< >发信人: dyce (阿森那吉祥物), 信区: Chelsea<BR>标 题: [官网]Giles Smith: Living for the Moment<BR>发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Jan 25 00:07:28 2007), 站内<BR><BR>新闻来源:<a href=\"http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0\" target=\"_blank\" >http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0</A>,,10268~969795,00.html<BR>新闻翻译:katekui<BR>版权所有:切尔西中文网<BR><BR>蓝色的球迷恨红色的球队,是很自然的事情<BR>可是史密斯先生他真的很恨利物浦………………<BR><BR>=====<BR>It started badly but midway through a week that has fast brightened, our Wednesday columnist takes stock of the battle on two of four fronts. <BR>本周开始的时候情况很糟,可是周中的时候变得明朗多了。我们的周三专栏作家分析了四大赛事中的其中两个赛事的情况。<BR><BR>You\'ve got to love Arsenal, haven\'t you? Their little red and white shirts. Their expensive, if slightly ghostly, new stadium. Their last minute winner against Manchester United. <BR>你一定会喜欢阿森那,不是吗?他们红白相间的队服。他们昂贵的还有点可怕的新球场。他们对曼联最后一分钟的胜利。 <BR><BR>Especially their last minute winner against Manchester United. A place in our hearts forever. Well, for this week, anyway.<BR>尤其是他们对曼联最后时刻的胜利。会永远记在我们心里。至少,这个礼拜会记得。 <BR><BR>And you\'ve got to feel sorry for Liverpool. For ages they long for a league victory over the champions - absolutely ache for one, to the point where it keeps them awake at night in their longing.<BR>你也会对利物浦感到难过。多久以来,他们一直期望可以在联赛中战胜卫冕冠军-实在是太企盼了,这使得他们晚上睡不着觉都在想着这件事。 <BR><BR>And finally, by the sweat of their brow, by digging in and concentrating and plugging away as hard as they can muster, they manage it. <BR>最后,他们尽其所能,用自己眉间的汗水,努力的奋斗,万众一心和坚持不懈终于赢得了成功。 <BR><BR>True, it was against a team with no central defenders, no holding midfield player, a goalkeeper in a crash helmet and, for 70 minutes, no first-choice winger. But somehow they managed it. Hats off!<BR>对,他们的对手没有中卫可用,没有防守型中场,有一个带着安全帽的门将,70分钟的时间里没有主力边锋。但不管怎么说,他们还是成功了。向他们脱帽致敬。 <BR><BR>And then what happens? Arsenal go and beat Manchester United, and it\'s as if Liverpool\'s desperately desired victory never happened, its meaning and impact entirely expunged by that crazy little thing called time and the staggered kick-off schedule.<BR>接着怎么样了哪?阿森那客场打败了曼联,利物浦拼命渴望的一场胜利就像没发生过一样,这场胜利的意义和结果已经被一个叫做时间和赛程安排的小东西给抹掉了。 <BR><BR>Isn\'t football sometimes just brilliant beyond your wildest imaginings?<BR>足球是不是常常精彩到令你难以想象哪? <BR><BR>And just look at the instant, galvanising effect on the team, as evidenced by last night\'s cantering, paper plane-spattered, Sheva-redeeming victory over Wycombe Wanderers.<BR>看看这对我们的球队起了怎样的立竿见影的奇效吧,昨晚那场舍瓦自我救赎的对维根比的胜利就是证据。 <BR><BR>And this despite the fact that Wycombe produced what experts are already agreeing was the longest pre-match team huddle ever seen in professional football. <BR>尽管维甘比在赛前做准备工作所用的时间,已经被专家认可是职业足球有史以来最长的赛前准备。 <BR><BR>At one point it seemed as if they were trying to get the kick-off put back by 24 hours. Britney Spears has had marriages that didn\'t survive as long as that huddle.<BR>让人感觉他们恨不得比赛能再推迟24小时举行。Britney Spears(布兰尼-斯皮尔斯)的一次婚姻都没有维持过那么久。 <BR><BR>Naturally, it ill becomes a fan of a Premiership club to gloat about any aspect of a victory over a League Two side. But, after the slightly ungrateful things he said before the match about the atmosphere in our stadium, can I at least take a small moment here to mention how enjoyable it was last night to witness a total eclipse of Tommy Mooney?<BR>当然,作为一个英超俱乐部的球迷,因为对英乙球队的胜利而感到满意是不对的。但是在mooney(维甘比前锋)赛前那段对于我们球场气氛毫不留情的批评后,我可不可以花点时间提一下,昨天看到mooney的表现毫无光彩,真是让人开心啊。 <BR><BR>Much more importantly, of course, we march on to Cardiff in a campaign which, despite a month of extraordinary gloominess and anxiety, is still thrillingly alive on four fronts. <BR>最重要当然是在经过了极其黑暗和忧虑的一个月后,我们进入了联赛杯决赛,而且仍然很有希望竞争四项冠军。 <BR><BR>It put me in mind of the way in which, up at FC Dubai at the weekend, Chelsea were, as ever, royally abused by the home fans for a comparative lack of history. And you can hardly argue with that. <BR>这让我想起一件事,周末去一个迪拜人的俱乐部(利物浦)的时候,切尔西又如往常一样被主场球迷庄严的羞辱为一个没有历史的球队。这一点我们真的很难辩解。 <BR><BR>Chelsea fans can\'t, like Liverpool fans, look back into the vaults of memory and find a string of championship victories staring back up at them from a dusty cardboard box in the attic. <BR>切尔西球迷的确不能像利物浦球迷那样,可以回去寻找他们珍藏记忆的宝库,然后在阁楼的一个布满灰尘的纸盒子里找出一串串的冠军和胜利来给他们撑腰。 <BR><BR>On the plus side, though, we can look back to last season and the season before. And without having up to go up in the attic at all. <BR>但换个角度来说,我们也有上个赛季和上上个赛季可以值的回顾啊。而且不用爬到阁楼上去。 <BR><BR>And when you think about it, what good luck it is - for everyone concerned, really - to be supporting a club that is actively in the process of writing its history, rather than a club reduced to mournfully and sentimentally trading off it.<BR>但是如果你这样想,能够成为一个正在谱写历史的球队的球迷,而不是一个不得不充满感情的伤心的看着自己球队的历史逝去的球迷,该是多幸运啊-对于任何人来说都是这样的。<BR> </P>
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