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[原创]给蓝军切尔西盖个楼 3楼为视频楼

lesleygreytear 发表于 2007-5-20 09:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p></p><p></p><p><img alt=\"\" src=\"\" width=\"716\" border=\"0\" resized=\"resized\" pop=\"Click here to open new window
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lesleygreytear 发表于 2007-5-20 09:48:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><img alt=\"\" src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></p><p></p><p></p><p><img alt=\"\" src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></p><p></p><p><img alt=\"\" src=\"\" width=\"716\" border=\"0\" resized=\"resized\" pop=\"Click here to open new window
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CTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\"/></p>
lesleygreytear 发表于 2007-5-20 09:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><img alt=\"\" src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></p><p></p><p><img alt=\"\" src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></p><p><img alt=\"\" src=\"\" width=\"716\" border=\"0\" resized=\"resized\" pop=\"Click here to open new window
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CTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\"/></p><p><img alt=\"\" src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></p><p></p>
lesleygreytear 发表于 2007-5-20 09:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><img alt=\"\" src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></p><p></p><p><img alt=\"\" src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></p><p></p><p><img alt=\"\" src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></p><p><img alt=\"\" src=\"\" width=\"716\" border=\"0\" resized=\"resized\" pop=\"Click here to open new window
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CTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\"/></p><p><img alt=\"\" src=\"\" width=\"716\" border=\"0\" resized=\"resized\" pop=\"Click here to open new window
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lesleygreytear 发表于 2007-5-20 09:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
以上皆转,感谢寻图者J-shylock-T等<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" />
Auer 发表于 2007-5-20 10:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>看着我的勇士们的欢呼,心里不是一般的幸福<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /></p><p>谢谢Les MM的图</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" />
№.德到胜利 发表于 2007-5-20 14:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>chelsea ...</p><p>jose... </p><p>you are my heroes...</p><p>-------------------------------------------</p><p>to be by you side..~</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em20.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em24.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em30.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em28.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em31.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em43.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em60.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em52.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em67.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em67.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em83.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em83.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em83.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em83.gif\" />
克尼马 发表于 2007-5-20 17:46:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><img alt=\"图片点击可在新窗口打开查看\" src=\"\" border=\"0\" style=\"WIDTH: 500px; CURSOR: pointer;\"/></p><p><font size=\"2\">中间这位的表情和喜庆氛围不合拍啊!!!</font></p>
打死我都不喝 发表于 2007-5-22 17:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
St.Pons 发表于 2007-5-22 20:43:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /></p><p>满心幸福啊~~</p>
金色荣耀 发表于 2007-5-22 21:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
Confession 发表于 2007-5-22 22:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>克尼马</i>在2007-5-20 17:46:00的发言:</b><br/><p><img alt=\"图片点击可在新窗口打开查看\" src=\"\" border=\"0\" style=\"WIDTH: 500px; CURSOR: pointer;\"/></p><p><font size=\"2\">中间这位的表情和喜庆氛围不合拍啊!!!</font></p></div><p>嘿嘿,拿下祖宗杯了</p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" />,</p><p>熊穿西装好帅!<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /></p>
克尼马 发表于 2007-5-24 22:30:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font size=\"2\">切尔西官方确认首笔转会  实力派新星登陆斯坦福桥</font></p><p><a href=\"\"><font size=\"2\"></font></a><font size=\"2\"> 2007年05月23日01:39  新浪体育</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  新浪体育讯 北京时间5月23日凌晨,切尔西俱乐部宣布雷丁中场西德维尔已经确认今年夏季将自由转会至蓝军,这也是今年夏天首位正式加盟切尔西的球员。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  其实,西德维尔转会伦敦此前早有报道,这位年轻的英格兰中场也是阿森纳青训营培养出来的球员。本赛季,在联赛中他共为雷丁出场35次,攻进了4球,也是雷丁创造升班马奇迹不可或缺球员之一。在英超专家评选的最佳进球中,西德维尔在2月份攻入维拉那粒进球也获得了好评。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  另外,切尔西青睐西德维尔,其一是为了明年初的非洲杯做准备,由于届时埃辛、米克尔等非洲球员都将离开,中场必定需要人员补充;其二,英格兰中场与雷丁的合约在本赛季已经到期,切尔西引进他不需要花任何转会费。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  切尔西官方网站上也随后证实了这一消息,西德维尔此前拒绝了雷丁为其准备的一份四年合约,而他也是穆里尼奥夏季签下的第一位球员。由于本赛季在雷丁的优异表现,纽卡斯尔、埃弗顿以及阿斯顿维拉都对这位英格兰中场感兴趣。虽然主教练科佩尔曾经告诫过他来到切尔西就意味着做板等,不过最终年轻的他还是选择了斯坦福桥。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  另外据报道,穆里尼奥在接受采访时表示,今年夏天还将补充两到三名球员,锋线、后卫都会不同程度的引进新球员。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  (刘峰) </font></p><p><font size=\"2\"></font></p>
vivic 发表于 2007-5-24 23:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (待葡萄成熟透), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [新闻]Crespo set to learn fate<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Thu May 24 21:51:56 2007), 站内<br/><br/>Crespo set to learn fate<br/>By Nadia Carminati -  Created on 22 May 2007<br/><a href=\";CPID=21\" target=\"_blank\">;CPID=21</a><br/><br/>克雷斯波的经纪人已经赴伦敦与切尔西洽谈,<br/>据说切尔西方面会在5月31号以前决定是否召回大嘴。<br/>我觉得召回来不错啊,除了不应该老是做\"好人\"外,我们还会有有趣的引援记录:<br/>Alex(DC,1Euro) + Sidwell(MC,free) + Crespo(ST,Callback)<br/>总共的转会费是1欧元&lt;---听说甚至连1欧元都是Sia掏了..<br/><br/>=====<br/>ress reports suggest Hernan Crespo will learn whether his future lies at Chelsea or Internazionale sooner rather than later. <br/><br/>Crespo is on loan to the Serie A champions until the end of next season, but The Blues have the option to bring the striker back to Stamford Bridge this summer. <br/><br/>The Argentinian international has frequently stated his desire to stay at Inter next term, but Jose Mourinho recently confirmed an interest in bringing him back. <br/><br/>Crespo\'s agent Fernando Hidalgo has travelled to London for showdown talks with Chelsea officials about their plans for the former Milan man. <br/><br/>Inter and Crespo are awaiting news from the discussions, with the 31-year-old hoping that Chelsea\'s promise of him staying with the Nerazzurri stands.<br/><br/>Chelsea have until 31st May to make their final decision known to Inter.<br/>--<br/>
vivic 发表于 2007-5-24 23:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (待葡萄成熟透), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [新闻]Ballack misses qualifiers<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Thu May 24 22:00:13 2007), 站内<br/><br/>Ballack misses qualifiers<br/>By Thomas Zeh -  Created on 24 May 2007<br/><a href=\";CPID=3\" target=\"_blank\">;CPID=3</a><br/><br/>六月初的欧洲杯资格赛<br/>巴拉克虽然进入了德国队大名单,但是将由于四月份的手术而无法出战<br/>不过他会随队训练以便早日恢复。<br/>芭乐要好好休息\\(^▽^)/<br/><br/>=====<br/>Germany coach Joachim Low will not be able to call on the services of skipper Michael Ballack for the upcoming two Euro 2008 qualifiers. <br/><br/>The Chelsea midfielder is still well short of fitness having been forced to undergo an operation on the ankle he injured against Newcastle on 22nd April. <br/><br/>Ballack was forced to sit out Chelsea\'s FA Cup final win over Manchester United and the qualifiers with San Marino on 2nd June and Slovakia four days later will come too soon for the midfielder. <br/><br/>The German FA (DFB) confirmed Ballack\'s absence on their website and added Low would not be calling up a replacement. <br/><br/>Ballack will nevertheless travel to Germany\'s training camp in Herzogenaurach in order to continue his rehabilitation programme under the guidance of DFB physician Hans-Wilhelm Muller-Wohlfahrt.<br/>--
vivic 发表于 2007-5-24 23:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (待葡萄成熟透), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]SPY ON THURSDAY——HISTORY IN THE MAKING<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Thu May 24 22:10:35 2007), 站内<br/><br/>SPY ON THURSDAY——HISTORY IN THE MAKING<br/>阵地观察——历史正在创造中<br/><br/>来源:<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1029130,00.html<br/>翻译:末日重现<br/>版权:转载请注明切尔西中文网<br/><br/>================================================================================<br/>没想到连Spy的专栏都贱了起来,最近耍贱很流行吗..<br/>也好啦,在离开球场上的热血的这几个月里<br/>我们就来欣赏这口水与辱没齐飞,卢布共英镑一色的风景吧!<br/>================================================================================<br/><br/>Chelsea\'s Spy In The Camp has been bringing inside news, banter and comment for 20 years in the matchday programme, on Chelsea TV and now on the web.<br/>“阵地观察”已经出现在新闻中,在玩笑中,在“切尔西电视台”中,“比赛日”节目播映了它20年,现在我们能在网上看到它了。<br/><br/>What a dreadful Uefa Champion Clubs\' Cup Final! It was far worse than the FA Cup Final. It was full of mistakes.<br/>多么可怕透顶的欧冠决赛!比起足总杯决赛它差得远了。整个比赛充斥着失误。<br/><br/>The FA Cup Final might have been dull as an exhibition because Chelsea and Manchester United had two outstanding defences and two disciplined midfields and rarely gave away the ball unnecessarily.<br/>足总杯决赛可能已经乏味的像一场展览会了,因为切尔西和曼联是两支杰出的防守球队,他们的中场井然有序,他们极少会出现不必要的传球失误。<br/><br/>Milan and Liverpool gave it away all the time.<br/>可米兰和利物浦却老是失误。<br/><br/>I watched it on Sky and they kept saying that Liverpool bossed the first-half and were the better team. Today\'s papers say the same. Rubbish!<br/>我是在“天空体育”上看的比赛,解说员不停的在说利物浦主宰了上半场比赛,他们比米兰要好。今天的报纸也是同一口径。垃圾!<br/><br/>Liverpool\'s two best chances came from Jankulovski and Seedorf giving the ball away unpressured. Pennant and Gerrard forced good saves, but surely Lampard would have scored.<br/>因为杨科罗夫斯基和西多夫在没有任何逼抢的情况下传球失误,使利物浦赢得了最好的两个机会。彭南特和杰拉德的射门让守门员做出了精彩的扑救,不过要是换成兰帕德的话,球早就进了。<br/><br/>The first goal summed it all up. Carragher gave the ball away, Alonso fouled, and Pirlo\'s free-kick hit Inzaghi and went in. It was shocking football.<br/>第一个进球可说是失误的结晶。卡拉格传球失误,阿隆索犯规,皮尔洛主罚任意球,球打中因扎吉弹入网中。让人无语的比赛。<br/><br/>And what about Liverpool\'s goal? Milan coach Ancelotti made a substitution when defending a corner and then conceded from it. Surely that was a management error.<br/>那么利物浦的进球呢?米兰教练安切洛蒂在防守一个角球时换球员,从而导致进球。很明显这是教练的失误。<br/><br/>The FA Cup Final got panned in the media because it didn\'t have mistakes. The winning goal was a beautifully carved piece of sculpture. Admittedly, Milan\'s second was such a goal, but came only after the game had opened up as Liverpool at last went in search of an equaliser.<br/>足总杯决赛饱受媒体非议,因为两者球队没有犯错。制胜一球堪称精雕细琢。当然不得不承认,米兰的第二个进球也是如此精妙,但是在进这个球前,比赛已经渐入佳境,而利物浦正在寻求扳平比分。(不如德罗巴的进球如此惊险)<br/><br/>Liverpool now finish the season without a trophy and having to qualify for next season\'s Group stage of the Champions League.<br/>现在利物浦一无所得,下个赛季还要为冠军联赛资格拼命。<br/><br/>Arsenal and Liverpool, no trophies; Manchester United, one; Chelsea, two.<br/>阿森纳和利物浦,一个也没有,曼联,一个,切尔西,两个。(………………囧)<br/><br/>We might not have had a season of unparalleled success like before, but we have had a highly successful one, especially in contrast to Arsenal and Liverpool.<br/>这个赛季我们可能没有像前几个赛季那样取得空前的成功,但是我们还是取得了“高度的成功”,尤其在和阿森纳与利物浦比时。<br/><br/>Yesterday, I sat down with José Mourinho and recorded a half-hour interview for Chelsea TV. Some was on Blues News last night, and more will be on tonight. The whole interview goes out soon.<br/>昨天我和穆里尼奥坐在一起录制了长约半个小时的切尔西回顾,有一些已经在昨晚的蓝军新闻里播出了,今晚还会有更多。整个采访TV会很快面世。<br/><br/>He warned that Liverpool and Arsenal could both be much closer to Chelsea and Manchester United next season because they only fell well behind when giving up on the title race this year - Liverpool to concentrate on the Champions League and Arsenal to restore Henry and van Persie to full fitness.<br/>穆里尼奥警告说,利物浦和阿森纳本来都可能很接近切尔西和曼联,但是当他们放弃了今年的冠军争夺后,他们就被甩下来了。利物浦把精力放在冠军联赛上,而阿森纳则关注于亨利与范佩西的健康问题。<br/><br/>And he warned the top of the Premiership will be more competitive next season because he believes Tottenham are capable of fighting for a Champions League place.<br/>穆里尼奥警告说明年的英超之争会更激烈,因为他相信托特纳姆将有实力竞争欧冠席位。<br/><br/>He also revealed that Chelsea will look more to 4-3-3 than a midfield diamond. It is fascinating stuff, and it is full of that Mourinho belief which on the back of last night\'s match makes you look forward so much to next season.<br/>他还透露说切尔西将会更多的使用433阵形,而不是菱形中场。这很具吸引力,433凝聚了穆里尼奥的意志,在上周晚上的惊艳效果让人们在下赛季对之无限神往。<br/><br/>Surely, if Chelsea had won the Anfield penalty shoot-out, we would have beaten the Milan team of last night.<br/>当然,如果在安菲尔德换成切尔西点球胜出的话,昨晚我们定会痛宰米兰。<br/><br/>José insisted we must not get obsessed with winning the Champions League as that would be detrimental to our general winning mentality in all competitions.<br/>何塞说,我们不应该被欧冠迷住了双眼,只关心欧冠将削弱我们在各条战线上的战斗意志。<br/><br/>That\'s fair enough. But if you\'re old enough to remember that first FA Cup win in 1970, or even the first silverware for 26 years in 1997 (I\'m not old enough to have seen the first title in 1955), if you were at Bolton and then at home to Charlton to celebrate the first title for 50 years, then you\'ll know what winning this Champions League would mean.<br/>这很公平。但是如果你够老,你会记得1970年第一次赢得足总杯,甚至能记得1997年是我们26年来赢得的第一个奖杯(我还没有老到能目睹1955年的第一冠),如果当年你先去博尔顿,再回到斯坦福桥看对阵查尔顿的比赛,庆祝切尔西50年来的第一个联赛冠军,你就会知道夺得欧冠冠军对我们来说意味着什么了。<br/><br/>So, Liverpool fans: I have always had trouble with your chants of \'You have no history\'. We have great history: history of mass support, especially in the 1920s and 1930s; of glamorous star players, especially in the 1930s, 1960s, 1970s and 1990s; and in the 1970s and 1990s we have history of winning Cups including European ones.<br/>所以,利物浦的球迷:我一直对你们的那首“你没有历史”耿耿于怀。我们有伟大的过去:在上世纪20年代和30年代时,球迷无比支持我们。在30年代、60年代、70年代和90年代,我们有伟大的明星球员。而在70年代和90年代时,我们曾经夺得过包括欧洲联盟杯在内的多项冠军。<br/><br/>But, Liverpool fans, if you are to judge \'history\' on what you win: then we are making it - while you are it!<br/>但是,利物浦的球迷们,如果你只躺在功劳簿上看历史的话,那么,我们正在创造历史——而你们已经成为历史。<br/>--
vivic 发表于 2007-5-24 23:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (待葡萄成熟透), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]史密斯周中观点 –『中立者』的闷战?<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Thu May 24 22:27:26 2007), 站内<br/><br/>GILES SMITH: NO NEUTRAL TERRITORY<br/>史密斯周中观点 –『中立者』的闷战?<br/><br/>来源:<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1029144,00.html<br/>翻译:dav<br/>版权:切尔西中文网 –– 球迷论坛(<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>)<br/><br/>==============================================================================<br/>看!耍贱界的鼻祖!<br/>不过这篇评论的日期是5月23日,所以没能聊到冠军杯决战。<br/>附件是西斯廷教堂的顶部的画面,原文中有提到。<br/>==============================================================================<br/><br/>There is but one subject and one subject only for our Wednesday columnist to <br/>reflect upon this week.<br/>我们的周三专栏作家这周要表达的只有一个话题,而这亦是唯一的一个话题。<br/><br/>I\'ve heard it said a lot that the FA Cup final offered \'nothing for the <br/>neutral.\' Of course, I wasn\'t neutral at the time, and I\'m unlikely to be <br/>neutral in the future, so I\'m probably not the best person to ask about this. <br/>But for me, the way the match panned out - the unbearable and ever-increasing <br/>tension, culminating in the astonishing release of that 116th-minute goal - <br/>made for one life-changingly dramatic, eternally memorable afternoon.<br/>我听闻过有许多人说那场足总杯决赛对中立者来说是『毫无可取之处的』。当然,在比赛<br/>当时我并不是中立的,而我亦不大可能会在将来变得中立,所以我可能不是质疑这个话题<br/>的最佳人选。不过就我来说,这场比赛那种如何取得最终胜利的方式 –– 那种无从抵抗<br/>和一直扩大的张力,在第116分钟打进那记令人难以置信的入球时达到顶峰然后得以释放<br/>出来 –– 却造成了一个改写人生地戏剧性和永垂不朽地难忘的下午。<br/><br/>In any case, who are these neutrals that people keep talking about? Is anyone <br/>genuinely neutral on the matter of Chelsea v. Manchester United in 2007? Is <br/>there anyone you know who is entirely without prejudicial feelings either way <br/>in this area? I somehow doubt it.<br/>无论如何,人们所一直谈及的中立者到底是谁?在2007年切尔西大战曼联这个事件上,有<br/>任何人是全然地中立的吗?你有认识任何人在这个范畴上是彻底地没有偏向于其中一方的<br/>感觉吗?我总不相信会有这样的人。<br/><br/>My mum, for instance, couldn\'t care less about football, but even she <br/>instinctively recognises, in Manchester United, something she needs to shrink <br/>away from. On these occasions, there simply is no middle ground, whoever you <br/>are.<br/>举例说,我的妈妈对于足球算是无可再漠不关心的了,但即使是她也会本能地认识到她需<br/>要远离某些东西 –– 比如:曼联。在这种重大场合里,根本就没有中间的立场,不论你<br/>是什么人也好。<br/><br/>And just supposing you could find some people who genuinely were neutral <br/>about Chelsea and Manchester United - why, then, would it automatically <br/>follow that there was some kind of moral duty upon Jose Mourinho and Sir Alex <br/>Ferguson to organise last Saturday\'s occasion for their benefit, rather than <br/>for the benefit of the people who weren\'t neutral?<br/>然而就算你可以找到一些是真正对切尔西和曼联中立的人,那么为何就会得出一个结论,<br/>认为何塞.穆里尼奥和阿历克斯.弗格森爵士有某种道德义务,要为了这群『中立者』的<br/>利益着想去安排上周六的盛事,而不是为了那些『不中立的人』的利益?<br/><br/>This is not something people ever think about when it comes to, for instance, <br/>weddings. \'Yes, quite a good occasion - but very little there for the <br/>neutral.\' So why with the FA Cup final?<br/>这是一种在某些场合中,人们绝不会想得出来的论点,譬如是:婚礼。“是的,颇为愉快<br/>的一个盛会 –– 但对于旁人来说就无甚意义了。”那么为何要在足总杯决赛这样说?<br/><br/>And let\'s not forget that it was an FA Cup final. Many \'neutral\' observers in <br/>the press seem to have allowed themselves to believe that a new Wembley would <br/>mean a new kind of FA Cup final.<br/>还有,别忘记这可是一场足总杯决赛。媒体中许多『中立的』评论者看来都放纵他们自己<br/>去相信,一个新的温布利就等于一种新的足总杯决赛。<br/><br/>The fact is, of course, that the typical FA Cup final is a game of <br/>unimaginable caginess played by two teams who are sick with nerves. Liverpool <br/>v. Manchester United in 1996? Frozen solid. Arsenal v. Manchester United in <br/>2005? Not even like watching paint dry: it was like watching paint.<br/>当然,事实却是:传统的足总杯决赛是由两支受神经紧张所困扰的球队所合演的一场无法<br/>想像地尔虞我诈的球赛。1996年利物浦大战曼联?精彩得吓死人。2005年阿森纳大战曼联<br/>?甚至不算像看着油漆等它干涸,根本就跟睁眼看着油漆一样。<br/><br/>(以下为从其他地方找回来的评论。)<br/><br/>1996年决赛的一句评论:(最终曼联胜1-0)<br/>The match, despite the rivalry between the two teams, was a fairly <br/>unmemorable game, rarely sparking into life.<br/>尽管两支球队为宿敌,这场赛事却是一场完全不值得令人记住的比赛,极少出现火花。<br/><br/>2005年决赛的一句评论:(最终0-0阿森纳以点球获胜)<br/>Incredibly, Arsenal\'s first shot on goal came in extra-time when Robin van <br/>ersie\'s free-kick was superbly saved by Roy Carroll.<br/>简直不可思议,阿森纳的第一次中目标的打门竟然要到加时才出现,当时范佩西主射的任<br/>意球被卡罗尔华丽地扑出了。<br/><br/>David Elleray\'s brain in 1994, eventually reducing that occasion to a <br/>travesty) or when they involve silly teams (West Ham, Millwall).<br/>大体上,杯赛决赛会像暴乱一样地充满着精彩镜头的情况就只有:当天气成为一个随机的<br/>要素(例如:在1994年那场冲进大卫.埃勒雷(知名国际裁判)的脑袋里的超级暴雨,最<br/>终逼使那场盛事变成一场滑稽的喜剧),或当参赛队伍包括了糊里糊涂的球队(像西汉姆<br/>、米尔沃尔等等)。<br/>dav注:1994年足总杯,裁判在10分钟里连判了两个点球,最终切尔西以0-4不敌曼联。<br/><br/>By rights, then, a tense, traumatised, heavy-limbed final ought to have <br/>surprised no one, not least when you factored in the additional pressures of <br/>opening a new, 90,000-capacity stadium, which happened to be roughly 703 <br/>years overdue and standing on the site of the game\'s \'spiritual home\'.<br/>那么,合理地,一场紧凑而球员都像受了重创、举步艰难的决赛是不应该使任何人感到惊<br/>讶的,尤其当你再考虑到在一个可容纳90,000人的新球场(恰好延误了703年才完工)里<br/>公开作赛和站在这场比赛属于很多人的『精神寄托』之上作赛的附加压力。<br/><br/>Oh, and throw in a worldwide television audience of 500 million, just for <br/>fun. And make it the 64th or so competitive match in each of the <br/>participating team\'s seasons. Let\'s face it, you or I would barely have been <br/>able to stand up on that pitch at 3.00pm on Saturday, all things considered, <br/>let alone have retained the presence of mind to kick a ball around to a <br/>professional standard.<br/>噢,再加上全球5亿个电视观众(的压力)吧……只是开玩笑的。还有,这是参赛球队双<br/>方在今季所达到的大约第64场正式比赛。让我们面对现实吧,考虑到所有事情,换上是你<br/>或我的话相信也没有什么气力在周六的下午3点站在那个球场上吧,更遑论要保持住沉着<br/>去以一种专业的水平去踢球了。<br/><br/>So what we got was (who\'d have thought?) a cagy, nerve-stricken deadlock. But <br/>that\'s football, too, of course, and if you don\'t have the appetite for one <br/>of those now and again it may be time to wonder whether the game is really, <br/>in the end, something that interests you, or whether, in fact, you might be <br/>happier staying at home with a copy of Nick Hancock\'s Soccer Bloopers and a <br/>packet of Hobnobs.<br/>因此我们所得到的(又有谁是这么想的?),其实只是一场谨慎和紧张的僵局。不过当然<br/>地,这也就是足球,而假如你没有雅致去观看一场这种不时出现的决赛,那么或许是时候<br/>怀疑一下这场比赛是不是最终真的可以吸引你的东西了,又抑或是,事实上你留在家中拿<br/>着一包饼干再欣赏尼克.汉考克的《搞笑足球集锦花絮》,可能会令你更快乐。<br/><br/>As it happened, many moments will live on in my mind, not least when Paulo <br/>Ferreira, who had been on the pitch for 100 minutes, outran Alan Smith, who <br/>had been on the pitch for about four. Commitment, passion, team spirit, <br/>defiance of the physical odds? if you were seeking a moment to sum up our <br/>season, there it was.<br/>意外地,有许多时刻都会长留在我的脑海里,特别是当在场上比赛了100分钟的保罗.费<br/>雷拉比在场上只得大概四分钟的阿兰.史密斯跑得更快的时刻。全心奉献、无限热情、团<br/>队精神、违反自然法则的怪事?假如你正在寻找一个可以总结我们这个球季的时刻,这就<br/>是了。<br/><br/>aulo, for me, bordered on man of the match, yet found his performance <br/>rewarded in one newspaper with 5/10 and the comment that he was \'fortunate to <br/>find Cristiano Ronaldo in such subdued mood.\'<br/>就我来说,保罗几乎是本场的最佳球员,然而却发现他的演出在一份报纸里获得一个5/10<br/>的评分作奖励,还有那个评论指他『很幸运地遇到处于如此低迷状态的克里斯蒂亚诺.罗<br/>纳尔多』。<br/><br/>Er? might not Ronaldo have been \'subdued\' because Paulo subdued him?<br/>呃?原来罗纳尔多表现『低迷』并不是因为保罗压制了他?<br/><br/>Still, that wasn\'t as bad as the paper that described Petr Cech\'s Cup Final <br/>performance as \'competent\'. That\'s like describing the Sistine Chapel as \'a <br/>fair effort with the paintbrush\' or the food at Wembley as \'quite pricey\'.<br/>尽管如此,再糟糕也比不上那份报纸形容彼得.切赫的杯赛决赛演出是『称职的』。这根<br/>本就像把西斯汀教堂描写为『一个用画笔弄出来平平的作品』,又或者说温布利的食物是<br/>『相当昂贵』一样。<br/><br/>What a stadium, though. Escalators! Just like in civilisation. And space! <br/>Also like in civilisation. I had a good seat, but then so, I\'m sure, did you, <br/>if you were there. I don\'t think the stadium has a bad seat in it.<br/>话虽如此,这可真是好一个球场呢!自动扶梯啊!就像身处于文明社会之中。还有空间啊<br/>!同样像身处于文明社会之中。我有个健全的座位,就是这样而已,假如你当时在那里的<br/>话我肯定你也有同感,我并不认为那个球场内有一个不好的座位。<br/><br/>My only tactical error on the day was to choose Wembley Stadium station over <br/>Wembley Park for my get-away, thus condemning myself to a long spell in the <br/>Disneyland-style queuing system devised for us by Chiltern Railways.<br/>那天我唯一的战术失误是离开时选择了温布利球场站而不是温布利公园站,结果就惩罚了<br/>我自己要置身于由奇尔特恩铁路公司为我们设计的那个有迪斯尼乐园风格的排队制度里一<br/>段长时间。<br/><br/>Nevertheless, warm evening sunshine and having lifted silverware within the <br/>last hour are, needless to say, major advantages in these circumstances. And <br/>even allowing for that delay, I reckon I was arriving at Marylebone while <br/>coach-borne Manchester United fans were still nudging onto the north circular <br/>on their long trek back to Guildford.<br/>不过在这种环境下,非常重要的帮助(不用多讲)当然就是和暖的黄昏阳光和能够在最后<br/>一小时里举起了奖杯了。而就算考虑到那个延误,我估计当那些坐长途汽车的曼联球迷在<br/>他们长途跋涉回到吉尔福德的路程还只是快要到北面的环形路之时,我已经正在抵达玛丽<br/>莱博恩站了。<br/><br/>Won the Cup and won the journey home, then. Result. Surely even the neutral <br/>would approve.<br/>总之,赢了奖杯又赢了回家的旅程。大功告成。无疑就算是中立者也会赞同吧。<br/>--
№.德到胜利 发表于 2007-5-25 23:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
路过问下...sheva到底走不走...<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em04.gif\" />
vivic 发表于 2007-5-26 00:34:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (待葡萄成熟透), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]MAKA: NOT LOOKING TO LEAVE<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Fri May 25 20:57:07 2007), 站内<br/><br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1029526,00.html<br/><br/>Contrary to reports about Claude Makelele\'s future at Chelsea Football Club, both the player and the club have the following statements.<br/><br/>考虑到外界对克劳迪·马克莱莱的去向充满怀疑,这位球员和切尔西俱乐部发表了如下的共同申明。<br/><br/>Makelele said: \"I have one year to run on my contract with Chelsea FC and I am not looking to leave. The comments that have been made on my behalf have not been authorised by me and the individual making them is not my agent.\"<br/><br/>马克莱莱说:\"我在切尔西的合约还有一年的有效期,我不打算离开。那些声称是由我发出的言论并没有得到我的授权,而对此事置喙的个人也并非我的经理人。\"<br/><br/>A Chelsea statement said: \"We have not had any offers for Claude and we are not looking for any offers.\"<br/><br/>切尔西方面说:\"我们未收到任何关于克劳迪的报价,并且我们也不希望收到。\"
vivic 发表于 2007-5-26 00:34:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>№.德到胜利</i>在2007-5-25 23:08:00的发言:</b><br/>路过问下...sheva到底走不走...<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em04.gif\" /></div><p></p>貌似不走
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