<p><strong>[Red Bulletin]Whish You Were Here</strong></p><p>尽管这个不是新闻,但由于是从红牛杂志最新刊上弄下来的所以还是贴在这里了。</p><p>让我们来看看老板和车手们都是在假期中如何通过明信片互诉衷肠的八——</p><p>(由于啃手写体是非常消耗体力的事情——其实就是偷懒= =——所以先丢英文版本)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p><strong>Scott Speed--</strong></p><p>Yo Guys,<br/>YEAH, it\'s totally bitchin\' here in NORTH CAROLINA. All the people here are really nice. Like only yesterday one of them asked me if I\'d like to marry his sister, although he did say he\'d have to divorce her first. I\'ve had a go in their car and everyone seemed very impressed, especially when I yelled \"YEEE-HArrr!\" when I got out... It was only because I\'d accidentally bumped my head on the roof of the car (I\'m not used to saloons) but they seemed really pleased and yelled \"SHEEE-IT, Y\'ALL GONNA DO JES\'FINE\" back at me, which I think means I was quick. Bye the way(by the way?!= =|||), any chance you could send me a copy of Talladega Nights on DVD? I need it for research.</p><p><br/>Scott.</p><p><br/>-----------</p><p><strong>Kimi--</strong></p><p><br/>lost and found<br/>Scuderia Ferrari,<br/>maranello,<br/>Emilla-Roma<br/>ITALIA</p><p>Hello Everyone,<br/>I\'m not sure where I am, or how I got here, but can someone please just come and get me?</p><p>Yours,<br/>Kimi</p><p> .S. No, the picture isn\'t of me in disguise again</p><p><br/>-----------<br/><strong>Montoya--</strong></p><p><br/>SIR FRANK WILLIAMS F1<br/>Genove<br/>Oxfordsttire<br/>OX12 ODQ<br/>UK</p><p>Hello, Frank,<br/>Just to let you know I am very, very, very sorry for all the things I might have said and done all to you years ago. You know it\'s all in the past, don\'t you?<br/>I have an enormous amount of respect for you and if we could work together again (very soon, ha!ha!ha!) I\'d absolutely love it. It\'s ok down here in Florida but you know how it goes. And no, it has nothing to do with the pact that Scott Speed might possibly be coming to NASCAR, he doesn\'t frighten me at all. No way!</p><p>Juan</p><p> .S Please can I have my old job back?<br/> .P.S Please<br/>CC. Ron Dennis</p><p>-----------<br/><strong>Briatore--</strong></p><strong>[URGENT]</strong><br/>FERNANDO ALONSO<br/>SOMEWHERE IN THE <br/>BALEARICS<p>Hi Fernando,<br/>How\'s it goning? Just thought I\'d drop you a quick card to say that I\'m having a lovely holiday here in Sardinia. Sun, girls, music- all the good things in life, just like how it was to be when you worked for me at Renault and we were winning world championships and covering ourselves in glory every week.<br/>Fisi says hi! And also that he really missed following you around at a respectful distance.(俺……orz……花布你就是后爹,fisi你就继续苦情吧,地球人抖知道涅~) Hope you\'re happy at the new place- I\'m sure they are looking after you.(花布你为了你家明年的车积点口德吧……) Whish you were here.</p><p>Flav.</p><p> .S. I might have found those few euros you might need next year!</p><p><br/>-----------</p><p>附图一张——mc家的金枝玉孽</p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p>以上~~<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em35.gif\" />
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-25 8:15:53编辑过] |