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 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-16 13:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-17 13:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
<b>“大个儿”谎言</b><>NBA的大个儿给了我们三个教训:1)联盟不相信小球;2)超级中锋紧缺的年代,囤积大个儿不嫌多;3)即使貌似埃里克·丹皮尔这样的中锋也值那么多钱。</P><><B>大个儿赢冠军</B></P><>NBA一直是大个儿的联盟。怎么才能赢?要么拥有最好的大个儿,要么找足够多的准大个儿去对付最好的大个儿。</P><>追溯NBA的历史,整个60年代和70年代早期,冠军都被拥有比尔·拉塞尔、威尔特·张伯伦、卡里姆·阿布杜-贾巴尔、比尔·沃顿等人的球队抢走了。之后,在小牛加入NBA的25年里,最激烈的竞争仍然在篮下。</P><>80年代,湖人(贾巴尔)、凯尔特人(帕里什-麦克海尔-伯德)和76人(摩西·马龙)三足鼎立。然后轮到活塞登顶并卫冕成功,他们没有最好的大个儿,却有兰比尔、罗德曼、马洪和沙利这样的准大个儿。</P><>在那以后,冠军6次被公牛夺得。光有伟大的乔丹是不够的,他们的称霸也始于赢得篮下的肉搏,没有最好的大个儿,有的是一群准大个儿。</P><>公牛时代结束后,冠军一直被大个儿球队霸占,直到去年。休斯敦靠阿基姆·奥拉朱旺两连冠,圣安东尼奥靠大卫·罗宾逊-蒂姆·邓肯先后两次问鼎,湖人更是靠沙奎尔·奥尼尔三连冠。然后又是活塞,实用的准大个儿(华莱士-华莱士-奥科-坎贝尔-威廉姆森-雷布拉卡)击败了奥尼尔和他的湖人。</P><>今年呢?大同小异。两支球队(活塞和马刺)都有足够多的大个儿和准大个儿在篮下搏杀。</P><>如果小牛想拿总冠军,他们的(准)大个儿在哪儿?小牛有丹皮尔,诺维茨基和范霍恩也能帮忙儿,但是没有更好的,所以他们需要更多人手,好有朝一日能在季后赛存活到最后。</P><><B>永远不嫌多</B></P><P>底特律活塞在拉里·布朗的调教下成为东部最好的球队之一,而且以作风强悍著称,特别是在篮下。03-04赛季,他们有入选NBA第二阵容的中锋本·华莱士,替补准大个儿还有梅米特·奥科、泽亚克·雷布拉卡、柯利斯·威廉姆森,外加被大肆吹捧的榜眼秀达科-米里西奇。别忘了03年夏天,他们还找来了老将埃尔登·坎贝尔,在转会大门儿关闭前又添入拉希德·华莱士。这样,后者打首发前锋,前者则在季后赛的一些关键时刻上场对付沙奎尔·奥尼尔,最终活塞夺得冠军。上赛季结束后,奥科和雷布拉卡成为自由球员转会走人,威廉姆森也被卖了,大个儿核心剩下华莱士-华莱士-米里西奇-坎贝尔。活塞又签来自由球员安东尼奥·麦克戴斯,赛季中用坎贝尔做筹码解决了后卫之需——后又签回坎贝尔,尽管他在队里顶多做大个儿第四人。今年季后赛,麦克戴斯成为最主要的替补大个儿,坎贝尔也在对迈阿密的比赛里有不错表现,帮助活塞击败热队晋级总决赛。</P><P>圣安东尼奥在2003年夺冠后,大卫·罗宾逊即退役,但他们还有蒂姆·邓肯、凯文·威利斯、马里克·罗斯,当年夏天又签来自由球员拉多斯拉夫·内斯特洛维奇和罗伯特·霍利。上赛季结束后,威利斯被老将托尼·马森博格取代;转会大门儿关闭前,马刺的常规赛排名已经升顶,但他们仍然换来了尼克斯的首发中锋纳兹尔·穆罕默德。现在,穆罕默德在马刺打首发中锋,成为球队季后赛的重要一员。</P><P>惟一拥有最好的大个儿的球队就是迈阿密热队了,他们有沙奎尔·奥尼尔。尽管如此,在争冠的路上,他们的总经理帕特·莱利(在湖人夺得6次冠军)还是签来了替补中锋阿朗佐·莫宁,为了支援奥尼尔。</P><P>总冠军们知道,得内线者得天下。信不信,再来一个大个儿总能帮上忙儿。</P><P><B>为什么“大好”就能赢?</B></P><P>以下几个理由可能有偏激之处,但可以解释为什么有好大个儿的球队能赢得总冠军:</P><P>1、容易进球。扣篮和上篮比跳投更容易进,越靠近篮下得分的保险系数越高,好的大个儿能让进球变得容易,还能让对手进球不容易。</P><P>2、能抢篮板。好大个儿的特点之一是能抢篮板,在难分难解的比赛里,篮板意味着地盘儿、时间和机会。</P><P>3、加强防守。在一对一的较量中,块儿头就是屏障,篮下的封盖就是一堵墙。</P><P><B>菲尼克斯太阳是“榜样”?</B></P><P>很多人说太阳就是反驳NBA“大好大于小好”公理的例证。(菲尼克斯)当地作者兰迪·加洛韦最近撰文道,小牛放弃小球太早了,太阳们正把它提升到一个新境界。但真是这样吗?</P><P>太阳一个赛季没有中锋,一直由大前锋斯塔德迈尔客串中锋,小前锋马里昂打大前锋,分卫理查德森和约翰逊分别打小前锋和分卫,控卫是纳什,主要替补是分卫杰克逊。球队成为2004-05赛季常规赛第一,在两轮季后赛的10场比赛里赢了8场。在西部半决赛对阵“大好”的马刺时,“小好”的太阳在5场比赛后败下阵来,但有一个现象值得关注:在那5场比赛里,太阳经常用一个赛季较少上场的替补中锋史蒂文·亨特替换一个分卫,得到了很好的效果,以至一些其他队的球迷开始觊觎亨特。亨特一个赛季只有12场比赛上场达到或超过20分钟,却在对马刺的5场比赛里有2场打了30分钟,整个系列赛场均打了20分钟。+/-数据显示,亨特在该系列赛太阳输球的4场比赛里打了90分钟,他在场上时太阳+14,他不在场上时太阳-40。</P><P>“小好”球队可以在常规赛击败一般的对手,但太阳应该能发现(就像以前的小牛、国王等球队一样),季后赛还是篮下大个儿的地盘儿。自2002-03赛季的巅峰以后,小牛逐渐放弃了小球理念,开始寻找在篮下的地位,向传统型转变。那太阳呢,被吹捧为“革命性”的小球旋风会不会也寻求“复辟”之路呢?到时候,或许他们也会寻找一个……埃里克·丹皮尔型的球员。</P><P><B>大个儿不便宜</B></P><P>很多牛迷都对埃里克·丹皮尔的合同“大惊小怪”,一直耿耿于怀,但如果他们去看看NBA的中锋榜可能会更吃惊,因为丹皮尔就值那么多钱。</P><P>下表列出了2004-05赛季场均至少8分8篮板的大个儿和他们的年薪,从中可以看到,除了在新秀合同(RC)下的球员——他们的薪水和选修位置挂钩儿而与表现无关,管用的大个儿真是NBA的“贵族”。</P><P><B>POS.....NAME .......SALARY 2004-05</B>
C .......Shaquille O\'Neal ...27.7
PF .....Chris Webber ...17.5
PF .....Kevin Garnett ...16.0
PF .....Jermaine O\'Neal ...14.8
PF .....Antoine Walker ...14.6
C .......Zydrunas Ilgauskas ...14.6
C/PF ..Tim Duncan ...14.3
PF .....Dirk Nowitzki ...12.6
PF .....Elton Brand ...12.1
SF(PF) ..Shawn Marion ...11.3
PF .....Carlos Boozer ...11.0
PF .....Lamar Odom ...10.5
C/PF.. Rasheed Wallace ...9.7
C/PF.. Marcus Camby ...8.5
C .......Jamaal Magloire ...8.5
C/PF ..P.J. Brown ...8.0
C/PF ..Brad Miller ...7.9
C .......Erick Dampier ...7.7
C .......Ben Wallace ...7.0
C/PF.. Kurt Thomas ...5.9 </P><P>C/PF ..Emeka Okafor ...RC
PF .....Troy Murphy ...RC
C .......Dwight Howard ...RC
C/PF ..Tyson Chandler ...RC
PF .....Zach Randolph ...RC
PF .....Drew Gooden ...RC
PF .....Udonis Haslem ...RC
C/PF ..Amare Stoudemire ...RC
C/PF ..Chris Bosh ....RC
C .......Yao Ming ...RC </P><P>如果把大前锋和在新秀合同下的球员去掉,剩下的就是2004-05赛季场均至少8分8篮板的NBA中锋的“价格表”了。这样看来,丹皮尔不算贵,甚至可以算是“便宜货”。</P><P>C .......Shaquille O\'Neal ...27.7M
C .......Zydrunas Ilgauskas ...14.6
C/PF ..Tim Duncan ...14.3
C/PF ..Rasheed Wallace ...9.7
C/PF.. Marcus Camby ...8.5
C .......Jamaal Magloire ...8.5
C/PF.. P.J. Brown ...8.0
C/PF.. Brad Miller ...7.9
C .......Erick Dampier ...7.7
C....... Ben Wallace ...7.0
C/PF.. Kurt Thomas ...5.9 </P><P>比较之下,本·华莱士的身价儿可委屈他了,除了他,丹皮尔只比柯特·托马斯(比丹皮尔大3岁,矮3英寸,轻40磅)贵,而比其他人都便宜。</P><P>那么问题何在?丹皮尔7千万美元的合同到了第4、第5或第7年可能会是值得争论的问题,但就2004-05赛季来说,他的年薪是正常值。</P><P><B>小牛怎么办?</B></P><P>由前所述可知,小牛需要大个儿,可是有必要像《达拉斯晨报》的埃迪·塞弗科最近写的那样,摆脱丹皮尔和他的合同吗?</P><P>用不着。刚才已经列出来了,丹皮尔不算太贵,更何况他已经在这儿了,所以问题不是他的去留——是小牛需要他的“同胞”。</P><P>回顾一下,小牛确实在转会大门儿关闭前找来了一个被定义为“投手”的替补,但他其实够个儿了,可以打中锋/前锋,他就是基思·范霍恩,不是很典型的“大个儿”,但足有6英尺10英寸高。如果这世界没有伤病,丹皮尔/诺维茨基/范霍恩的三人组合可以击败大部分对手。不幸的是,范霍恩在季后赛伤了,丹皮尔则陷入了犯规麻烦,三人组的效果就不用说了。</P><P>那还剩下什么选择?最简单的就是和阿兰·亨德森续约,这个老将有经验,有体力,还不计较上场时间,和他续约没什么坏处。</P><P>此外,无论如何,小牛需要更多的大个儿——尤其是中锋。丹皮尔只要能留在场上就还是有用的,但他是小牛季后赛惟一可以用的中锋,在场上还老呆不住。布拉德利、波德科尔金和姆本佳名义上是替补中锋,其实没一个能在季后赛帮上忙儿。小牛需要真正的替补中锋,不能老指望实际上是大前锋的诺维茨基、范霍恩和亨德森客串。</P><P>现有的3个替补(布拉德利、波德科尔金和姆本佳)能不能在下赛季派上用场呢?悬。如果不能,那就学习这些天正在争冠的球队吧,小牛也找一个大个儿——不是换掉现有的,是补强。</P><P>别的不说,至少在遇到这条规矩时,小牛和其他竞争者无二:大个儿不嫌多。</P><P>--------------------------------------------------------------</P><P>原文:</P><P><B>The Big Lies  </B></P><P><B>Center Stuff You Thought You Knew  </B></P><P>By David Lord -- </P><P>Three NBA big-man lessons we all need to learn: 1) This will never be a SmallBall league; 2) Short of employing one superstar center, teams need to stockpile an army of them; and 3) Shockingly, even a center as seemingly middlin’ as Erick Dampier is anything but overpaid. </P><P>An expanded look at the above points, with Damp’s quite-acceptable salary offered as the cherry on top: </P><P><B>WINNING A TITLE TAKES BIG MEN</B> </P><P>The NBA has always been a big man\'s league. How do you win? You either have to have the best big man in the game, or you have to find enough rugged big guys to overcome him. </P><P>Going back in NBA history, through the 60s and early 70s, titles were won by teams that had players like Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Bill Walton, and so on. Moving to more recent times, in the 25 years since the Mavs have been in the NBA, it is still all about winning the battle near the basket. </P><P>In the 80s, it was a 3-way battle between the Lakers (with Kareem), the Celtics (Parrish-McHale-Bird), and the 76ers (Moses Malone). Then the Pistons found a way to climb to the top and win back-to-back without one of the elite centers, by employing a rugged rotation using players like Laimbeer, Rodman, Mahorn, and Salley. </P><P>After that, there were lots of titles won by the Bulls. But with Jordan\'s greatness on those teams, they only began to win titles when they got enough muscle in the middle to get past the teams with strong inside games. In winning 6 titles, they had a whole string of effective big men. None were elite players, but they were rugged and effective. </P><P>Outside the Bulls\' wins, the title has been won ever since by teams with elite big men, until last year. Houston won back-to-back behind Akeem Olajuwon. San Antonio won twice with the David Robinson-Tim Duncan tandem. The Lakers won 3 in a row with Shaquille O\'Neal. Then the Pistons won again by gathering a whole slew of effective big men (Wallace-Wallace-Okur-Campbell-Williamson-Rebraca) who were able to beat Shaq and the Lakers. </P><P>This year? It is more of the same. Two teams (the Pistons and Spurs) with scads of big men, battling for the area around the basket. </P><P>If the Mavs want to win a title, where are they? On their list of rugged big men, they have Dampier. Nowitzki and Van Horn help a bit. But since they lack the elite center, they need much more, if they want to some day be able to hold their own game after game through the grind of the playoffs and emerge with a title. </P><P><B>YOU ALWAYS NEED MORE</B> </P><P>The Detroit Pistons under Larry Brown have been one of the better teams in the Eastern Conference and noted for their physical play, especially in the interior. Going into 03-04, they had an all-NBA center in Ben Wallace, complemented by a whole slew of valued big men: Mehmet Okur, Zeljko Rebraca, and Corliss Williamson, along with highly touted rookie Darco Milicic. Nevertheless, in the summer of 03, they added veteran big man Elden Campbell to the mix. Then at the trading deadline, they added another big man in Rasheed Wallace. Wallace became the starter at PF, Campbell played some key minutes against Shaquille O\'Neal in the playoffs, and the Pistons won a title. </P><P>After the season ended, they lost Okur and Rebraca to free agency, and Williamson was also traded. That left a returning core of Wallace-Wallace-Milicic-Campbell. Again they added another big man in free agency, Antonio McDyess. During the season, they traded away Campbell for guard help - and then reacquired him, even though he was going to be no higher than the 4th big man in the playoff rotation at best. In their playoff run to the Finals, McDyess has been the key backup big man, and Campbell contributed some nice minutes against Miami that allowed the Pistons to defeat the Heat and advance. </P><P>The San Antonio Spurs won a title in 2003, and then big man David Robinson retired. They still had Tim Duncan, Kevin Willis, and Malik Rose. Yet they added inside big men Rasho Nesterovic and Robert Horry in free agency that summer. </P><P>After the season ended, Willis was not retained, replaced by veteran Tony Massenburg. At the trade deadline, the Spurs were already at the top of the standings, yet traded for the Knicks starting center, Nazr Mohammed. Mohammed became the Spurs starter in the middle and has been a key component in the Spurs\' playoff success this year. </P><P>The one team that clearly has a dominant big man is the Miami Heat, with Shaquille O\'Neal. In their quest for a title, who did GM Pat Riley (who won 6 titles with the Lakers) sign down the stretch? Backup big man Alonzo Mourning, to complement and bolster Shaq. </P><P>Those that win titles understand the priority: you have to be strong enough near the basket, and deep enough in big men, to get through the playoffs and to win a title. Another big man always helps. </P><P><B>WHY DOES BEING BIG-AND-GOOD WIN TITLES?</B> </P><P>We offer a few logical (maybe even ultra-obvious) ideas to explain the reason why success seems to follow teams that are good in their big man lineup: </P><P>1. EASIER SHOTS. Dunks and layups are more reliable than jump shots. The team that has better big men will generally be able to get more easy shots, and at the same time prevent the other team from getting those same shots. </P><P>2. REBOUNDS. Better big men will typically outrebound the other team, offering more possessions. In tight games, every edge is crucial. </P><P>3. DEFENSE. A size disadvantage offers a natural handicap, both in man-to-man matchups and in help-defense, when everything can be funneled toward a shot-blocker or a stopper. </P><P><B>THE PHOENIX SUNS\' EXAMPLE</B> </P><P>Many have cited the Suns as the team that is disproving the NBA\'s long-accepted axiom that \"big and good is better than small and good.\" Local opinion-maker Randy Galloway recently wrote that the Mavs abandoned SmallBall too soon, while teams like Phoenix are heading the other way into the future. But are they? </P><P>The Suns effectively played all year without a center, utilizing a lineup with PF Stoudemire playing C, SF Marion playing PF, SGs Richardson and Johnson playing SF and SG, and PG Nash. The top backup was SG Jackson. The team led the league in wins in 2004-05 and won 8 of 10 games in the first two rounds of the playoffs. </P><P>Then they ran into the big-and-good San Antonio Spurs in the playoffs - and were handily dispatched in 5 games. But of greater interest is the following fact: in those 5 games, the Suns regularly replaced one of their SGs with seldom used backup center Steven Hunter, who rarely played in the regular season, with surprisingly effective results. Hunter, who only played 20 minutes or more in 12 games all year, played 30 minutes in two of the 5 games against the Spurs, and averaged over 20 minutes per game in that series. For those who like +/- stats, in the 90 minutes Hunter played in the Suns\' 4 losses in that series, the Suns were +14 when he was on the floor, and -40 when he sat. </P><P>Small and good can beat ordinary teams in the regular season, but the Suns found out (just like the Mavs, Kings, and so many teams before them) that the playoffs ultimately favor the team that can win the middle. Since their success in 2002-03, the Mavs have abandoned the small ball concept and moved toward a more traditional game with a stronger presence on the inside. Will the Suns, touted as \"revolutionary\" in their small ball attack, soon follow? </P><P>As we’ve said a few times before, our prediction is that someday, the Suns will seek to sign a player kind of like. ... Erick Dampier. </P><P><B>GOING BIG IS NOT CHEAP</B> </P><P>Lots of Mavs fans have had sticker shock over the price paid for Erick Dampier. But it may surprise many to find out that, when it comes to the NBA\'s going rate for centers, Dampier doesn\'t seem to be overpaid at all. </P><P>Following up on a discussion at and a list compiled by “jthig32’’ there of all the players that averaged 8 points and 8 rebounds in 2004-05, we wondered how many of those players are centers, and how much those centers are paid for that level of production. </P><P>We used the salary lists floating around the net that generally are said to be accurate, and our knowledge of how teams use their various players, and added that info to the list. Here\'s what we found: other than players who are on rookie contracts (RC) - for whom the salary is solely determined by their draft position and not their play - effective big man help is expensive in the NBA. </P><P>Here is the list of all players who produced the aforementioned 8ppg/8rpg this year, along with their position and salary: </P><P><B>POS.....NAME .......SALARY 2004-05</B>
C .......Shaquille O\'Neal ...27.7
PF .....Chris Webber ...17.5
PF .....Kevin Garnett ...16.0
PF .....Jermaine O\'Neal ...14.8
PF .....Antoine Walker ...14.6
C .......Zydrunas Ilgauskas ...14.6
C/PF ..Tim Duncan ...14.3
PF .....Dirk Nowitzki ...12.6
PF .....Elton Brand ...12.1
SF(PF) ..Shawn Marion ...11.3
PF .....Carlos Boozer ...11.0
PF .....Lamar Odom ...10.5
C/PF.. Rasheed Wallace ...9.7
C/PF.. Marcus Camby ...8.5
C .......Jamaal Magloire ...8.5
C/PF ..P.J. Brown ...8.0
C/PF ..Brad Miller ...7.9
C .......Erick Dampier ...7.7
C .......Ben Wallace ...7.0
C/PF.. Kurt Thomas ...5.9 </P><P>C/PF ..Emeka Okafor ...RC
PF .....Troy Murphy ...RC
C .......Dwight Howard ...RC
C/PF ..Tyson Chandler ...RC
PF .....Zach Randolph ...RC
PF .....Drew Gooden ...RC
PF .....Udonis Haslem ...RC
C/PF ..Amare Stoudemire ...RC
C/PF ..Chris Bosh ....RC
C .......Yao Ming ...RC </P><P>If you remove the PF\'s from the list, and remove the players on rookie contracts, you get the following \"price list\" for veteran centers in the NBA who are putting up at least 8/8. When we look at this, it is obvious that Dampier isn\'t vastly overpaid at all, and may even be a bargain in the salary structure of the NBA: </P><P>C .......Shaquille O\'Neal ...27.7M
C .......Zydrunas Ilgauskas ...14.6
C/PF ..Tim Duncan ...14.3
C/PF ..Rasheed Wallace ...9.7
C/PF.. Marcus Camby ...8.5
C .......Jamaal Magloire ...8.5
C/PF.. P.J. Brown ...8.0
C/PF.. Brad Miller ...7.9
C .......Erick Dampier ...7.7
C....... Ben Wallace ...7.0
C/PF.. Kurt Thomas ...5.9 </P><P>From that list, it is obvious that Ben Wallace is quite underpaid. Other than him, among guys that are producing, Dampier\'s deal is cheaper than anyone else\'s except Kurt Thomas (who is 3 years older, 3 inches shorter and 40 pounds lighter). </P><P>So what\'s the problem? In fairness, there might be problems to argue about in the fourth or fifth or seventh year of Damp’s $70-mil deal. But in terms of bang-for buck in the 2004-05 season, Dampier’s salary was VERY MUCH in line with others in the very exclusive club of productive centers. </P><P><B>HOW ABOUT THE MAVS?</B> </P><P>From what we have discussed above, you have to have big men. Do the Mavs need to get rid of Dampier and his contract, as The Morning News’ Eddie Sefko wrote recently? </P><P>Not hardly. As we learned above, he is paid about what it costs for one of those big guys (or maybe even a bit less), and he is already here. The problem isn’t his presence - it is that the Mavs need more of his ilk. </P><P>In what was overlooked as just another transaction, the Mavs did make a trading deadline move for a backup player who is oft regarded as \"just a shooter\" but is big enough to offer some help inside at C/PF, Keith Van Horn. He isn\'t the prototypical \"big man,\" but at 6-10 he is definitely big enough to help. In a world without injuries and fouls, a Dampier/Nowitzki/Van Horn trio would be enough to beat most teams. Unfortunately in the playoffs this year, Van Horn was hurt and Dampier was saddled with foul troubles, and what was behind that trio wasn\'t good enough. </P><P>So what are the options? An easy choice might be to re-sign Alan Henderson, who regularly provided gritty minutes and veteran knowledge of the game, along with an attitude that allowed the team to play him irregular minutes. It wouldn\'t hurt to bring him back in the same sort of role. </P><P>Beyond that, however, there still needs to be more - especially at center. Dampier certainly is a capable center when he is on the floor, but he was the only one the team felt capable of using in the playoffs. Bradley, Podkolzin, and Mbenga all are listed as backup centers, but none contributed in the playoffs, and the team needs someone other than PFs Nowitzki, Van Horn, and Henderson that they can rely on when they need another big man on the court. </P><P>Will one of the 3 backups on the roster (Bradley, Podkolzin, and Mbenga) be capable of stepping up this fall? If not, just like the teams that are playing for a title these days, the Mavs need to go get another big man - not to REPLACE all the guys that are already playing, but to ADD to them. </P><P>In at least one sense, the Mavs are no different than those other contenders: when it comes to big men, you always can use one more. </P>
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-23 14:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>受膝伤、臀伤困扰,面临手术“威胁”,大竹竿儿准备退役了,合同买断正在进行中。如果最终决定退役,他在小牛的的剩余合同将在一年后终止;如果不是退役只是离开,薪水还得有小牛付直到合同终止。</P><>这一年我们失去了好多,虽然我总是对他咬牙切齿,可这也是小型晴天霹雳,眼前模糊,心有不舍。让人牙痒痒的家伙离开后是会被想念的,我相信。大竹竿儿有了第六个孩子,祝摩门教徒一切安好。</P><>--------------------------------------------------------------------</P><><b>Sources: Center to call it quits after 12 seasons</b></P><>Updated: June 23, 2005, 1:22 AM ET</P><>By Marc Stein</P><> </P><>Dallas Mavericks center Shawn Bradley has informed the team of his intention to retire and is negotiating a buyout of his contract. </P><>Bradley and the Mavericks, according to team sources, are close to finalizing a buyout arrangement. The 33-year-old has three seasons left on his contract at $14.5 million. </P><>It\'s believed that Bradley, who struggled with knee and hip injuries this season, is leaving the game after 12 years for health and family reasons. He and wife Annette recently had their sixth child. </P><P>With Bradley possibly in need of additional surgery, Dallas is expected to forward his case to an independent doctor for review. If Bradley\'s injuries are determined to be career-ending, the balance of his contract would drop off the Dallas payroll after one season. If the injuries are not deemed career-ending, his contract remains on the Mavericks\' cap. </P><P>Bradley was the No. 2 pick of the 1993 NBA draft by Philadelphia -- between Chris Webber and Penny Hardaway -- after playing just one season at BYU and spending two years completing a Mormon mission in Australia. </P><P>Dallas was the third team that tried and failed to establish the slender Bradley as a franchise player. After two-plus seasons of unmet expectations with the 76ers and two partial seasons with New Jersey, Bradley joined the Mavericks in one of former coach-general manager Don Nelson\'s first major moves and spent the past 8&frac12; seasons in Dallas. </P><P>Bradley\'s role, though, has gradually diminshed with the Mavs. After preseason knee surgery, Bradley averaged career lows in points per game (2.7) and blocks per game (0.8) in 2004-05 and appeared in just seven of Dallas\' 13 playoff games under new coach Avery Johnson, for a total of 27 minutes. </P><P>Bradley will retire with career averages of 8.1 points, 6.3 rebounds and 2.5 blocks, having led the league in blocked shots twice. </P>
克尼马 发表于 2005-6-24 13:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
yohjif 发表于 2005-6-24 23:48:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>第六个孩子~!!<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em04.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em04.gif\" /></P><>NBA第一高人要退役了,我还是很怀念他在场上伸着长手盖帽的样子的~</P>
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-27 16:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
超级巴拉凯 发表于 2005-6-27 17:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
克尼马 发表于 2005-6-27 19:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>Irkie</I>在2005-6-27 16:09:00的发言:</B>

 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-28 14:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
<><b>Donnie on with Uncle Norm this morning
小尼答记者问(大意)</b></P><>The Run Down:</P><>1. Yes, they considered waiving Fin, but they thought they could sign him back for the min...NOT. So now they\'re not sure, but it\'s still possible.
小牛本打算先放弃老芬,再以合适的低些的合同把他签回来,可是规则似乎不允许,但是现在仍保留着这种可能性。</P><>2. They expect Harris will push Terry \"this training camp\" for the starting PG job. He\'ll be in Summer League.
小哈会参加夏季联赛(好像特里也参加),挖掘潜力,好好表现,看看他有没有机会代替特里成为下赛季的首发PG。</P><>3. He thinks DJ and Pavel are very promising, and is excited that they can stash either one or both in the D League until needed. Summer league should give us a good idea on their progress and what they have this year, if anything.
夏季联赛也是考察DJ(刚果中锋)、PP(俄罗斯中锋)的机会,看他们的进步程度以定下赛季的场上命运。</P><>4. Marquis Daniels has a nice skill set and Avery likes him, just didn\'t have time to work him in after injuries and AJ taking over. Should be productive this year. (May be in Summer League too).
AJ喜欢小丹,松口气,AJ喜欢小丹的本事。上赛季他伤病太多,后来就没时间来考察他了,下赛季应该能更有贡献。可能会参加夏季联赛。</P><>5. Stack should be OK with the backup role if that\'s what they do with him...but left open the possibility of him starting.
大斯OK,如果要他替补,他应该没问题,但是也不排除让他首发的可能。</P><>6. They are looking at the draft very closely, cuz they might get involved with a trade or something.
密切关注选秀中……可能会有什么行动,当然是交易形式。</P><>7. He expects that several teams will waive high-priced players, so there will be several FA\'s out there to sign for the minimum to get back some value if they waive Finley. (If you think about it, why would the owners ask for this one-time waiver clause if they weren\'t expecting to use it).
据推测,会有几支队用新劳资合同放弃个别高薪球员,这样自由球员市场会多些低价选择,如果真的放弃老芬的话。</P><>8. Also, the waiver has to be excercised BEFORE the beginning of THIS I\'ll bet you\'ll see some scrambling going on right as the season gets started. (I wish that was a month before the season starts to allow these new players to get used to their new teammates. You can bet a team will not want to waive a guy, unless they have another guy out there to fill his spot, so everyone will wait until the last minute).
早解约早托生,来了新人能有个适应过程好磨合。可是如果想看个清楚,也不妨等到下赛季开始前再行动,这段时间看别人怎么放弃好衡量老芬的价值(也能考察状态),也许会改变主意不趟那个浑水。</P><P>9. You can only send a guy to the NBDL during his first 2 years as a the Mavs could only send Pavel, DJ, or Harris (or new draft pick), and nobody else. (I\'m not sure if there is a limit on the # of guys you can send down, and if they hold a roster spot on your team).
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-29 13:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>换不来选秀权只能作壁上观,眼光可以放到落选者身上。(附作壁上观图)</P><>马刺球探、助教Joe Prunty和AJ达成口头协议,加盟小牛做助教已成定局。</P><>大竹竿儿打算退役后继续和小牛保持亲密接触,希望终身为牛。</P><>--------------------------------------------------------------------</P><><B>Mavs have players in mind but no picks</B></P><>01:33 AM CDT on Thursday, July 28, 2005</P><>By EDDIE SEFKO / The Dallas Morning News </P><>On the eve of the NBA draft, the Mavericks wore out the cellphone until all that was left to say was, \"Can you hear me now?\" </P><>Unfortunately for them, nobody on the other end wanted to listen. </P><>While that may change before tonight\'s draft, the Mavericks were heading into it without any picks after a weekend of keeping their finger on the league\'s pulse. They traded this year\'s first-round pick to Utah to acquire Pavel Podkolzin. They traded their second-round pick in the Darrell Armstrong deal. </P><P>President of basketball operations Donnie Nelson said the Mavericks would like to get into the early portion of the second round or the latter part of the first round, but only if a specific player were to slip that far. </P><P>\"We\'re having talks, but all the deals we [are looking at] are contingent on guys being there and those teams still having those picks,\" Nelson said. \"Some nuggets could fall. But the chances of those scenarios working out usually are not very good. </P><P>\"I still think at the end of the day, we\'ll probably be sitting with the same team we\'ve got. Our best shot of getting better is from within.\" </P><P>Perhaps, but the Mavericks have talked to most of the teams near the bottom of the first round, indicating there might be a player they have targeted. </P><P>Among the possibilities: Andray Blatche (6-11 high school forward); Ersan Ilyasova (6-9 forward from Turkey); Yaroslav Korolev (6-9 forward from Russia); Johan Petro (7-0 center from France); Wayne Simien (6-9 forward from Kansas); and Chris Taft (6-10 forward from Pittsburgh). </P><P>The Mavericks would like to get Texas A&amp;M\'s Antoine Wright, although he figures to be taken by the middle of the first round. </P><P><B>Prunty added to Mavs\' staff:</B> <U>Avery Johnson said Monday he had an oral commitment from San Antonio advance scout/assistant coach Joe Prunty to join the Mavericks\' staff. </U></P><P><U>\"We haven\'t gotten a contract yet, but he\'ll be signed, sealed and delivered soon,\" Johnson said. </U></P><P><U>Prunty has been the No. 1 target for Johnson, who wants to add another coach. The other addition may not be known until early July, although it could come from the group of Paul Pressey, Lester Conner and Keith Askins, all respected NBA assistants. </U></P><P><U>Nelson said Larry Riley will be retained by the team in a role to be determined. </U></P><P><B>Harris knocks in first ace:</B> Del Harris has been an avid golfer for 52 years, and he finally reached every player\'s nirvana last week. </P><P>Harris got his first hole in one Thursday, knocking in a 6-iron shot on the 145-yard 11th hole at The Tribute Golf Club in The Colony. </P><P>The shot was witnessed by Don Nelson, who \"made a 6 on the same hole I made a 1,\" Harris said. </P><P><B>Bradley plans to keep ties to team:</B> <U>Shawn Bradley said Monday he\'s looking forward to staying with the Mavericks in some capacity after his retirement, which should become official later this summer. </U></P><P><U>\"I have a great relationship with the Mavericks,\" he said. \"I\'ll be with them hopefully for the rest of my life in a positive relationship.\" </U></P><P><U>Bradley, speaking at a promotional outing for the movie Rebound, did not talk specifically about his retirement, although he said \"it\'s possible\" he\'s played his last NBA game. </U></P><P><U>His mother, Teresa Bradley, said the retirement was decided upon weeks ago. </U></P><P><U>\"I was in the audience when the Mavs lost to the Suns in the playoffs, and I knew that was Shawn\'s last game,\" Teresa Bradley said. </U></P><P>Bradley was enlisted to promote Rebound because he believes in the movie\'s values. </P><P>\"It\'s one of those good family comedies that parents can take their kids to and not worry about a lot of inappropriate material being shown,\" the 7-6 center said. </P><P>




超级巴拉凯 发表于 2005-6-29 13:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
大竹竿以后有没有可能做解说嘉宾啊```````<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />
yytut 发表于 2005-6-29 20:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>如果芬利离开的话看来其它位置的人都可以保住了。。再拉谁来就看库班的气魄了<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /></P><>总得来说没有伤筋动骨比什么都好(虽然最大的一根骨头要抽走了,这也标志着铁三角的完结,德克新时代的开始)</P>
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-29 22:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
<><b>小牛暂时签入两名落选新秀</b></P><><b>Michael Harris</b>


大学:赖斯(休斯敦)</P><>Career: A leading candidate for the WAC Player of the Year... An explosive inside player who posesses a soft perimeter touch... Is the league抯 active career-leader with 33 double-doubles (points-rebounds)... Is currently eighth at Rice with 1,375 career-points and needs 532 to surpass Brent Scott抯 (1990-93) Rice record of 1,906... Ranks fifth all-time at Rice with 748 rebounds and needs 302 to surpass Scott抯 1,049 total.</P><>2003-04: First-team all-WAC selection... First-team all-NABC District 9... First-team USBWA all-Distritct 7... Houston Chronicle first-team all-WAC... Recipient of the team抯 Billy Wohn Award as the squad抯 Most Valuable Player... In Basketball Times, Harris was the second-highest ranked player at small forward with a .670 TENDEX rating, and 10th overall... Finished the season ranked 21st in the Power Rankings and was the highest WAC player ranked... Led the WAC and was seventh in the nation in field goal percentage (.603)... Led Rice in scoring (17.5 ppg) and rebounding (8.9 rpg)... Fourth in the WAC in scoring and third in rebounding... Second in the WAC with 13 double-doubles (pts.-rebs.)... Started all 33 games... Set a Rice junior record with 578 points... His 295 rebounds was the sixth-best in a season at Rice.. Led Owls in scoring in 20 of 33 games... Scored a career-high 30 pts. and snared a career-high 15 rebs. in win over Boise State... Coupled with his Boise State performance was named WAC Player of the Week (Jan. 12) with 19 points and 11 boards vs. UTEP... Scored second-highest point total with 29 vs. Hawaii in the WAC Tournament... Tallied 27 pts. and 14 rebs. in ESPN Bracket Buster victory over Louisiana Lafayette... Had 26 pts. and 12 rebs. in win at Lamar... Poured in 25 pts. with seven rebs. vs. #1 Connecticut... Scored 20+ points in 13 games... Named BP Top of the World Classic MVP by averaging a double-double (15.3 ppg, 11.3 rpg) in three games as Rice won the championship.</P><>2002-03: Followed up a sensational freshman season with an even better sophomore campaign... Named second team all-WAC on a vote of the league抯 head coaches... Finished fifth in all of Division I basketball in shooting percentage (.623)... Converted on 172-of-276 attempts for the second-best single-season percentage in Rice history and best by any Owl since 1966... Ranked among the WAC leaders in scoring (sixth), rebounding (fifth), blocked shots (11th), free throw percentage (12th) and shooting percentage (1st)... Scored 10 or more points in 26 of 28 games, including a career-high 25 twice in back-to-back WAC games against NIT-bound Nevada and regular season champion Fresno State... The two 25-point games, along with grabbing 19 total rebounds, earned him WAC player of the week honors (Mar. 10)... Poured in 20 or more points in a game five times... Made 10 or more field goals in a game four different times, including a career-high 11 against SMU... Was a perfect 10-for-10 from the floor against Louisiana College... Proved the shooting percentage is not all dunks and layups by hitting eight three-pointers in 17 attempts (.471)... Owns 14 three-pointers and a .412 percentage for his career from behind the arc... Tallied eight double-doubles to give him 20 for his career, the most of any active player in the WAC... Tied a career-high by pulling down 14 rebounds (twice), against Fresno State and Nevada... Steady free-throw shooter who made on 75-of-99 attempts from the line (.758)... Hit 18-of-21 charity shots during one stretch... Second on the team in blocked shots (25), giving him a career total of 60 in 57 games... Blocked five shots against Louisiana College, the most by any Owl in one game since 1995... Rejected two or more shots in a game seven times... Made 30 steals, including three in a game twice (Houston and Tulsa) to tie a career high... Matched the 30 steals with 30 assists, doubling his total from his freshman season... Passed out four assists against UTEP and had three assists three other times... Played 30 or more minutes six times, and the Owls were 4-2 in those games... Logged a season-high 33 minutes in the first and last games of the season.</P><>2001-2002: Capped a sensational first season of Division I basketball by being selected as an honorable mention freshman all-American by and as the WAC Freshman of the Year on a vote by the league抯 head coaches... ranked third in the nation for rebounds (8.6 per game) and 25th in the country for scoring (12.8 ppg) among all NCAA freshmen... ranked third in the WAC for rebounds and was also among the league抯 best in field goal percentage (second, .572), blocked shots (sixth, 1.21 bpg) and scoring (13th)... recorded 12 double-doubles on the year to tie WAC Player of the Year and NBA draft pick Melvin Ely (Fresno State) for most in the conference... registered double-figures in scoring 22 times, including 20 more points in a game three times... poured in a career-high 22 points twice to lead the Owls to wins over San Jose State and Centenary... scored 21 and grabbed 13 rebounds against NCAA Tournament-bound Hawaii... tallied 17 points and tied a career-high with 14 rebounds to lead Rice to a win at UTEP, snapping a streak of 15-straight regular season road losses... also pulled down 14 rebounds in earlier games against Baylor and Centenary... made most rebounds by a Rice freshman (249) and the 8.6 caroms per game was the most by any Owl in four years... dominating shot-blocker who recorded the third-highest single-season total at Rice (35)... rejected three shots twice, in games vs. Fresno State and Lamar... had at least one blocked shot in 24 games... inside player who passed out 15 assists and finished third on the team in steals (22)... made a career-high three steals in 15 minutes of action against NCAA Tournament-bound Tulsa before leaving the game with a broken nose... played at least 30 minutes in a game eight different times including a career-best 36 in a road win at San Jose State.</P><>High School: Averaged 26.8 points, 18.7 rebounds and 4.5 blocks per game during his senior season... shot 68 percent from the floor on his senior campaign... coached by Greg Cranfil... advanced to the third round of the state playoffs last season... named player of the year by the Central Texas Coaches Association ...selected as the District-8 3A Most Valuable Player... second-team all-state by the Texas Association of Basketball Coaches... all-region selection... Waco Tribune-Herald first-team Central Texas. </P><>ersonal: Full Name: Michael LaTrent Harris. Birthdate June 15, 1983 at Hillsboro, Texas. Parents: Wendell and Cheryl Harris (four brothers, four sisters). His cousin, Stephen Simmons, plays football at TCU. Also recruited by Baylor, Oklahoma State, Tulsa and Stephen F. Austin State. College: Wiess </P><><b>Rawle Marshall


大学:奥克兰</P><P>Ball State  
2000-01 13 0 10 21 .476 11 14 .786 0 1 .000 15 3 3 2 31 2.40
Totals 13 0 10 21 .476 11 14 .786 0 1 .000 15 3 3 2 31 2.40 </P><P>Oakland  
2002-03 28 28 178 404 .441 124 161 .770 27 106 .255 186 79 80 41 507 18.1
2003-04 30 29 182 402 .453 122 180 .678 42 108 .389 136 59 60 20 528 17.6
2004-05 32 31 210 477 .440 177 242 .731 39 132 .295 246 70 59 40 636 19.9
Totals 90 88 570 1283 .444 423 583 .726 108 346 .312 568 208 199 101 1671 18.6 </P><P>Career Highlights: Two-time All-Mid-Continent First Team selection (2003, 2005). Named Second Team All-Mid-Con in 2004. Played his final three seasons at Oakland after transferring from Ball State. Named Mid-Con’s Newcomer and Defensive Player of the Year in 2002-03. Oakland’s career leader in blocks (101). Finished 10th on the school’s all-time scoring list (1,671 points) and second in steals (229).
Senior (2004-05): Named MVP of Mid-Con Tournament, where he averaged 20 points and 11 rebounds to lead Oakland to its first Mid-Con title. Named Mid-Con Player of the Week four times. Led team in scoring (19.9 ppg), rebounding (7.7 rpg), blocks (40) and steals (59). Scored 20 or more points 19 times. Scored a career-high 31 points against Marquette. Scored 26 points against Alabama A&amp;M in the NCAA Tournament play-in game. Tallied 16 points and five rebounds in a first-round loss to eventual National Champion North Carolina. </P><P>Junior (2003-04): Second on the team in scoring (17.6 ppg) and rebounding (4.5 rpg). Led team in steals (60) and blocks (20). Was second on the squad with 42 three-pointers. Reached the 20-point mark 12 times. Scored in double figures in 27 of 30 games. Had 27 points and five steals against Missouri. Tallied 24 points and seven rebounds against Cincinnati. </P><P>Sophomore (2002-03): Selected to the National All-Defensive team by Ranked second on the team in scoring (18.1 ppg, 3rd in Mid-Con). Led the conference and ranked sixth in the nation in steals (2.9 spg). His 80 steals set the school’s single-season record. His 10 thefts at Texas A&amp;M tied for the most by a Division I player during the season and set a school record. Tied the school record for blocked shots with 41. </P><P>Freshman (2001-02): At Ball State, appeared in 13 games and averaged 2.4 points and 1.2 rebounds. </P><P>Strengths: Large wingspan, quick feet and excellent leaping ability make him a terrific defensive player. </P><P>Personal: Was the salutatorian of his senior class in high school. </P><P>---------------------------------------------------------------</P><P><b>Mavs ready to dance, can\'t find partner</b></P><P><b>Team waits through \'one of the most boring drafts\' in team history</b></P><P>01:47 AM CDT on Wednesday, June 29, 2005</P><P>By EDDIE SEFKO / The Dallas Morning News </P><P>The Mavericks had nine telephones scattered on a U-shaped table in their draft room. A high-tech calculator was at the ready to crunch whatever numbers were needed. </P><P>They were ready to wheel and deal, as usual. But there were no willing partners on this night. </P><P>\"One of the most boring drafts in Mavericks history,\" president of basketball operations Donnie Nelson said after emerging from the room. \"We had a couple things going late in the first round. But we kind of expected this day would pass without any movement.\" </P><P>This is the 26th draft in Mavericks history, but the first in which they did not own a selection. </P><P>If they\'d kept their first-round pick, rather than shipping it to Utah for center project Pavel Podkolzin last June, the Mavericks could have taken Kansas\' Wayne Simien, who was available at the 27th pick. Portland ended up taking Limas Kleiza after trading with Utah for the Mavericks\' pick. </P><P>Also on the board: Calvin Miles of Skyline High School, who went to Utah in the second round. </P><P>Things were quiet in the Mavericks\' draft room. Most teams who were willing to talk trade with the Mavericks were eager to pry away Josh Howard, Devin Harris or Marquis Daniels. </P><P>\"You have to give to get, and we weren\'t willing to put those guys out there,\" Nelson said. \"Bottom line is there wasn\'t a guy outside of the lottery who would help us win a playoff game next season.\" </P><P>And so, the Mavs turned their attention to other ways to improve. They have three avenues: </P><P>&#8226; An assortment of players who went undrafted could be on the Mavericks\' radar to sign as free agents. The Mavericks hit a jackpot with Daniels, who went undrafted two years ago. </P><P>Less than an hour after the draft, the Mavs had signed Michael Harris from Rice and Rawle Marshall from Oakland (Mich.) University to their summer league team. </P><P>\"There are no Marquis Daniels promises, but we\'re hoping we can get a couple of guys into summer camp,\" Nelson said. </P><P>A few possibilities: Alabama\'s 6-6 Kennedy Winston, North Carolina\'s 6-9 Jawad Williams and Kansas\' 6-4 Keith Langford, a North Crowley High alumnus. </P><P>&#8226; More likely, the Mavericks will wait until teams start waiving veterans under the one-time \"amnesty\" rule that is part of the new collective-bargaining agreement. </P><P>Just as the Mavs probably will waive Michael Finley to relieve luxury-tax burdens, other teams will jettison players. Among those that could be in that group: New York\'s Allan Houston, Portland\'s Reuben Patterson and Memphis\' Jason Williams or James Posey. </P><P>\"Absolutely,\" said Nelson when asked Tuesday if he expected the Mavericks to be in the mix for players who might be cut. </P><P>&#8226; The team also has a mid-level salary cap exception, likely over $5 million, to spend. And there\'s always the possibility of a trade. </P><P><b>WHO\'S ON BOARD? </b></P><P>Of the current Mavericks, 11 are penciled onto the roster expected to open training camp in October. Not expected to be with team: Free agents Darrell Armstrong and Alan Henderson, Shawn Bradley (impending retirement) and Michael Finley (expected to be waived). </P><P><b>Center  Power forward  Small forward  Shooting guard  Point guard  
</b>Erick Dampier  Dirk Nowitzki  Josh Howard  Jerry Stackhouse  Jason Terry  
Pavel Podkolzin  Keith Van Horn  Tariq Abdul-Wahad  Marquis Daniels  Devin Harris  
D.J. Mbenga  </P>
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-6-30 13:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>小牛再要两名落选新秀,本土(当地)后卫Keith Langford和波多黎各控卫Filiberto Rivera。有人说Michael Harris长得像奥卡福,Rawle Marshall长得像德怀特·霍华德。这两位呢?Langford让我想起安东尼,Rivera让我想起老米勒~</P><>这样,小牛参加锐步拉斯维加斯夏季联赛的阵容基本确定:小丹、小哈、DJ(刚果中锋)、PP(俄罗斯中锋,回国结婚去了,周日或下周一将与球队会合)、Michael Harris、Rawle Marshall、Keith Langford、Filiberto Rivera和Josh Powell(两年前曾参加过小牛夏季联赛)。</P><>……太阳官方表示对老芬有兴趣,口气俨然小牛已经和他解约,哼哼,其实小牛这儿八字儿还没一撇儿呢。昨天我还说他去哪儿哪儿就是我的第二主队,却没想到这种情况,那就恕我无情不能跟随。是回归风没流行够,还是有拾人牙慧的癖好?告诉我,芬哪儿也不会去!</P><>----------------------------</P><><B>Keith Langford


生日:1983.9.15(德州Fort Worth)
高中:North Crowley(德州Fort Worth)
2001-02 37 1 102 207 .493 79 113 .699 11 41 .268 123 54 34 12 294 7.90
2002-03 38 38 240 453 .530 101 159 .635 22 76 .289 185 75 34 31 603 15.9
2003-04 33 33 184 384 .479 105 157 .669 38 106 .358 164 114 35 19 511 15.5
2004-05 28 27 145 312 .465 83 138 .601 31 88 .352 112 79 26 6 404 14.4
Totals 136 99 671 1356 .495 368 567 .649 102 311 .328 584 322 129 68 1812 13.3 </P><>Career Highlights: Earned Second Team All-Big 12 Conference honors his junior and senior seasons. Finished collegiate career as the sixth all-time leading scorer in Kansas history with 1,812 points. Also ranks sixth all-time in minutes played (3,931) and 16th in three-point field goals made (102).
Senior (2004-05): Averaged 14.4 points and 4.0 rebounds. Missed two games late in the season due to injury. Scored 20 or more points six times and led the team in scoring in eight contests. Matched career-high with 27 points vs. Nebraska. Tallied 24 points, a season-high eight rebounds and four steals vs. Texas Tech. Scored 21 points and dished out a career-high seven assists vs. Pacific. Posted 24 points on 8-for-11 shooting vs. Louisiana-Lafayette. </P><>Junior (2003-04): Ranked second on the team in scoring (15.5 ppg), rebounding (5.0 rpg) and assists (3.5 apg). Paced team in scoring 12 times. Scored 20 or more points in six contests, hitting a season-high 24 points on three separate occasions. Sank 14 free throws on his way to 24 points vs. Villanova. Tallied 22 points, four rebounds, three assists and two steals vs. Oklahoma. Shot 9-for-10 from the field in scoring 24 points at TCU. Posted a double-double of 10 points and 10 rebounds vs. Missouri in the Big 12 Tournament. Was a finalist for the Wooden Award. </P><>Sophomore (2002-03): Averaged 15.9 points (10th in the Big 12) and 4.9 rebounds. Led the team in scoring in 10 games. Recorded season-high 27 points vs. Arizona. Registered 24 points on 10-for-11 shooting vs. UNC-Greensboro. Posted first career double-double with 17 points and 10 rebounds vs. Florida. Scored 21 points vs. Oregon. Shot 10-for-13 from the field and scored 20 points at Texas. Notched 22 points vs. Utah State in the first round of the NCAA Tournament. Scored 23 points on 11-for-14 shooting vs. Marquette in the Final Four. </P><>Freshman (2001-02): Averaged 7.9 points and 3.3 rebounds in 20.9 minutes. Scored in double figures 11 times. Posted season highs of 20 points and eight rebounds vs. Oregon in the Regional Finals of the NCAA tournament. Scored 15 points vs. Illinois in the Sweet Sixteen. Registered 19 points on 7-for-11 shooting vs. Arizona. </P><P>Strengths: Left-hander who likes to create off the dribble and slash to the basket. Finishes well at the rim. Has steadily improved his consistency with perimeter shooting. Solid defensively. </P><P>Personal: Majored in journalism. Nickname is “Freeze”. Changes shoes at halftime of games in which he has had a bad first half. Favorite movie is Above the Rim. </P><P><B>Filiberto Rivera


大学:Texas-El Paso(德州)
国籍:波多黎各</P><P>Southeastern (IA) CC  
2001-02 22 0 93 225 .413 72 107 .673 4 37 .108 70 113 52 4 262 11.9
2002-03 35 32 179 366 .489 173 208 .832 37 115 .322 83 236 90 2 568 16.2
Totals 57 0 272 591 .460 245 315 .778 41 152 .269 153 349 142 6 830 14.6 </P><P>Texas-El Paso  
2003-04 32 32 105 237 .443 113 145 .779 35 102 .343 98 152 55 2 358 11.2
2004-05 32 32 133 289 .460 116 136 .853 50 134 .373 86 229 42 4 432 13.5
Totals 64 64 238 526 .452 229 281 .815 85 236 .360 184 381 97 6 790 12.3 </P><P>Career Highlights: Named First Team All-WAC his junior and senior seasons. Ranks third on UTEP’s all-time lists in career assists (381) and free throw percentage (.815). Finished collegiate career at Texas-El Paso after playing first two seasons at Southeastern Community College in West Burlington, Iowa.
Senior (2004-05): Averaged 13.5 points while leading the WAC and ranking seventh nationally in assists (7.2 apg). Also paced the conference in free throw shooting (.853) and ranked sixth in steals (1.3 spg). Season total of 229 assists set a school record. Dished out 10 or more assists five times and posted two double-doubles. Recorded a school single-game record 18 assists versus zero turnovers vs. Louisiana Tech. Tallied 23 points and six assists at Nevada. Posted 19 points and 12 assists vs. Fresno State. Scored 21 points and grabbed a career-high seven steals at San Jose State. Registered a career-high 32 points vs. Boise State in the WAC Tournament title game. Earned WAC Tournament MVP honors. </P><P>Junior (2003-04): Averaged 11.2 points, 3.1 rebounds, 4.8 assists (third in the WAC) and 1.7 steals (fourth). Scored in double figures in 21 games. Recorded season-high 22 points at San Jose State. Tallied 14 points and eight assists vs. Rutgers. Named to the WAC All-Tournament team after averaging 9.3 points, 6.0 rebounds and 4.7 assists in three games. Registered 14 points, six assists, and a career-high nine rebounds vs. Nevada in the WAC Tournament title game. Scored 12 points and grabbed six assists vs. Maryland in the first round of the NCAA Tournament. </P><P>Sophomore (2002-03): At Southeastern CC, averaged 16.2 points and 6.7 assists. Helped lead Southeastern to a 37-1 record and a NJCAA Tournament championship. Averaged 17.4 points during the NJCAA Tournament on his way to MVP honors. Led team with 18 points in the title game vs. San Jacinto (Tex.). Set season-high with 37 points vs. Iowa Western. Named a First Team NJCAA All-American and Junior College Player of the Year. </P><P>Freshman (2001-02): Averaged 11.9 points and a team-high 5.1 assists. Ranked third on the team in scoring and led the squad in average steals. Helped team to a 25-10 overall record. </P><P>Strengths: Size, court vision and confidence make him an interesting prospect at the point guard position. Has a pass-first mentality, but has some scoring ability. </P><P>Personal: Majored in sociology. Nickname is “Juny”. Also played volleyball in high school. </P><P>-------------------------------------------------------------------------</P><P><B>Langford, Rivera to try hands with Mavs\' summer-league team</B></P><P><B>Undrafted players from Kansas, UTEP expected to join summer team </B></P><P>09:48 PM CDT on Wednesday, June 29, 2005</P><P>By EDDIE SEFKO / The Dallas Morning News </P><P>The Mavericks will have at least one high-profile local product on their summer-league team, getting a commitment from former North Crowley standout Keith Langford on Wednesday. </P><P>The 6-4 Langford was second-team all-Big 12 as a junior and senior at Kansas, where he finished in sixth on the all-time scoring list. He averaged 14.4 points last season, shooting 35 percent on 3-pointers and 46.5 percent overall. </P><P>In addition, the Mavericks expect to sign Filiberto Rivera, a 6-2 point guard from UT-El Paso. </P><P>\"We think he\'s an interesting player,\" said Donnie Nelson, president of basketball operations. \"And we always want to take care of our local guys like Keith.\" </P><P>Josh Powell, who was on the summer team two years ago, also will be on this year\'s team. The Mavericks expect to have 10 to 12 players on the team that will compete at the Reebok Las Vegas Summer League starting Wednesday. The team has an exhibition set for Saturday against the French junior team that will be playing in the Global Games. </P><P><U>Pavel Podkolzin, a 7-5, second-year center, is expected to join the team on Saturday or Sunday after getting married in Russia. </U></P><P><B>Finley draws interest:</B> <U>For the second year in a row, the Phoenix Suns may end up with one of the Mavericks\' former Big Three. </U></P><P><U>Suns officials told reporters in Phoenix that they have strong interest in Michael Finley, who is expected to be waived by the Mavericks after the new collective- bargaining agreement is finalized. </U></P><P><U>Last season, the Suns sent an entourage to visit Steve Nash on the first day free agents could talk with other teams, and it took only a few hours for Nash to agree to a deal with Phoenix. The free-agent season opens Friday, but Finley will have to wait until later in the month when the CBA is signed. </U></P><P><B>BOYS OF SUMMER </B></P><P>The Mavericks\' summer-league roster (with years of professional experience): </P><P><B>Player  Ht.  College  Exp.  
</B>Marquis Daniels  6-6  Auburn  2  
Devin Harris  6-3  Wisconsin  1  
Michael Harris  6-6  Rice  R  
Keith Langford  6-4  Kansas  R  
Rawle Marshall  6-7  Oakland (Mich.)  R  
D.J. Mbenga  7-0  None  1  
Pavel Podkolzin  7-5  None  1  
Josh Powell  6-8  N.C. State  2  
Filiberto Rivera  6-2  UT-El Paso  R  </P>
超级巴拉凯 发表于 2005-6-30 14:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
最后一位的照片可真显老啊,不是82年是28年的吧<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" />
SantaBallack 发表于 2005-6-30 15:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-7-2 13:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
<><b>先生,请给我力量</b></P><>我想起那三年,每天路过那幅油画时都会在心中默念……</P><>芬,又是以芬开头我真痛恨,因为不是好消息,我想要好消息但一切还须等。我想说从没这么为牛怕过,却还知道这是好了伤疤忘了疼。每个夏天都很怕,不是空穴来风,是站在过去跌落的悬崖旁的危机感,阴风阵阵,提醒我上世纪90年代的完整的黑色,提醒我不进则退。</P><>这是怎么了今天好像都是噩耗,或者是噩耗的前奏。昨儿下午在熊熊那儿偶见BTV6说AJ,好久没见牛了双手不禁握住,本想今儿中午看全重播却赶上电视光缆坏了,寄希望于明晨的最后一次重播。那短短的片子可以给我安全感吗?AJ的尖细嗓音已经不会让我起鸡皮疙瘩了,习惯了就会动听。跑题,我想说芬的经纪人出来表态了,如果牛放弃芬会有很多队追逐他。这我相信,他还不是没人要。经纪人,我讨厌经纪人,看看去年夏天吧……他们一出动事态就严重了,我就不能自欺说八字儿没一撇儿了,至少太阳、马刺都传出对他有兴趣!</P><>“Do the Mavs have big problems getting better players? So, who really does want to play in Dallas that is among the better players?”我想问的是,是牛不去找better players,还是better players不愿意来牛?老问题每年夏天都在问,就是得不到回答,因为我们还在寻找答案。“Damn, Raja Bell has annouced that he will sign with the Suns, because he is friends with ... Nash.”那谁,又是那谁;太阳,又是太阳。连锁反应还没结束?不得不承认,这个消息给我当头一棒,任何强敌的任何行动都会给我当头一棒,与其说担忧对手变得更强,不如说心焦。Dallas sucka,别告儿我no news is good news,狼来了太多次,不管用啦——当我想要平静时得到的是爆炸,间隙的安宁就是稳定的自欺欺人。现在不同,眼看着只出不入,哪怕是为了把人数凑齐也得给我爆啊!芬的事儿要到本月晚些时候才能有定夺,其实贝尔的也一样,可情形一个迷雾一个明朗我能不急吗?</P><>还不止这些,国米和Bobo解决了,我突然想到了Pippo,无端的。这也是棒喝,虽然之前有所担心。好像面对国王卖掉克里斯蒂,一种旁观的悲凉,潮湿涌上来努力忍回去。我的蓝色们已够让人操心,还是不要太感情用事于他人比较好。</P><>对“惊天地泣鬼神”的折腾我比较有经验,因而一直盼着安逸的“太平盛世”的到来想获得稳定,或许它正在到来,却像摄魂怪一样冰冷,吸去了我的信心,让我感到恐慌和厌恶,甚至灰心丧气。也许就是需要两种勇气,或敢于面目全非或敢于暂时原地踏步,或用这全非的面目示人或踏好点儿艰难出发,目标都一样——前进。</P><>……默念:先生,请给我力量。</P>
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-7-2 14:26:00 | 显示全部楼层
<b>小牛可能感兴趣的自由球员名单</b>(拉加·贝尔去了太阳,克里斯·安德森留守黄蜂,二人被删除)<><B>非限制性</B></P><>史蒂文·亨特 菲尼克斯太阳 C 24岁 身高7-0 场均18分钟4.6篮板3篮板
安东尼奥·丹尼尔斯 西雅图超音速 G 30岁 身高6-4 11.2分4.1助攻
杰罗姆·詹姆斯 西雅图超音速 C 30岁 身高7-1 4.9分3.5篮板
戴尔·戴维斯 印第安纳步行者 F-C 36岁 身高6-11
迪肯贝·穆托姆博 休斯敦火箭 C 39岁 身高7-2
斯特罗迈尔·斯威夫特 孟菲斯灰熊 F 25岁 身高6-10</P><><B>限制性</B></P><>泰森·钱德勒 芝加哥公牛 C 23岁 身高7-1 8分9.7篮板
埃迪·库里 芝加哥公牛 F-C 23岁 身高6-11 16.1分5.4篮板
萨缪尔·戴勒姆波特 费城76人 C 24岁 身高6-11 8.2分7.5篮板
基利·科沃尔 费城76人 F 24岁 身高6-6 职业生涯三分命中率40.1%
雷吉·埃文斯 西雅图超音速 25岁 身高6-8 9.3篮板
夸梅·布朗 华盛顿奇才 23岁 身高6-11 可能需要先签后换</P>
 楼主| Irkie 发表于 2005-7-2 22:26:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>小牛暂时签下来自南伊利诺斯大学的落选新秀Darren Brooks(G),他将代表小牛参加夏季联赛。</P><><b>Darren Brooks</b>


大学:南伊利诺斯</P><>Southern Illinois  
2000-01 2 0 0 1 .000 2 2 .000 0 0  3 0 0 0 2 1.00
2001-02 36 1 114 273 .418 66 84 .786 46 114 .404 147 75 44 17 340 9.40
2002-03 31 31 155 326 .475 55 79 .696 35 155 .304 170 103 62 18 400 12.9
2003-04 30 30 199 419 .475 59 102 .578 38 112 .339 172 82 60 21 495 16.5
2004-05 35 35 205 450 .456 77 94 .794 37 94 .394 181 150 92 21 524 15.0
Totals 134 97 673 1469 .458 259 364 .712 156 435 .359 673 410 258 77 1761 13.1 </P><>Originally an early entry candidate for the 2004 NBA Draft before withdrawing his name from consideration.
Career Highlights: Named Missouri Valley Conference Player of the Year and Defensive Player of the Year his junior and senior seasons. Finished collegiate career as the school’s all-time leader in steals (258), and also ranks in the top 10 in points (1,761, fifth), three-point field goals made (156, sixth), rebounds (673, 10th), assists (410, third) and blocked shots (77, seventh). </P><>Senior (2004-05): Led team in scoring, rebounding, assists and steals for the second consecutive season. Set school single-season records for assists (150) and steals (92). Scored 20 or more points seven times, with a career-high of 27 points vs. Murray State. Recorded four double-doubles. Scored 17 points and grabbed career-high 11 rebounds at Wichita State. Led team with 25 points on 10-for-13 shooting vs. SW Missouri State in the semifinals of the MVC Tournament. Registered 17 points and seven rebounds in the second round of the NCAA Tournament vs. Oklahoma State. </P><>Junior (2003-04): Led MVC in scoring (16.5 ppg) and also ranked in the top 10 in rebounding (eighth), assists (ninth) and steals (second). Scored in double figures in every game, with a season-high 26 points at Wisconsin-Milwaukee and vs. Montana. Named MVC Player of the Week three times. Set a school single-game record with eight steals at Drake. Led team with 25 points vs. Alabama in the first round of the NCAA Tournament. </P><>Sophomore (2002-03): Averaged 12.9 points and 5.5 rebounds in his first year as a full-time starter. Led the team in assists and steals, and ranked second in rebounding. Scored 20 or more points six times, with a season-high 25 points at Wichita State. </P><>Redshirt Freshman (2001-02): Averaged 9.4 points and 4.1 rebounds in 23.0 minutes per contest. Led the team in free throw shooting and three-point field goal percentage. Came off the bench to score 16 points vs. Georgia in the NCAA Tournament. </P><>Freshman (2000-01): Appeared in two games before making the decision to redshirt. </P><>Strengths: Cerebral player who’s comfortable at both guard spots. Solid defender who has a knack for being around the ball and making steals. </P><P>Personal: Earned a bachelor’s degree in health education. Also excelled in high school as a quarterback on the football team and a shortstop/pitcher on the baseball team. </P><P>-----------------------------------------------</P><P><b>Darren Brooks signs with Dallas Mavericks</b></P><P><b>Brooks will play for the team\'s summer league squad.  </b></P><P>July 1, 2005</P><P>By Tom Weber</P><P><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" ></A></P><P>Southern Illinois University guard Darren Brooks signed with the Dallas Mavericks of the National Basketball Association Friday and will begin playing with their summer-league team next week. </P><P>Brooks, the two-time Missouri Valley Conference player-of-the-year, will leave Monday for Long Beach, Calif., where the Mavericks will begin practice on July 6, and start playing games later next week. </P><P>\"I\'m excited, but at the same time, I know it\'s a business,\" Brooks said by phone from his home in St. Louis. \"I\'m just going to play my game and hope for the best. I just plan to work hard and not get too high or too low.\" </P><P>Brooks said the Mavericks project him as a point guard in the NBA and want to see if he can handle the position against NBA-caliber players. </P><P>\"I\'m happy Darren is getting the opportunity to show the NBA people what he can do,\" Saluki coach Chris Lowery said. \"He had his best workout with the Mavericks, so I\'m not surprised they signed him. We wish him the best.\" </P><P>Brooks was not among the 60 players drafted by the NBA last Tuesday, allowing him the opportunity to pick from several teams that offered him contracts. </P><P>\"They told me they wanted to see me again and take a longer look at me,\" Brooks said. \"I need to show them I can run the point.\" </P><P>The NBA\'s summer league is comprised mostly of rookies and players with limited league experience. The players are essentially competing against each other for the chance to vie for a spot on an NBA regular-season roster, which was recently expanded to 14 players. </P>
南部之星 发表于 2005-7-3 00:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
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