,还可以考虑下,霍华德绝对不行……当然,这个谣言说的阵容,防守能力会增强,不过昨天达拉斯晨报还有篇文章说问题不在防守再进攻。虽然对他的具体观点半同半异,进攻的确是问题。这样换人,根本没解决进攻的弱点,虽然加强了防守,但是显然是瘸子……</P>
yohjif 发表于 2005-5-27 16:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-5-31 16:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
马克·阿奎尔?可以帮司机改进post game。小奥的进步有他的功劳吧。现在跟着以赛亚·托马斯。如果库班有心,也许能回来?谁知道。</P><>-----------------------------------------</P><>1、芬利不会被卖,会终老达拉斯。他目前仍是首发分位,合同太大时间太长没人要,库班喜欢他。</P><>2、小牛会找一个大个儿,正如库班所言。当丹皮尔陷入犯规麻烦时他可以让司机幸免于打中锋。为此,范霍恩或斯塔克豪斯可能会成为交易筹码。</P><>3、特里会继续做首发控卫,正如AJ所言。哈里斯会得到正常一些的替补时间。</P><>4、丹尼尔斯也会得到正常的替补时间。如果不见好转,不排除在赛季中被卖掉的可能。</P><P>5、没人会要布拉德利,他只会安静地坐在小牛板凳的最深处,不得翻身。除非队里的中锋都@#$%了全不能上场。也没准儿,丹尼尔斯和布拉德利会被用去换一个大个人。</P>
yohjif 发表于 2005-5-31 16:56:00 | 显示全部楼层
rainyyiyi 发表于 2005-6-1 11:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>我恨太阳,把最亲爱的纳什拐走了<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /></P>
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-1 14:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
<><b>Assistants to come off Mavs\' bench</b></P><><b>No plans to add players, but coaches won\'t be back in same position</b></P><>09:58 PM CDT on Tuesday, May 31, 2005</P><>By EDDIE SEFKO / The Dallas Morning News </P><>The Mavericks may do more tweaking to their coaching staff than their roster in the month of June. </P><>The club has no picks in the June 28 draft and no plans for acquiring one. </P><>\"This might be one of those rare times when we\'re better off not doing anything,\" Donnie Nelson, president of basketball operations, said Tuesday. \"With us, you never say never. But we\'re looking to improve from within at this point.\" </P><>Though there invariably will be movement within the roster before the summer is over, it\'s a foregone conclusion that there will be change with the coaching staff. </P><>Nelson said longtime assistants Larry Riley, with the club since 2000, and Charlie Parker, on staff since \'96, have been advised to gauge their options around the league, particularly at the June 7-10 Chicago pre-draft camp, fertile ground for job seekers. Neither will return on the bench next season, although one or both could be retained in another capacity. </P><><U>Possible replacements? Two names likely to surface are Miami\'s Keith Askins and San Antonio\'s Joe Prunty – assistant coaches who are still working this season. </U></P><P>Both are in good situations, obviously, but coach Avery Johnson knows both well and may initiate contact when their seasons are finished. Johnson has been vacationing with his family the last few days and was not available for comment. </P><P>There probably will be more restructuring of the Mavericks\' player-development staff, although Rolando Blackman and Brad Davis will continue leading that staff. </P><P>The changes concerning Parker and Riley are not surprising, although both have built strong ties to the area. Parker has one year left on his contract. Riley is working without a deal beyond this season, although that could change. </P><P><b>Finley surgery upcoming:</b> Michael Finley will have surgery on his right ankle Friday, president of basketball operations Donnie Nelson said. </P><P>Finley\'s ankle bothered him most of this season, his least productive full year with Dallas. </P><P>Finley said last week he probably should have had surgery in November, when he hurt the ankle. </P><P>--------------------------------</P><P><b>Johnson to shake up Mavs staff</b></P><P>Posted on Tue, May. 31, 2005</P><P>By Art Garcia</P><P>Star-Telegram Staff Writer</P><P>Avery Johnson spent the last month of the season and the playoffs putting his stamp on the Mavericks. Now it\'s time to do the same on his coaching staff.</P><P>Johnson is in the process of hiring a pair of new assistants, according to Mavs president of basketball operations Donnie Nelson. Charlie Parker and Larry Riley, two assistants Johnson inherited from the staff of former coach Don Nelson, could be reassigned within the organization or allowed to pursue other jobs.</P><P>\"Avery wants an opportunity to talk to a couple of guys he\'s familiar with,\" Nelson said Monday. \"Nothing is final or imminent, but the strong likelihood is there will be two new faces on the bench.\"</P><P>The three-man staff of Del Harris, Parker and Riley that worked under Johnson was hired by Nelson, who resigned in March. Harris served as Johnson\'s top assistant and is set to return next season. Parker and Riley have been told of Johnson\'s plans.</P><P>The changes would allow Johnson the chance to shape his staff with assistants who might be a better fit for his personality and coaching philosophy. Johnson has numerous contacts within the NBA from a career that spanned 16 years, the majority with the San Antonio Spurs.</P><P>\"It\'s natural for a new coach to want to work with people he knows and is comfortable with,\" Donnie Nelson said.</P><P>Parker is under contract through at least next season, increasing the odds he would be reassigned. He joined Jim Cleamons\' staff for the 1996-97 season and remained on the sidelines after Don Nelson, then the general manager only, fired Cleamons the next season. Parker\'s stint as an assistant is the longest in club history.</P><P>Riley, whose contract has expired, has been with the Mavs for five years, the last three as an assistant. He previously worked with the Vancouver Grizzlies and Milwaukee Bucks.</P><P>Despite their NBA coaching experience, neither Parker nor Riley played in the league. Both enjoyed long coaching careers in the college ranks.</P>
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-2 12:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>心有灵犀,今天早上还想如果放走亨德森谁来填补,要是有纳胡拉就好了。所以翻译下,不是逐字啊,水平有限,凑合着吧。</P><>译文:</P><><b>大竹竿儿换纳胡拉?</b></P><>学习《芝加哥论坛报》的萨姆·史密斯同志(牛头换狼头的传说),达拉斯人也关心一下自己,YY嘛。</P><>库班说想要一个替补中锋,活力型的。</P><>这个夏天最郁闷的牛当属大竹杆儿,AJ不是没试过,是竹杆儿自己不争气,这下钉在板凳上甭想翻身了。库班说过不会卖他(多半儿是出于无奈),既然不打算用了难道就不能动动脑筋把他弄走?</P><>冠冕堂皇的说法儿是,大竹杆儿对伊尔戈斯卡斯和YM有身高优势,可是自AJ接手后他就没管用过。季后赛首轮,牛宁愿场上没中锋(司机客串)也不让竹杆儿上场。他对付不了YM型的,也干不过小厮型的,留着何用?不如给一些想中锋想疯了的球队(和过去的牛一样),能不花大代价就得到一个最高的中锋想必还是有人乐意的。</P><>库班说想要活力型替补中锋后还表示,不得已换走纳胡拉是心中永远的痛。</P><>把二者联系起来就得到了YY的结论:用大竹杆儿换纳胡拉怎么样?</P><>过去在牛,纳胡拉打过替补中锋,灵活、强硬,“拼命三郎”非浪得虚名。由勇士到掘金,谁能说就不会再挪地儿呢?</P><P>纳胡拉过去是(现在仍然是)达拉斯人的宠儿,老尼的花招儿让一个不够个儿的大前锋客串中锋,虽然并非他最擅长的,却是他的身份证儿。隐忧是在金州做了膝盖手术后的状态,但他是个更年轻、难缠的亨德森。</P><P>由于规则所限,这样的交易要等到7月1号(美国时间)才能开始,到时还要根据新规则才行。当然,以目前的规则,这桩交易是可行的,而且应该不会受规则改变的影响。</P><P>按照史密斯同志的逻辑,大竹杆儿应该还可以被交换到明尼苏达、克利夫兰、亚特兰大、萨克城或金州,当然最实惠的选择使用他换勒小皇帝。但是考虑到这是现实世界,还有库班的言论、牛的需要,达拉斯人只能YY到用大竹杆儿换纳胡拉了。发挥你的想像吧。</P><P>翻译至此,马刺4-1淘汰了太阳,管他的,我只想说:这支太阳不比两年前的牛强,因为那时我们是2-4伤(司机)别西决。感谢阅读,祝您愉快。</P><P>--------------------</P><P>原文:</P><P><b>Code Ed  </b></P><P><b>We Eye A Shawn-For-Najera Swap  </b></P><P>By David Lord and Mike Fisher -- </P><P>Let\'s begin by establishing that isn\'t usually the place for zany, un-doable fantasy trades; we\'re too well-established as a haven for true journalism, so we leave such swap-meeting to fly-by-night outfits like, say, Sam Smith\'s Chicago Tribune. </P><P>But we aren\'t above putting together 2+2+2 and calculating how it might add up. </P><P>Let\'s calculate the Mavs\' backup center situation. </P><P>A player who could be on the way out this summer is Shawn Bradley, who even under the center-friendly Avery Johnson has found hinself exiled to what looks like permanent bench status. Mark Cuban has professed loyalty to him, but if the Mavs arent going to use Shawn anymore (and it doesnt look they will), it will be time for them to move him. </P><P>They ostensibly have Bradley here as the antidote to super-tall players like Ilgauskas and Yao Ming, but he was completely ineffective against both since Avery took over, and in fact against Yao in the playoffs the Mavs at times went without a center at all rather than risk playing Bradley. (So Shawn for this team, Shawn can\'t play against Yao types OR against Stoudemire types? Who does that leave?) In addition, as a moderately priced center, there are lots of center-needy teams that might offer something decent in exchange for him. </P><P>In his reactions to the season, Mavs owner Cuban noted the Mavs\' current need to acquire a backup big man who can give them mobile and athletic minutes. In the next breath, he also mentioned that he was really bothered last summer by the necessity to trade Eddie Najera in order to acquire Erick Dampier. </P><P>That leads us to wonder: could the Mavs be eyeing a Bradley-Najera swap as the solution for their need for an \"athletic backup center\"? </P><P>When he was here, Najera played many minutes at backup center and had the desired mobility, plus the ability through his hustle to frustrate opposing big men. He has bounced from Golden State to Denver since the Dampier trade, and it is not unreasonable to think he might be obtainable again. </P><P>Eddie was (and still is) a Dallas fan favorite, a guy who\'s original role here was almost gimmicky. But Najera blossomed from a sort of \"pet rock\'\' to a piece of the on-court puzzle and a centerpiece of locker-room harmony. Cuban isn\'t the only one who was sorry to see Eddie go. </P><P>We aren\'t ignoring the potential downsides here. For one, Eddie might not ever be as healthy as he was as a Mav; his considerable \"spring in his step\'\' from those days certainly wasn\'t exhibited during his post-knee-surgery Golden State term. For another, \"backup center\'\' isn\'t exactly Eddie\'s ideal job description; at 6-8, he is more of an undersized power forward. </P><P>But isn\'t he an even more pesky version of Alan Henderson? </P><P>Because of trade rule restrictions, such a trade would have to wait til \"next season\" (which starts July 1st), and thus will be subject to the new CBA and its trade rules. However, under current rules, a Najera-Bradley straight up swap works, and it almost certainly would also work under any new plan. </P><P>In our best amateur GM dream world, we can see Bradley also perhaps fitting into trades with such teams as Minnesota, Cleveland, Atlanta, Sacramento or Golden State. And if we want to do a Chicago Tribune-style trade, well, we\'d rather trade Bradley for LeBron James. But in our real world, and with Cuban\'s remarks, and with Dallas\' needs, put down our early crystal-ball money on the Mavs at least exploring a Bradley-Najera swap as a summertime \"tweak.\'\' </P>
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-3 12:16:00 | 显示全部楼层
<><b>老芬+小丹+现金换阿伦?</b></P><>来自广播的谣言:有准内部消息说,超音速提出用阿伦换小牛的老芬、小丹外加3百万美元,但小牛目前有拒绝倾向。据说阿伦的要价是5年8千万美元,这应该是小牛可以接受的,反正早就超了薪金上限。</P><>简单比较下。</P><>阿伦1.96米,老芬2.01米,基本上前者只对位SG,一般你不会看见他在篮下防小厮,位置灵活性不如老芬。</P><>过去三年,命中率:阿伦43.5%,老芬43.2%;三分:阿伦38%(场均7.01个),老芬39.4%(场均4.76个);参赛:阿伦210场,老芬205场,都有受伤倾向,二人最后一次全勤都是01-02赛季。</P><>阿伦的防守并不比老芬的好。</P><>场均助攻:阿伦4.24次,老芬2.86次,但是前者曾在02-03赛季打了29场PG,场均助攻数必然会多些,刨去那些场次,数据降为3.98。当然,他是一个不错的passer,会突破分球,这点比老芬强(他不突破),也比大斯强(他不分球,命中率也不行)。</P><>罚球:阿伦90%(场均4.9个),老芬84.7%(场均2.7个);场均出手:阿伦18.5次,老芬15.7次,出手次数永远是个问题。</P><>阿伦的抢断略多,老芬的盖帽则略多。阿伦场均有1+次失误,但是考虑到他的控球时间,相当不错了。</P><>必须要站在对方的立场上想想西雅图为什么要这么做,否则全白搭。</P><P>正方:西雅图可以付得起老芬剩下几年的合同,小丹的潜力大可挖掘。他们的安东尼奥·丹尼尔斯很可能要去克利夫兰,所以他们不能让阿伦白白走掉(特别是有去年小牛的前车之鉴)。</P><P>反方:老芬刚经历了一个下滑的赛季,这大家都看得见。6月4日(美国时间)又要做右脚踝手术。阿伦入选NBA第二阵容,丹尼尔斯有潜力但不足以弥补老芬和阿伦的差距。不让阿伦白白走掉,听上去很好,可是真正有实力签下他而不超额的球队恐怕只有克利夫兰了。即便如此,人家骑士想要的更多,比如PG,还有和伊尔戈斯卡斯续约。所以如果阿伦想为钱出走,对他感兴趣的球队最好是和西雅图来个先签后换,否则他就走不了了,钱还得西雅图付。这么费劲儿的话,西雅图没准儿更愿意让他一走了之。</P><P>---------------------------------</P><P>消息:</P><P>Reported by Thunder on Fish\'s show today from a supposed source within the MAVS organization:</P><P>The Sonics have put out the following proposal to the Mavs:</P><P>Michael Finley
Marquis Daniels
$3.0 million</P><P>for </P><P>Ray Allen</P><P>Also according to Thunder, the Mavs are balking at this</P><P>The deal Allen is reportedly looking for is 5 yrs - $80M, and that of course would be all that the Mavs would pay him. Without doing the math details, that is a first year salary before raises of around $15M. (Note that a deal that starts bigger than about $15M is going to be larger than the max, with some minor tweaks depending on prior salary.)</P><P>But the deal doesnt have to match anyhow. Seattle would be able to take back a boatload of extra salary if they were willing, cause it\'s almost a certainty they will be far under the cap with all their free agents. Hoopshype has them only committed for $22M in contracts next year. Dallas will be over the cap, but they would be sending away more than they get back in salary, so no problem. </P>
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-3 13:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
<><b>Eddie Sefko on the Mavericks (6/2)</b></P><>12:56 PM CDT on Thursday, June 2, 2005</P><><EM>Eddie Sefko participated in a chat with readers on Thursday, June 2, 2005. The transcript is below. </EM></P><><b>bigblue:</b> Do you see any scenario in which the Mavericks trade Dampier?
<b>Eddie Sefk</b> <U>It\'s a little-known fact that the Mavericks quietly shopped Dampier before the trade deadline. Thought they had a deal, too. Now, his value is even lower. But we\'ve learned in the past that this team can trade anybody. Nothing is out of the ordinary. But it will take swallowing their egos and admitting Dampier was a huge, $70-mil mistake. Bottom line, I think he\'ll be here next October. </U></P><><b>Jason Lustig:</b> What do you think is the overall opinion of Devin Harris within the Mavs organization? I heard Avery on some local talk shows after the season and he said Devin needed to develop into a capable backup first and then 2 or 3 years down the road they would look at him as a starter. That didn\'t sound too promising and Avery also gushed about Jason Terry and stated unequivocally that he was his guy at PG. What are your thoughts on the PG situation for next year and beyond?
<b>Eddie Sefk</b> They are either taking the pressure off Harris or unsure that his upside is as high as some people think it is, myself included. If Harris works hard in the off-season, there\'s no reason why he can\'t take a step forward. He made a lot of mistakes last season, but rookies are supposed to do that. If this guy doesn\'t become a starter within the next couple years, then the No. 5 pick was wasted, particularly when you see players like Josh Smith and J.R. Smith who were taken lower doing some nice things. </P><><b>Nick Rowder:</b> What are the moves the Mavericks need to make in the offseason? I for one am pretty happy with the make up of this team, and would like to see things stay the same as much as possible. I would even be in favor of signing Alan Henderson and Darrell Armstrong again because they offer good veteren quality off the bench.
<b>Eddie Sefk</b> The only flaw with keeping everything intact is that you can bank on San Antonio and Phoenix working to get better in the off-season. If the Mavericks stand completely still, they will fall behind further. <U>If I were GM, I\'d certainly see if Dampier has any value on the trade front and find a way to free up the logjam at the 2-3 positions. This year, the Mavs needed those guys because of injuries. But if they are healthy next season, it could get dicey regarding playing time. I\'d also look for a Samuel Dalembert or Steven Hunter or Tyson Chandler to give them some athleticism at center. But those guys will not come cheap. Not even Hunter, who was a bit player much of the year for Phoenix. </U></P><><b>Ted Cajacob:</b> Just wondered about your feelings about Finley. He just does not appear to be the All-Star player during playoffs as he is during the season.
<b>Eddie Sefk</b> This is the key question of the off-season. Finley doesn\'t want to be a sixth man. He still sees himself as a starter. But there is a pile of evidence working against him. Personally, he should be shoved into a backup role and left there. Yes, it will bruise his ego at first, but the long-term benefit for the team would be worth it. Plus, Finley would adapt and might figure out that he could be every bit the sixth man that Vinnie Johnson was for Detroit in their earlier glory years. </P><><b>Michael Bond:</b> What, if anything, should Avery Johnson learn from watching tapes of the Spurs - Suns series?
<b>Eddie Sefk</b> He should learn to be thankful the Mavericks didn\'t beat the Suns. It would have been even uglier for them against the Spurs. </P><><b>Bob Parker:</b> DJ seems to have great athletic ability. Is his development up to him mostly, or do the Mavs use some kind of intensive program? His potential is better than Pod\'s. He could be a great PF.
<b>Eddie Sefk</b> <U>Actually, the club believes Pavel Podkolzin is the one with the big future. He\'s bigger and has the softest touch you can imagine on 15-foot jumpers.</U> Mbenga is a world-class athlete but he has not spent enough time playing yet to grasp the NBA game. He will be a victim if the NBA imposes a lockout. He needs a full summer of working hard in Avery\'s system. But I think Podkolzin has a chance to be a backup player in the coming season, again, if he gets the chance to work this summer. </P><><b>Michael Burton:</b> Should the Mavs continue to look for a big man, and do you think they should some ow package off Michael Finley , Bradley/Damp?
<b>Eddie Sefk</b> <U>If they send Finley or Dampier on their way, you can be sure that they will have to take back some riff-raff off another team\'s roster. There\'s just too much money invested in Finley, even though it\'s only three more years no (at $51 mil). I do think they will need another big man, but the one they could have used, Nazr Mohammed, was shipped to San Antonio and seems to have found a home there. Again, Steven Hunter would be a possibility, but he\'s going to command plenty of dough, too. </U></P><P><b>Glen from Canada:</b> Can they move Bradley? Can Mbenga be any good? Will Daniels get his chance to shine like JHo?
<b>Eddie Sefk</b> <U>Well, as stated earlier, anybody can be traded. But the odds of sending Bradley are small, at best. He\'s not going to give you much consistency on the court, but the Mavericks hope they can get an occasional burst out of him that might help them win a few games. As for Mbenga, he hypnotizes with his athleticism, but he simply hasn\'t learned how to play yet. The clock is ticking on him. In Daniels\' case, if he\'s healthy, I think next season will be a breakout for him. He should be starting alongside Howard and, eventually, Devin my book, anyway. </U></P><P><b>EG:</b> You talk to Nellie since the playoffs ended? I\'d love to know what he thought of the Mavs\' playoff effort.
<b>Eddie Sefk</b> Had lunch with the Godfather just the other day. He thought the Mavericks did about what they should have done in the playoffs, although he did make a suggestion to the Mavericks on how to play Steve Nash, a tactic that the Spurs used considerably in the conference finals. Nelson\'s involvement in the team is going to be lessened as time goes on. He is not involved in major decision making anymore. </P><P><b>dahveed:</b> if they tried to get rid of damp, that means they have other guys in mind. who do you think can fill the 5 spot?
<b>Eddie Sefk</b> Well, one of the guys they would have traded for is a smaller, but more athletic center. Still, the trend around the league is to get smaller and quicker at center, since there\'s only one Shaq and one Yao Ming. The Mavericks don\'t necessarily need a heavy lifter at center. They simply need somebody who can get a tough rebound and not gripe when he doesn\'t get plays called for him. </P><P><b>EG:</b> I\'m not saying the Mavs are better than PHX, but I think they matched up with SA way better than the Suns. What say you?
<b>Eddie Sefk</b> I say that if Joe Johnson had been healthy the whole series, the Suns and Spurs might still be playing. Still think the Spurs would win. But Phoenix didn\'t win 62 games by accident. The Mavericks would not have given the Spurs a serious series. They might have won a game, but no more. Remember, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili annihilated Steve Nash and Co. They would have done the same, if not worse, to the Mavericks\' backcourt. </P>
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-7 11:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
</b><>鉴于AJ说特里会是首发PG,如果没有交易,或者轮不到2号位的交易,到夏训营开始时还是这三个SG,您认为应该让谁首发呢?这是他们04-05赛季首发场次的场均数据,以资参考。别忘了给出您的理由。</P><><B>首发数据(场均)</B></P><>芬利(64场):36.8分钟15.7分(命中率42.7%)4.10篮板(0.70前)2.60助攻<B>0.94失误(助攻/失误:2.77)</B>0.75抢断0.26盖帽</P><>丹尼尔斯(17场):32.8分钟13.4分<B>(命中率45.0%)5.50篮板(2.30前)3.40助攻</B>1.70失误(助攻/失误:2.00)<B>1.82抢断0.47盖帽</B></P><>斯塔克豪斯(7场):<B>39.9分钟17.0分</B>(命中率37.3%)5.28篮板(0.71前)1.71助攻0.94失误(助攻/失误:0.75)1.71抢断0.14盖帽</P><>芬利的弱点可能正是另两人的强项,所以可以相互弥补,至少我非常看重他的AST/TO Ratio(丹尼尔斯的失误倾向真让我害怕),可是一想到他不时陷入得分荒我就头打。</P><>我一定不会让命中率低于40%的斯塔克豪斯首发,尽管他能得分,但到时候就会知道这有多疼了~~</P><>如果丹尼尔斯没有一个伤病缠身的赛季,没有被AJ“遗弃”,他的状态和数据可能会更好些。但是很遗憾,他没有向霍华德那样得到机会表现,以至最美好的回忆还停留在上上赛季的“昙花一现”。所以我无法仅出于美好的希望就让他首发,或者,我宁愿在季前赛时看看他恢复得怎样再做选择。</P>
yohjif 发表于 2005-6-7 20:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
超级巴拉凯 发表于 2005-6-8 11:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-9 11:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
<><b>夺冠or下课?AJ军要前进</b></P><>译者:Irkie</P><>13年前,拉里·布朗、格雷格·波波维奇和艾弗里·约翰逊同在圣安东尼奥。92年,布朗是马刺主帅,波波是助教,AJ则是替补PG,三人关系密切~~</P><>眼下,布朗率领卫冕冠军迎接拥有2枚冠军戒指的波波军的挑战。AJ坐山观虎斗,反正只能有一个功勋教练往手上再添一枚戒指。</P><>赛季结束后,AJ就表示,合同到期(还有三年保障)前要为达拉斯赢得总冠军,否则听任老板处置。要知道,新教练总有一番宏图大志,挣钱倒显得次要,加上夺冠那才叫双赢。刚从佛罗里达度假回来的AJ再次表示对牛的体系很满意有信心~~</P><>库班也投桃报李(当然我相信他是真心的)。我们都喜欢AJ这样公开、坦诚地表达志向,教练的主动能调动队员的积极性,还能要求更多吗?</P><>AJ下个月要到拉斯维加斯执教牛夏季联赛球队,然后着手找两个新助教。他是亲力亲为型的,助的是自己的教,当然要亲自找。</P><>马刺是AJ的娘家,感情自不一般,向马刺学习也是公开的秘密。牛比去年进了一步闯到西部半决赛,可是要达到马刺、活塞的水准不做点儿牺牲是甭想的。AJ对此很清楚,可能你离此不远,但要想跨过去完成飞越可没那么容易。</P><>所以AJ一再强调,大换血对这支牛不是好办法,缝缝补补是他夏天的目标,争取在夏训营开始前完成。司机是他铁打的主心骨,小变动在他周围进行。</P><>AJ讨厌退步。你可以说缩拳是为了更好地出拳,退一步海阔天空~~可有时候你就再也进步不了了。所以要想至少保住今天的位置,就必须前进前进进。</P><P>----------------------------------------------------------------</P><P><b>Johnson believes title is within Mavs\' reach</b></P><P>Posted on Wed, Jun. 08, 2005</P><P>By Art Garcia</P><P>Star-Telegram Staff Writer</P><P>


Avery Johnson has never been shy about expressing an opinion and says he welcomes the pressure of having to win a title or lose his job. </P><P>They were all together in San Antonio 13 years ago -- Larry Brown, Gregg Popovich and Avery Johnson.</P><P>\"Back in \'92, Larry was the head coach, Pop was an assistant, and I was a backup point guard,\" Johnson said Tuesday, fresh off a family vacation in Florida. \"If somebody found that picture, it would be a great picture to show of three guys that are now head coaches. Those guys spent a lot of time together. Just as close as Pop is to Larry, I am to Pop.\"</P><P>NBA coaches are an exclusive fraternity, though Brown and Popovich reside in an even more elite sect. They\'ve each won NBA titles, and one is poised to add to his personal trophy case in the next couple of weeks.</P><P>Brown\'s Detroit Pistons are defending their championship against Popovich\'s Spurs in the NBA Finals, which begin Thursday in San Antonio. The Spurs won the 1999 and 2003 titles under Popovich.</P><P>Johnson expects to join the title-toting club before his contract with the Mavericks expires. If not, he has no problem with owner Mark Cuban looking for another coach. Johnson said as much shortly after the season ended, and he\'s not changing his tune now.</P><P>\"I\'m all right with that. I\'m secure with that,\" said Johnson, whose contract has three guaranteed years with an option for a fourth season. \"Mark and I have the same vision. It\'s a pretty good team that we have here, and I think that\'s the window of opportunity. I don\'t have a problem with that.</P><P>\"I\'m not going to be held hostage by just trying to make money in the NBA. I made my money. I\'ve been on both sides. More than winning a championship, Mark has to be satisfied with the system and the job I\'m doing.\"</P><P>Cuban called the win-it-all-in-two-years-or-fire-me vow vintage Johnson.</P><P>\"I love AJ,\" Cuban said. \"He is a warrior, and so committed to success. He puts winning above politics and everything else, and puts in as many hours as it takes. I can\'t ask for anything more.\"</P><P>Johnson is making sure his influence extends throughout the organization. He\'s closely monitoring the team\'s scouting efforts leading up to the draft later this month, though the Mavs don\'t have a pick in either of the two rounds. He\'ll be coaching the Mavs\' summer league team in Las Vegas next month if there isn\'t a lockout. And he\'s in the process of hiring two new assistants.</P><P>\"I like to have my hands on stuff,\" Johnson said. \"I don\'t think I can ever be a hands-off coach. We need to get that straight right now. I\'ll be a part of the process. Why wouldn\'t I want to be a part of it?\"</P><P>The end of the process leads to where Popovich and Brown are today. The Mavs took a step this season by reaching the Western Conference semifinals, but getting to the level of the Spurs and Pistons won\'t come without sacrifice.</P><P>\"We\'re not far, but to get to that level takes a serious commitment and serious level of concentration,\" Johnson said. \"It takes strong chemistry. You may not be that far away from that level, but that jump is a lot harder.\"</P><P>Johnson reiterated the mantra heard often since the end of the season: Stay the course. Minor roster changes are obviously in the works before training camp, but Johnson is committed to going forward with the same core group led by Dirk Nowitzki.</P><P>\"All of the programs that I\'ve been in that have been successful have always tweaked,\" Johnson said. \"I\'m convinced that what we have is good. You can\'t keep overhauling.</P><P>\"I\'m much more nervous about going backward. You can say that sometimes you have to go backwards to move forward. Sometimes you never move forward. You can have a better chance of moving forward staying where you are.\"</P>
克尼马 发表于 2005-6-9 12:34:00 | 显示全部楼层


<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>Irkie</I>在2005-6-9 11:49:00的发言:</B>

 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-9 17:30:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-10 12:32:00 | 显示全部楼层
<><b>特里在05-06赛季的三种可能角色</b></P><>译者:Irkie</P><>其实很简单,大家都知道~~</P><>角色一:没有变化。特里仍然打PG,主要因为他在夏天经过训练,更能胜任PG的工作了,组织进攻、传球、和司机的配合、防挡拆,等等。当然,他也可能还那样,牛就不得不再去寻找别的组织者(“组织前锋”怎么样?),但是那样的特里就不是我们熟悉的特里了。他有理由去改进,因为他是最愿意留在牛的队员之一,他对牛心存感激(鹰-&gt;牛)。在AJ的调教下,即使他不能在每方面都进步,哪怕只改进其中的几项,就已经足够去赢得又一个50、55甚至58场胜利的常规赛了。改进得越全面,好处就能越持久——对季后赛而言。</P><>角色二:改打2号位。SG更能成全特里的进攻能力,他能成为一个会传球、会控球的SG。但他并不是理想的2号位人选,篮板、防守对方摇摆人(受身高限制)都毫无优势可言。另一个问题,与他无关,是老芬如何能痛快地从第二人降为第八人,对大斯、小丹也有同样疑问。所以就想到了第三种可能……</P><>角色三:让位小哈。第五顺位选来的孩子从首发沦为铁打板凳,即使让老阿姆上也不让他上,特别是季后赛。对下赛季来说,这种可能也许是最好的,对长远更是。小哈打首发PG,身高足够防守,速度能追得上任何人,有finisher潜质还能扣篮,算是个天生的进攻发起者,知道给司机喂球,当然需要多多磨练外加懂得如何减速来提高组织、传球质量。(偷想下,司机、老丹、小霍、小丹/大斯、小哈这样的阵容防守不错吧,是不是又向马刺师进了一步?)再说回特里,他会成为又一个小范,在1、2号位之间游荡替补,也许委屈他了但是想想小范便可以想像,亮点不会少,效果不会差。</P><>虽然AJ说小哈还没准备好,但老尼早就说过小哈必须准备好。AJ现在的主张是保持稳定,所以教练自然会说特里仍然首发,不过到时候的事儿谁知道呢?</P><>----------------------------------------------------</P><><b>We give you three Jason Terry-in-2005-06 scenarios:
<b>SCENARIO 1:</b> Nothing changes. JET wins the PG job, in large part because he spent the summer better understanding how to be a distributor, how to set up Dirk Nowitzki in the UberMan’s comfort zone, how to rub off the screen-and-roll. He does all this because he is among the most Happy-To-Be-Here Mavs, a guy who appreciates being rescued from the hellish Hawks. </P><>Conceivably, Jason could leave his game unchanged and the Mavs could ask someone else to be the distributor (“point forward,‘ anyone?) But being unwilling to develop isn’t the JET we know. If Terry accomplishes all the above -- and in coach Avery Johnson’s intended blueprint, he will -- the Mavs are a team substantially more equipped to succeed in the postseason. And frankly, even if he doesn’t accomplish all of the above, he’s the quarterback of a team quite prepared to win another 50, 55, 58 games in the regular season. </P><P>So how substandard can he be? </P><P><b>SCENARIO 2:</b> Terry somehow ends up at the 2. Playing the off-guard would better suit him offensively; he’d become a great passing 2 guard, a great ballhandling 2 guard, and he already is a big-time scorer at whatever position he plays. </P><P>Terry would not, however, be ideal defensively at the 2. JET as a rebounder doesn’t make much sense. JET trying to cover swingman types who are half-a-foot taller than he is doesn’t make much sense. </P><P>And then there is the issue of whether he would start at the 2, and it’s an entirely different question. That’s Michael Finley’s baby (is Fin really going to slide from being the No. 2 guy to the No. 8 guy in the rotation without a fuss?, and both Jerry Stackhouse and Marquis Daniels figure in here somewhere as well. </P><P>Which brings us to. … </P><P><b>SCENARIO 3:</b> And this is all about Devin Harris. </P><P>Harris is likely to be the most prized rookie the Mavs acquire in quite some time. The fifth player taken overall, he was initially going to be Steve Nash’s caddy. Then, when Nash left, the rookie was slated to start in front of summer newcomer Terry. Then coach Don Nelson backed off that, and by the time Terry had won the job back (with oldster Darrell Armstrong even getting regular-season starts and minutes), Devin was buried. </P><P>It happened again in the postseason. JET got all the minutes, DA got what was left over, and Devin. … might as well paid for his seat. </P><P>For next year, Scenario 3 is the best of all. Devin starts, gives Dallas a “pure’’ point guard who is long enough to play defense, quick enough to handle most anybody, a finisher who can dunk, a natural distributor who can take the assist load off Dirk. </P><P>(An aside: What if Dirk was joined in the starting lineup by defensively-skilled cohorts Erick Dampier, Josh Howard, Marquis Daniels or Jerry Stackhouse and Devin Harris? Would that be a step toward Spur-dom?) </P><P>Terry then fights for a top job at another position, and maybe settles into a Nick Van Exel-type role (right up to the headbanded-and-shaved melon) where he backs up at both the 1 and 2. </P><P>Avery says Harris isn’t ready for that. Nellie has suggested that Harris MUST get ready for it. </P>
yohjif 发表于 2005-6-10 13:13:00 | 显示全部楼层
克尼马 发表于 2005-6-12 12:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>Irkie</I>在2005-6-9 17:30:00的发言:</B>

 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-15 14:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
<><b>拒绝旅行专心备战 库班再次挑战裁判</b></P><>第三场总决赛上,斯特恩宣布将有4支NBA球队于明后两年赴欧洲四城市办训练营,并和欧洲联赛卫冕冠军及亚军打一个在五城市举办的锦标赛暨季前赛。参加活动的球队和城市名单儿要到十月份儿才能确定。他还透露打算到巴黎办全明星赛,此外,联盟正在考虑于明年到中国和拉美打表演赛。</P><>以上这些暂时与小牛无关,因为库班在前一天表示,现在不是合适的时机。尽管他觉得国际市场的推广很好,但是训练营只有30天,对亟待和AJ磨合的小牛来说太短了。因此,任何会占用季前训练磨合时间的事儿库班都会拒绝。</P><>库班blog:拉里·布朗在第二场总决赛后说,今年季后赛,Danny Crawford或Ron Garretson执法的比赛活塞1胜7负。当然这只是巧合,Danny Crawford执法的季后赛,小牛还0胜8负呢~~库班列出了2001年重返季后赛之后的季后赛被执法战绩,注意,只列出了现役裁判,退休的就算了。上次挑战的结果是blog日志被迫删除,这次不知能存活几天……</P>
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