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swaywithhim 发表于 2007-8-26 01:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>[fool翻译组]Alonso \'happy\' to stay at McLaren <br/>阿隆索的“快乐迈生活”</p><p>By Jonathan Noble and Pablo Elizalde Saturday, August 25th 2007, 14:57 GMT </p><p><br/>Fernando Alonso says he will be happy to stay at McLaren next season as long as the team continue to have a winning car.<br/>费尔南多阿隆索说他下个赛季就会高兴的留守,只需迈家继续有一辆胜利跑车。</p><p>\"As far as I have a winning car I am happy (at McLaren). This year we have a winning car, we are first and second in the drivers\' championship and leading the constructors\' so I am happy,\" the Spaniard told reporters after qualifying for the Turkish Grand Prix.<br/>“当我有一辆胜利跑车是我会很高兴(在迈家)。今天我们就有一辆胜利跑车,我们的车手占据了车手积分榜的首席和次席,同样我们也领跑车队积分榜,所以我很高兴。”西班牙人在土耳其大奖赛排位赛后如此告诉记者。</p><p>\"There are not many options (for next year). I have a contract with McLaren so the possibility for the near future is around here and driving for McLaren. As far as I know that is the only possibility.\"<br/>“(明年)没有什么好去选择的。我和麦克拉伦签有合同,所以将来的这件时间内我也就会在这里,为麦克拉伦开车,就我所知,这是唯一的可能性。”</p><p>Alonso\'s comments come after he had said yesterday that he was unsure about his future at the team.<br/>阿隆索在昨天做出的这些解释是针对有关他不确定未来是否会离队的的传闻。[我也神了?快来帮我检查逻辑……]</p><p>The two-time champion, who had met with McLaren boss on Thursday in order to clear the air after the controversy of Hungary, said on Friday he didn\'t feel rewarded by the team for his work in helping them bounce back from their first win-less season in a decade.<br/>这位两届世界冠军与麦克拉伦的车队老板在周四进行了会谈,目的在于澄清关于匈牙利赛后的争论。他还说在周五并没有感觉到团队对他在迈家王朝归来(复辟= =)做出的帮助而给予褒奖。</p><p>The Spaniard tried to explain his remarks after today\'s qualifying.<br/>西班牙人还就今天排位赛后他的一些评论做出了解释。</p><p>\"It was just that we worked together in the winter,\" said Alonso when asked about his comments. <br/>“我们只是冬天在一起工作”,在被问及相关的评论时说道。</p><p>\"I think the team had the potential but it is also true that some (things) were not in the right direction, so with this experience of the last two years I worked, I tried to help things as much as I could, to find the right way as we are running now in our normal weekends and that is what I meant yesterday. <br/>“我认为团队有足够的潜能,但事实是有些时候未必能得到正确的指示,过去两年的工作中我得到了不少的经验,我尽可能多的提供帮助,寻找一条如同我们现在周末所遵循的正确轨道,这就是我所想要表达的。”[我,表达不能= =]</p><p>\"The things is that we work together very hard for two or three months before the start of the season.<br/>“事实是我们在赛季开始前两到三个月就很努力的一起工作。”</p><p>\"I said it to everybody,\" he added. \"What I mean is just that ... When we spoke in the meeting on Thursday we spoke about the way to go forward in this championship and we try to win the last six races and try to become champions. <br/>“我这样告诉每一个人”他补充道。“我想要说的只是……当我们在周四的会谈中所说的,我们讨论如何在这比赛中前进,以及如何赢得这剩下的六场比赛并得到总冠军。”</p><p>\"They have their approach and their thinking for the race to be equal and to give the same opportunities for everybody and completely understand and completely respect. <br/>“他们有自己的方法,他们对公平竞赛、人人机会均等以及完全理解完全尊重做出自己的理解。”</p><p>\"I put to them my opinions, how they were last year and fighting to be in Q3, how they are this year winning races and we all agreed that most of these change has become from these things all over the winter and how the car improved. That is the only thing.<br/>“我将我的想法告诉他们,去年如何或者第三节排位赛战况如何,今年如何或是胜利如何。我们达成一致的是,这些变化都来源于整个冬季的工作和车体的改良。这是最重要的东西。” </p><p><br/>\"We tried to put everything on the table together for everybody and that was the thing that I said yesterday and I am saying again today.\"<br/>“我们想把所有的事情都公开化,这是我昨天说了今天又说的一件事情。”<br/></p><p>新手上路,小砖轻拍,欢迎指正</p>
以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-8-26 01:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>[FOOL翻译组]Raikkonen hopeful of fighting back <br/>Raikkonen很希望强势回归</p><p>Kimi Raikkonen is hopeful he will be able to fight back in tomorrow\'s race after missing out on a front row start on Saturday.<br/>在周六排位赛失去了前排发车的位置以后,Kimi Raikkonen还是很希望他能在明天的正赛中强势回归的。</p><p>The Ferrari driver will start the Turkish Grand Prix from third place after making a costly error during his final flying lap.<br/>在最后一个计时圈的一次损失惨重的失误以后,这名法拉利车手将从第3位起步。</p><p>\"The first two qualifyings were good, but in the last one I had a mistake in Turn 9,\" said Raikkonen, 20 points behind championship leader Lewis Hamilton, who starts right ahead of him.<br/>“前两节排位赛不错,但是最后一节我在第9号弯角犯了个错误。”Raikkonen说。他现在在总冠军的争夺上落后Lewis Hamilton20个积分,Lewis Hamilton排在他的前面。</p><p>\"In the last lap I made a mistake in the last corner, but we have a good race pace so hopefully we can fight back,\" the Finn added.<br/>“在最后一圈的最后一个弯角的时候我犯了个错误,但是我们的比赛节奏很好所以我们很希望夺回位置。”芬兰人接着说道。</p><p>Raikkonen was left lamenting his error in the slow Turn 9, but he still feels he has a good car for the car.<br/>Raikkonen对于他在第9号弯角犯的错误有些难过,但是他还是觉得从赛车这个方面来讲,他的赛车已经很不错了。</p><p>\"They (corners) are slow but you lose much more time in the slow corners than in the fast corner,\" he said.<br/>“这些弯角速度很慢,相比于高速弯角来说,你会浪费好多时间。”他说。</p><p>\"They are important corners and tricky to get right, you easily destroy the laptime. We are still in a good position for tomorrow and see what we can do in the race.\"<br/>“这些弯角很重要,想要走得正确要很有技巧。你很容易就会在上面浪费掉很多时间。明天的比赛我们的位置还是很有利,可以看看我们能在比赛中做什么。”</p>
cucu911 发表于 2007-8-26 01:43:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><strong>ost-qualifying press conference - Turkey</strong></p><p>Drivers: 1st Felipe Massa (Ferrari), 1m27.329s; 2nd Lewis Hamilton (McLaren), 1m27.373s; 3rd Kimi Raikkonen (Ferrari), 1m27.546s.</p><p><strong>Q: Felipe, an intense, dramatic last few minutes in Q3, everybody out there right at the end, what a brilliant lap from you. <br/>Felipe Massa:</strong> Yeah, it was tough. Qualifying was very tight. You could see that every single Q1, Q2, Q3 was always a big fight between all four drivers, and in the last one, I managed to put together a great lap and I’m very proud, especially after a very bad result in Hungary. I think we deserve it. I’m very proud about the lap, about the team’s job and it’s very good to start on pole position here, especially as the race tomorrow will be very tough, so it’s always a good start. <br/><br/><b>Q: Especially a year after your first pole, also here, in Turkey; a fantastic lap here, talk a little bit about turn eight and getting that lap perfect as you did.<br/>FM:</b> Well, turn eight is fantastic. I just managed to do it very well in qualifying. Actually, I love the corner. All weekend I’ve been doing very good speeds through turn eight with a good balance to the car as well so I really love the corner. I think the whole track is really nice, it’s very technical to drive, difficult to find the right balance for every single part. <br/><br/><b>Q: Lewis, you were on pole again for a milli-second there but Felipe just got you at the end. Nice looking qualifying session for you; not a brilliant first run but very quick on that second run. <br/>Lewis Hamilton:</b> No, it was good for me. I was quite pleased with that. In testing we’ve been quick but then going into qualifying – Q1 and Q2 – I didn’t really seem to have the pace and just wasn’t able to put a good lap together. The first timed lap in Q3 was OK but again, I was fourth and just wasn’t really sure if I was going to be able to do it but I just hung it out and kept on pushing. I lost a little bit of time out of the last corner but me and Felipe were just saying, it’s a very tricky corner and you know you’re up on your time and you don’t want to lose any and you don’t want to try again too much, but still, it’s been good for us, good for the team in the top four. <br/><br/><b>Q: When you say you’ve had a little bit of a difficult time, how does the car feel here relative to recent races, in terms of its competitiveness tomorrow? <br/>LH:</b> The car feels very good. I think, again, we’ve had two and a half weeks or three weeks to improve the car and the team has been working extremely hard. Not everyone’s had holidays and I know that the team doesn’t rest. They’ve been pushing quite a lot to come here again with another step. I think we have a very strong package. I think for tomorrow we stand in good stead for a competitive race with the Ferraris. <br/><br/><b>Q: No dramas in qualifying; it looked as if you reverted back to the McLaren practice of having independent pit crews there for this session. <br/>LH:</b> Yeah, that was a decision the team took before qualifying. Once again, we made sure that if we have any problems, the decision has to be made before qualifying, not during qualifying and they decided it was easier to have two pit crews and it worked out quite well. <br/><br/><b>Q: Kimi, you also looked like a pole man for quite a while there. What was qualifying like for you? <br/>Kimi Raikkonen:</b> I think the first qualifying (sessions) were good. I made a mistake in the second one in corner nine but the car felt good and just in the last qualifying, the last lap, I had a bit of oversteer in the last two corners, but nevertheless, I think third is OK. For sure, I would rather be in first place but I think we have a good race car here. It’s going to be a long race so hopefully we can fight back. <br/><br/><b>Q: We talk a lot about the dramatic fast corners here particularly turn eight but then it’s interesting to hear you and other drivers talking about the last few corners of the lap, which are relatively slow and appear to be quite easy corners. <br/>KR:</b> Yeah, they’re slow but you lose much more time in slow corners than in fast corners. They’re very important corners and it’s very tricky to get them right. They seem to be very slippery. You can easily destroy the lap there so that’s what happened, but I think we are still in a good position for tomorrow and we will see what we can do in the race. <br/><br/><b>Q: Felipe, your thoughts on the Ferrari - McLaren Mercedes battle tomorrow.<br/>FM:</b> Yeah, it will be very tough. I think we have a good race car tomorrow, as we also showed in practice, but they are going to be very competitive as well. I think it’s going to be a difficult race for us, a nice race for the spectators. <br/><br/><b>RESS CONFERENCE<br/><br/>Q: Felipe, you’re becoming a little bit of a Turkish specialist, I think. <br/>FM:</b> I miss this place, to be in the middle of the people, you know. It was a great lap, I’m very happy about that. It was very tight during the whole qualifying with all four drivers but I knew I had a good car and I just knew that if I put everything together I can be very very quick. I didn’t have a very very good lap in Q1 and Q2, I just couldn’t put the lap together but I was paying attention to where I was making mistakes to get it right when it counts. I was able to put everything together in the last run, both tries in Q3. It was a good lap, so I’m very happy to be here especially after a very bad result in Hungary. <br/><br/><b>Q: How important is it to know that you can win here, that you have won here? <br/>FM:</b> First of all, if you know you have a good car, if you know the balance is right, and if you know that if you’re maybe having a problem in one corner but you were already able to do the corner right during the weekend, you know that you are competitive. I was pretty competitive during the weekend, even if maybe I was not first but I was competitive, the balance was right and I just managed to put it together at the time that it counted. I think that’s the most important thing. For sure, to be concentrated, to do everything perfect is very difficult but I managed to do that.<br/><br/><b>Q: And we’ve seen a lot of drivers making mistakes over the last couple of days, how do you feel about your own performance? <br/>FM:</b> I think it’s pretty normal to make mistakes. I made some as well. When you need to try to find the limit, it’s normal to make small mistakes and that’s what happens with most people. Fortunately it didn’t happen at the crucial time, so that’s good. <br/><br/><b>Q: Lewis, happy with second on the grid? <br/>LH:</b> Yeah, absolutely, especially knowing that the gap was so close. Going into qualifying, I knew that we had the pace, obviously throughout testing we seemed to be perhaps either with Ferrari or slightly faster, so I was quite confident going into it. Q1 and Q2 were a bit of a surprise to me. The car didn’t feel great and I couldn’t really get a clean, smooth lap, and I was fourth, I think, for both of them. Going into the two qualifying laps that I had in Q3, the first one was not too bad, I knew where I lost time and I knew that I could improve on it but I didn’t think it would be half a second, six tenths. But going into the last lap, I really put everything together and I knew it was a good lap. I lost a bit of time at the last corner, but I think it’s the same for everyone. It’s a very very tricky corner, but I’m very very happy: second, I can’t complain. <br/><b>FM:</b> He hasn’t been to the toilet today, that’s why he’s second. <br/><b>LH:</b> Yeah, but you have, so… If I did, maybe it would be a bit closer.<br/><br/><b>Q: Obviously last year you had a phenomenal GP2 race here; how does that affect you looking towards the race tomorrow? <br/>LH:</b> Well, obviously having the experience in GP2 and knowing that you can overtake here definitely eases your mind, just showing that there are opportunities. On some tracks you just can’t get close enough but here, it’s still tricky, I think, but it’s definitely possible so… we just have to see. I think it’s going to be a good race, we’ve got a good car, good strategy and I’m looking forward to having a race with these guys. <br/><br/><b>Q: Are you surprised to see Ferrari as competitive again as they were on these sort of circuits rather than the tighter ones like Hungary? <br/>LH:</b> No, not really. I think I would have thought it would be the other way round. I actually thought that through the slower, tighter sort of circuits, we thought that they were perhaps slower than us and in the longer circuits, with longer straights, they seemed to be a little bit quicker. So we sort of anticipated that they would be quick here this weekend, but it doesn’t mean they have a better car, it just means they are with us!<br/><br/><b>Q: Kimi, a bit disappointed to be third after yesterday for instance? <br/>KR:</b> Yeah, for sure we want to be in first place but the first two qualifying runs were OK, the car was good. I made small mistakes in the second qualifying but I just had maybe not as a good car as I was expecting in the last run, but a small mistake in the last two corners was enough to put me third. But I think we have a very good car in the race, so we should be able to fight and it’s a long race. We will see what we can do. <br/><br/><b>Q: You seem to be talking a lot about the third sector. Is it a case of you can lose a lot of time there but you can’t gain a lot?<br/>KR:</b> I think you can win as much as you can lose if you get it right but the fact is that you can lose more time in the slow corners because you spend more time in them. It’s just a tricky place with very tight corners and you try to be quick in a straight line, so you don’t want too much downforce but it is also slippery. <br/><br/><b>QUESTIONS FROM THE FLOOR<br/><br/>Q: (Spyros Pettas - Auto Motor und Sport Greece) The World Motor Sport Council decided that McLaren had Ferrari technical information and broke Article 151c, but were not penalized. Then came Hungary where McLaren and Fernando Alonso were severely penalized because he just stood in the pits for 30 seconds for whatever reason. Is this type of justice flattering to the sport and the F1 fans?<br/>FM:</b> I am not going to comment on that.<br/><b>LH:</b> And neither am I.<br/><b>KR:</b> The same.<br/><br/><b>Q: (Heikki Kulta – Turun Sanomat) Kimi, yesterday you said you would prefer P3 to P2 if you were not on pole. Do you still agree?<br/>KR:</b> I think so, if you look at past years the clean side of the circuit seems to be the better place to start. I think it might make a difference here but we will see what happens tomorrow.<br/><br/><b>Q: (Ian Stafford - The Mail on Sunday) A question for both Kimi and Felipe: There are 50 points still to play for, so both of you could still be world champion, but realistically what have you got to do now to stop Lewis and Fernando? I think that you need to be beating Lewis by three and a half points per race between now and the end of the season, so what do you have to do?<br/>FM:</b> We will try to do exactly that!<br/><b>Q: Can you elaborate on that?<br/>FM:</b> We will try to put both Ferraris ahead of both McLarens in every race. The championship is not easy, 21 points is not comfortable but is it possible? We are going to try.<br/><b>KR:</b> We will do our best and hopefully win races and you never know what is going to happen in the last six races. We will keep pushing for as long as we still think we have a chance. The next three races are important but we need to wait and see.<br/><br/><b>Q: (Frederic Ferret – L’Equipe) For Lewis, how disturbing was it to not be at the circuit on Thursday to prepare for the weekend?<br/>LH:</b> As you can see we are still second in the qualifying session, so it has not really had any effect on our preparation. We were still able to prepare and I met up with my engineers earlier in the week, so it made no difference to me.<br/><br/><b>Q: (Steve Cooper - Autosport) Felipe, there was a report in the German media earlier this week that you had received information about the McLaren Hungary penalty before it had been officially released. Is that true?<br/>FM:</b> That is crazy. <br/><br/><b>Q: (Ian Stafford - The Mail on Sunday) Lewis, obviously you have to keep an eye on the Ferrari boys but Fernando is your nearest challenger in the world championship so, with that in mind, how happy are you about qualifying second when Fernando is fourth?<br/>LH:</b> It is obviously a positive. Going into qualifying I knew that Fernando had been improving all the way through to qualifying and I seemed to lack the pace initially, but I am very relieved that I was able to pull out the time on my last lap and qualify ahead of him. Obviously tomorrow is another day and I will just have to try to get as many points as possible and finish ahead of him. But it will be good for both of us to finish ahead of the Ferraris. <br/><br/><b>Q: (Livio Oricchio – O Estado de Sao Paulo) For Massa, you did a fantastic T3 and Kimi said it is easy to make a mistake there, so can you explain how that was so good?<br/>FM:</b> It was very difficult especially since from the morning practice to qualifying the wind direction changed a little bit and affected these corners. I didn’t have the same grip again in the last corner compared to before but I was able to do a good T3, not pushing as hard in the corner as before. I just tried not to be too aggressive and managed to do a good T3.<br/><br/><b>Q: (Juha P&auml;&auml;talo – Financial Times Germany) You said you didn’t have as good a car in Q3 as in Q1 and Q2, so can you just describe what happened with the balance of the car?<br/>KR:</b> It was nothing specific, I just think that when you put more fuel in the car it is always going to be different. You are always guessing a bit how it is going to be and although it was still good I could not quite put a lap together as well as I was hoping. But I think for long runs in the race the car should be good. I am not too disappointed although for sure it makes it easier if you start in first place, so we will just have to see what happens. <br/><br/><b>Q: (Heikki Kulta – Turun Sanomat) Felipe, which one was more difficult to get, pole this year or last year?<br/>FM:</b> I think both. Pole position is always difficult. Last year was tight and this year we have also had many tight qualifying sessions. I was able to do a good lap here and in Malaysia as well it was very good. Even Bahrain was tight. It is always difficult.<br/><br/><b>Q: (Andrea Cremonesi – La Gazzetta dello Sport) Kimi, can you describe how it felt when you made a mistake, I think between T12 and T13? Did you analyse in that moment that you had lost pole position?<br/>KR:</b> I didn’t know. I knew that I lost time because I was a bit off the line. I don’t know how much I lost but for sure it would have been a lot closer. It just sometimes happens when you push to gain time and you overdo it. It is part of the game.<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></p>
ayakid 发表于 2007-8-26 06:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>swaywithhim</i>在2007-8-26 1:01:00的发言:</b><br/><p>Alonso\'s comments come after he had said yesterday that he was unsure about his future at the team.<br/>阿隆索在昨天做出的这些解释是针对有关他不确定未来是否会离队的的传闻。[我也神了?快来帮我检查逻辑……]</p><p> </p><p>\"I think the team had the potential but it is also true that some (things) were not in the right direction, so with this experience of the last two years I worked, I tried to help things as much as I could, to find the right way as we are running now in our normal weekends and that is what I meant yesterday. <br/>“我认为团队有足够的潜能,但事实是有些时候未必能得到正确的指示,过去两年的工作中我得到了不少的经验,我尽可能多的提供帮助,寻找一条如同我们现在周末所遵循的正确轨道,这就是我所想要表达的。”[我,表达不能= =]</p></div><p>^_^a</p><p>1。冬瓜的解释,是针对昨天他所说关于他不确定自己在车对的未来而做出的。</p><p>2。我认为车队是有潜力的,但地球人抖知道有些(事情)并没在正轨上,所以根据俺去两年工作的经验来说,俺总是尽可能推波助澜[aya:褒义用],来寻找到正确的处世之道,正如我们每周末都在做的一样。这才是我昨天想说的。</p><p> </p><p>仙仙辛苦了~~</p><p>众fool翻译组员(except for me)都辛苦了~~</p><p>小seb mm也辛苦了~~ &gt;_&lt;</p><p></p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /></p><div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>cucu911</i>在2007-8-26 1:43:00的发言:</b><br/><p><b><br/>Q: (Spyros Pettas - Auto Motor und Sport Greece) The World Motor Sport Council decided that McLaren had Ferrari technical information and broke Article 151c, but were not penalized. Then came Hungary where McLaren and Fernando Alonso were severely penalized because he just stood in the pits for 30 seconds for whatever reason. Is this type of justice flattering to the sport and the F1 fans?<br/>FM:</b> I am not going to comment on that.<br/><b>LH:</b> And neither am I.<br/><b>KR:</b> The same.</p></div><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /></p><p>这种时候某小孩就是拖在最后一个然后只蹦俩字儿~~the same</p>
ayakid 发表于 2007-8-26 07:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><strong>[FOOL翻译组]Bridgestone assure stewards on markings</strong><br/> </p><p>By Jonathan Noble Saturday, August 25th 2007, 08:35 GMT</p><p> <a href=\"\"></a></p><p><br/>Bridgestone has assured the FIA that there will be no repeat of the scenario during Friday practice where Nico Rosberg appeared to hit the track with a mixed set of tyres.</p><p>The Williams driver conducted a run with what appeared to be a mixed set of tyres - with two tyres having the white band to signify they were the option tyre and two tyres being without the band to signify they were the prime.</p><p>Drivers are not allowed to mix their tyres in such a way, and the FIA race stewards subsequently looked into the matter to investigate whether there had been a breach of the rules.</p><p>This was cleared up, however, when it was discovered that all the tyres were of the \'option\' variety, although two had not been painted with a white band.</p><p>A statement issued by the FIA said: \"Enquiries have been made of the FIA technical assistance, the team manager of AT&amp;T Williams and a representative of Bridgestone, and it is accepted that the tyres used by Nico Rosberg were indeed a \'set\' but that two of the tyres had not been marked by Bridgestone with a white band.</p><p>\"The Stewards have received assurances that procedures will be adopted to try and ensure that there can be no recurrence. In all the circumstances the Stewards propose to take no further action.\"</p><p></p><p><br/>普里斯通确保今后轮胎都将被标记</p><p>普里斯通已经向FIA确认,周五练习赛中出现的景象将不会再次出现。在该练习赛中,尼克·罗斯伯格使用了一套混合轮胎出现在赛道上。</p><p>在威廉姆斯车手跑开的时候大家发现,他用了一套混合胎——两个有白线,用来标明它们是“备选胎”(option tyre,就是软胎——术语无知的某人orz|||);两个没有,这表明它们是“初始胎”(prime tyre,就是配方偏硬的那个——蹲去角落orz|||)。</p><p>车手并不被允许如此混合使用他们的轮胎,因此FIA赛事干事着手事件的调查,看是否违规。</p><p>之后事件被澄清,尽管有俩没有被涂白圈,但他们在被检查的时候确实都是软胎。</p><p>FIA发布声明称:“FIA技术人员已经询问了相关人员,如AT&amp;T Williams车队的主管以及普里斯通的代表,并已经得知尼克·罗斯伯格所用的胎确实是‘一套’的,只不过有俩没有被普里斯通画上白线而已。</p><p>“赛事干事已经收到保证,相关解决办法将被尝试并确保不再发生类似事件。因此赛事干事准备就此罢手(厄……快两点了阿……看天ing……@_@)。”</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-26 7:49:10编辑过]
kleinersebbi 发表于 2007-8-26 08:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>木梳</i>在2007-8-26 0:33:00的发言:</b><br/><p>我本也想翻译这个note的,被糖妹妹抢先了一步 </p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" /></div><p>最近好像大家都翻译上瘾了~</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />
vivic 发表于 2007-8-26 10:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><a href=\"\"></a></p><p>ydy版的排位赛视频,叫我好找</p>
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-8-26 18:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>R27长距离表现已获提高 雷诺冀望策略正赛再进一步</p><p><a href=\"\"></a></p><p><img alt=\"R27长距离表现已获提高雷诺冀望策略正赛再进一步\" src=\"\" border=\"1\"/></p><p><img alt=\"R27长距离表现已获提高雷诺冀望策略正赛再进一步\" src=\"\" border=\"1\"/></p><p>新浪体育讯 北京时间8月25日晚19时,F1土耳其大奖赛在伊斯坦布尔赛道进行排位赛。</p><p>  雷诺车队的科瓦莱宁和费斯切拉最终分列第7和第10,有趣的是费斯切拉在三节排位赛中都排在第10位。</p><p>  赛后雷诺车队认为这是他们自英国大奖赛以来排位赛成绩最好的一次-两位车手都进入了排位赛的第三节。R27近期的研发主要是针对了在长距离比赛的情况下提高赛车的稳定性和操控性。今天的排位赛成绩证明这一方向的正确,雷诺车队希望两位车手可以在正赛中借助具备竞争力的策略和起步位置进一步表现车队近期工作的成果。</p><p>  科瓦莱宁赛后表示:“在匈牙利我没有进入前10位,因此我必须在今天的比赛中有所表现。匈牙利遇到的问题我们已经解决,而且我们采取了更谨慎的策略。很显然这样做是对的,因为我们的速度又回来了。这几天车队的工作很有成就,我希望在这里感谢我的技师们。<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"赛车\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">赛车</font></a></span>的平衡很稳定,使用不同的轮胎都可以有较好表现。虽然我们距离最前面的车队还有距离,但如果我们继续埋头苦干我们还是可以追上去的。眼下最重要的当然是明天的正赛,我认为我们的位置不错,策略也是正确的。我希望我们可以巩固目前的地位,看看能不能对前面的车队发起挑战。”</p><p>  “输”给队友的费斯切拉自然有些不高兴:“因为赛道上有些风造成我的赛车平衡有问题,很多圈中出现转向不足。和通常一样我们仍处在前三名车队的身后,明天的比赛天气将会非常热,估计会是一场苦战。我们的目标是击败靠近我们的对手,争取更好的名次和拿到更多的积分。”</p><p>  西蒙兹认为总体来讲“这是成功的一天。早上练习赛的时候我们对比了几种不同的设置,排位赛时很好地实施了方案。考虑到我们目前的载油量,我认为两位车手的发车位置是很不错的。排位赛中两种普利司通轮胎都不错,面对明天可能的一场艰苦比赛我们的赛车平衡应该是不错的。” </p>
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-8-26 18:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>宝马占据第3排已是极限 海费笑谈决赛恐无提升空间</p><p><a href=\"\"></a></p><p><img alt=\"宝马占据第3排已是极限海费笑谈决赛恐无提升空间\" src=\"\" border=\"1\"/></p><p><img alt=\"宝马占据第3排已是极限海费笑谈决赛恐无提升空间\" src=\"\" border=\"1\"/></p><p>新浪体育讯 北京时间8月25日晚19时,F1土耳其大奖赛在伊斯坦布尔赛道进行排位赛。</p><p>  宝马索伯车队的库比卡和海德费尔德将分享明天正赛发车的第三排-两人在排位赛中分别取得第5和第6。排位赛的第二节比赛中两人的最好成绩竟都是1分27秒253。</p><p>  最终排名第5的库比卡认为“排位赛这样的结果不可能再好了。但愿明天比赛一切顺利,天气炎热对轮胎会是个考验。软硬两种轮胎似乎区别不是很大,软胎第一圈好一些,硬胎则是长距离好一些。我对我们在较长距离下的表现很有信心。也许我们可以再快些,但目前我们应该很高兴了。在今天的情况下非要让我们超过法拉利或者迈凯轮当中的一个恐怕要求太高了。” </p><p>  海德费尔德也连声对排位赛的结果“表示高兴”,“第二节的成绩很令人满意,我的最后一圈也是。要说问题就只有我要从比较‘脏’的一边起步。现在我很期待明天的比赛,这条赛道上超车的机会更多一些,因此比赛一定会精彩。当然要想超车你前面的车必须比你慢一些,而对我来说现在的情况恐怕不是这样。”</p><p>  车队经理泰森认为“排位赛的结果对两位车手都不错。三节比赛中他们出去的时机都很好。前两节我们甚至不用跑第二次。这说明我们比后面的车队领先不少。第五和第六名正是我们期待的。”</p>
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-8-26 18:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>罗斯伯格超级表现仍留遗憾 0.01秒之差丢掉第七位</p><p><a href=\"\"></a></p><p><img alt=\"罗斯伯格超级表现仍留遗憾0.01秒之差丢掉第七位\" src=\"\" border=\"1\"/></p><p>新浪体育讯 威廉姆斯车手尼科-罗斯伯格在土耳其站的排位赛中表现强劲,德国人最终排名第八。赛后,罗斯伯格表示,他没有想到能在今天的排位中拥有如此出色的速度。</p><p>  威廉姆斯车手的成绩1:28.501,仅比雷诺车手科瓦莱宁慢了0.010秒。因为这个原因,又让罗斯伯格感到有些遗憾。“如果你在周四问我威廉姆斯的排位表现,我可能会告诉你我不敢肯定我们能这么强。”</p><p>  “但今天我的观点改变了,并且我为错过第七位有点失望,因为时间只相差0.010秒秒。但不管怎样,整体上好于预期。”</p><p>  “从Q2到Q3,我和科瓦莱宁之间非常接近。第七在今天应该是可能的,但是我们必须保证所有的一切绝对正确。成绩单上排在我们前面的六辆车太快了,但是第八也不是太糟。这将给予我们很好的比赛机会。”罗斯伯格接着说到。</p><p>  罗斯伯格队友伍尔兹最终排名第16位,奥地利人全天受困于<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"赛车\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">赛车</font></a></span>的平衡性。“第一阶段的排位还行,赛车感觉不错。在第二节一直受困于赛车的平衡性。我试着不去管它,但是在这种情况,我犯了几个错误。而在如此激烈的竞争中,很小的错误都意味着不同的结果,因此总体上我感到失望。我们将看看明天能取得怎样的成绩。”伍尔兹说到。 </p>
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-8-26 18:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>本田车手巴顿更换赛车引擎 正赛将退至最后一位起步</p><p><a href=\"\"></a></p><p>新浪体育讯 在匈牙利站的排位赛结束后,本田F1车队表示:由于巴顿车上的引擎出现故障,他们将在正赛前将其更换。这意味着英国人将接受退后十位发车的处罚。</p><p>  在第二节排位临近尾声时,巴顿感觉他的赛车损失了一部分动力。赛后,本田车队的工程师决定将引擎换掉,但是并没有公布出现问题的具体原因。巴顿在今天的排位赛中位居第15位,退后十位发车,将意味着他将排在整个集团的最后一位起步。</p>
cucu911 发表于 2007-8-26 18:52:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>阿花……</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em04.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em04.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em04.gif\" />
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-8-26 19:30:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>ayakid</i>在2007-8-26 7:47:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p><p><br/>普里斯通确保今后轮胎都将被标记</p>……</div><p>囧rz  普利司通的工作人员也稍微认真一点啊,别连累人家无辜小孩……</p><p>LP翻译辛苦啦~~~</p><div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>vivic</i>在2007-8-26 10:37:00的发言:</b><br/><p><a href=\"\"></a></p><p>ydy版的排位赛视频,叫我好找</p></div><p>掌柜的找比赛录像辛苦啦~~~</p>
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-8-26 21:57:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>F1土耳其站法拉利大获全胜 马萨领先莱科宁夺冠</p><p><a href=\"\"></a></p><p>新浪体育讯 北京时间8月26日20:00,F1土耳其站正赛在伊斯坦布尔赛道进行。杆位发车的法拉利车手马萨,最终一路领跑夺得冠军,他的队友莱科宁和两届世界冠军阿隆索分别获得第二和第三名。迈凯轮车队的另一位车手汉密尔顿,因为在比赛中爆胎,最终只获得第五名。</p><p>  经过周六的排位赛,获得正赛杆位的是法拉利车队的马萨。目前在车手积分榜上排名第一的汉密尔顿获得排位赛第二,也将从前排起步。法拉利车队的另一位车手莱科宁排在第三位发车,迈凯轮车队的另一位车手阿隆索第四。</p><p>  由于在排位赛中取得第14和第15名的本田车队车手巴里切罗和巴顿在排位赛后更换了<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"赛车\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">赛车</font></a></span>引擎,今天正赛的发车位最后一排将由这两位占据。<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"宝马\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">宝马</font></a></span>索伯车队的库比卡和海德费尔德占据发车位的第三排,第四排是雷诺车队的科瓦莱宁和威廉姆斯车队的小罗斯博格,丰田车队的特鲁利和雷诺的费斯切拉在第5排发车。</p><p>  超级亚久里车队的戴维森和红牛车队的韦伯从第11和第12位起步,韦伯的队友库特哈德和威廉姆斯车队的伍尔兹在第13和第14位,红牛二队的里尤兹和丰田的小舒马赫第15和第16,超级亚久里的佐藤琢磨和红牛二队的维泰尔第17和第18,排在倒数第二排的是世爵车队的两位车手苏蒂尔和山本左近。</p><p>  伊斯坦布尔赛道今天处于一片晴空之下。当地时间下午3时的气温在35摄氏度,赛道温度达到52摄氏度。</p><p>  从排位赛第三节的成绩来看,法拉利和迈凯轮两支领先车队的争夺将呈白热化:马萨的排位赛成绩仅领先汉密尔顿0.044秒,莱科宁则比阿隆索仅快0.028秒。</p><p>  热身圈时我们可以清楚地看到两台法拉利都选择了较软的一款普利司通轮胎,而阿隆索和汉密尔顿都选择了较硬的一款。</p><p>  比赛尚未开始库特哈德就在无线电中向车队报告自己赛车的变速箱有问题。</p><p>  五盏红灯一灭比赛开始!两台法拉利起步顺利,进入第一弯时莱科宁已在汉密尔顿前面,库比卡也反应很快抢到第4,阿隆索不仅被库比卡超越,也落后于海德费尔德。两人经过几个弯角的争夺后还是海德费尔德抢到前面。</p><p>  库特哈德从第13抢到第9,从第9位发车的特鲁利在第一弯打转后落到第21,电视的重放显示他被费斯切拉从后面轻轻地顶到。</p><p>  前几圈马萨顺利领先并跑出最快单圈,第三圈时莱科宁和汉密尔顿先后取得最快单圈。马萨领先队友1秒,莱科宁则在汉密尔顿前面1秒2,阿隆索则与马萨有将近7秒的差距。</p><p>  进入第5圈后我们可以清晰地看到前六名之间的差距已经开始拉开,阿隆索不知什么原因甚至跟不上海德费尔德,莱科宁再度改写最快单圈用时后,已领先汉密尔顿2秒1。</p><p>  从第5圈到第7圈阿隆索都比海德费尔德快,两人之间的差距缩小到仅0.8秒。第9圈,处在第10的韦伯在一个连续弯犯错被伍尔兹超越,澳大利亚人紧接着就返回维修站退出了比赛。</p><p>  第10圈时阿隆索已经追到海德费尔德身后仅差0.4秒,进入第11圈的一号弯之前阿隆索就迫不及待地发起了攻击……马萨和莱科宁之间的距离也已缩小到0.8秒。</p><p>  进入第12圈领先团队中库比卡第1个进站,换上较硬的轮胎出站后波兰人掉到第11。马萨在这一圈和接下来的一圈连续做出全场最快单圈。</p><p>  处在第三的汉密尔顿已经领先海德费尔德达9秒,而阿隆索仍被德国人挡在身后。</p><p>  第15圈莱科宁再次做出最快单圈,将与马萨的差距缩小到0.7秒。从最后一排发车的巴顿和巴里切罗这时分别排在第15和第16。</p><p>  第17圈海德费尔德进站。罗斯博格和库特哈德也尾随而入。</p><p>  第18圈莱科宁率先进站,阿隆索也跟着进来。马萨马上做出全场最快,随后进站加油换胎,出站后他仍在莱科宁身前。</p><p>  第20圈汉密尔顿从领先位置进站。科瓦莱宁暂时领先,随后是马萨、莱科宁和汉密尔顿。费斯切拉第五,阿隆索借进站之机超越了海德费尔德。</p><p>  再接下来一圈科瓦莱宁进站,马萨重回领先位置。科瓦莱宁出站后升至第7,库比卡在第一轮进站高峰后落到第8。</p><p>  第22圈时马萨领先莱科宁2.2秒,汉密尔顿和莱科宁之间则只差1.4秒。费斯切拉进站后阿隆索重回第4,但落后汉密尔顿达14秒多。与起步时相比海德费尔德升至第5,科瓦莱宁第6,库比卡落至第7,小罗斯博格仍在第8。</p><p>  从这时的单圈用时来看法拉利仍有优势,马萨和莱科宁的F2007比迈凯轮两名车手的MP4-22快了0.3到0.4秒。</p><p>  总共58圈的比赛进行到一半时前8名的排位和差距几乎没有变化。费斯切拉和库特哈德分别处在第9和第10,还没有进过站的小舒马赫上升到第11,韦伯是唯一一个已经退出比赛的车手。</p><p>  领先集团中马萨在一点一点地拉开与莱科宁之间的距离,汉密尔顿与莱科宁之间的距离也有所加大。阿隆索虽然和队友的单圈用时相差无几,但这也意味着他们之间14秒的差距毫无变化。海德费尔德与阿隆索之间已经有7秒的差距,想一下子追上去也并无可能。</p><p>  第32圈小舒马赫和佐藤进站。这时所有仍在比赛的车手都已进过一次站,处在第9的费斯切拉落后小罗斯博格达9秒,要想拿1分的难度可想而知。维泰尔、佐藤、山本左近和苏蒂尔都已被领先的马萨套圈。</p><p>  35圈过后马萨领先莱科宁1.7秒。汉密尔顿的单圈用时则已非常接近两台法拉利。巴顿成为第一个第二次进站的车手,本来他已经追到了第12位。</p><p>  第36圈阿隆索跑出当天下午自己最快的一圈,而马萨因为遇到慢车一下子被莱科宁追回将近1秒,赛道上的气氛一下子紧张起来,电视镜头一下子对准了让-托德。</p><p>  3圈过后阿隆索再次刷新自己的最快单圈,莱科宁则已经几乎追到马萨的尾翼上。电视镜头对准法拉利的维修区,技师们看上去也已经准备好了,但马萨和莱科宁仍没有要进站的迹象……</p><p>  第41圈仍是莱科宁率先进站,这次他换上了较硬的一款普利司通轮胎。接下来一圈马萨也第二次进站,出站时依旧在莱科宁前面不远。</p><p>  第42圈时汉密尔顿遭遇不幸-MP422的右前轮胎爆胎。与此同时阿隆索进站,汉密尔顿经过一个10秒的进站后重新加入比赛。阿隆索借机升至第三,海德费尔德也超越了汉密尔顿,后者落至第5位。</p><p>  第45圈时马萨领先莱科宁1秒6,阿隆索则落后莱科宁18秒多,汉密尔顿与马萨的差距被拉大到39秒5。</p><p>  库比卡在经过第二次进站高峰后落到第8,科瓦莱宁和小罗斯博格分列第6和第7。</p><p>  经历意外后汉密尔顿的落后差距逐渐加大,马萨则显然不想给莱科宁任何的机会-还剩10圈时两人的差距增大到了3秒多。</p><p>  电视的慢镜头显示汉密尔顿的赛车前翼似乎有些小的损坏,但从单圈用时来看对他的影响不算太大-尽管在还有7、8圈比赛的时候他落后海德费尔德5秒多,而科瓦莱宁在他身后仅落后3秒2。</p><p>  显然有些“郁闷”的库比卡紧紧追在小罗斯博格身后,两人仅差0.8秒。更加“郁闷”的莱科宁落后马萨已达4秒,要不是排位赛上最后一圈他拼得太凶导致发车位置不佳,这会儿的领先位置也许在他手中。</p><p>  还剩5圈的时候科瓦莱宁与汉密尔顿之间还差2秒7,想追上去超越几乎已不可能。库比卡也找不到小罗斯博格的任何破绽,老老实实拿1分似乎也成了最好的选择。</p><p>  第56圈莱科宁以1分27秒295创下最后一个全场最快单圈,没有让马萨将杆位、冠军和最快单圈的荣誉全部拿走。</p><p>  1小时26分42秒161,马萨连续两年在土耳其称霸。1小时26分42秒161,马萨连续两年在土耳其称霸。莱科宁取得亚军,阿隆索第三,海德费尔德第四,汉密尔顿、科瓦莱宁、罗斯博格和库比卡分别取得第五至第八名。</p><p>  土耳其大奖赛正赛结束后,汉密尔顿在车手积分榜上仍以84分领先于阿隆索的79分,马萨则以69分反超队友莱科宁1分。车队积分榜上迈凯轮以148分领先于法拉利的137分。2007年F1赛季的下一站比赛将于两周后在<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"意大利\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">意大利</font></a></span>的蒙扎赛道进行。</p><p>以下为正式比赛具体成绩表:<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" border=\"0\"><tbody><tr><td><table cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" width=\"600\" border=\"0\"><tbody><tr bgcolor=\"#dcdcdc\"><td align=\"center\">名次</td><td align=\"center\">车号</td><td align=\"center\">车手</td><td align=\"center\">国籍</td><td align=\"center\">车队</td><td align=\"center\">成绩</td><td align=\"center\">轮胎</td><td align=\"center\">本站积分</td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">马萨</td><td align=\"center\">巴西</td><td align=\"center\">法拉利</td><td align=\"center\">1h26:42.161</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">10 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">莱科宁</td><td align=\"center\">芬兰</td><td align=\"center\">法拉利</td><td align=\"center\">+2.275</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">8 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">阿隆索</td><td align=\"center\">西班牙</td><td align=\"center\">迈凯轮</td><td align=\"center\">+26.181</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">6 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">海德菲尔德</td><td align=\"center\">德国</td><td align=\"center\">宝马-索伯</td><td align=\"center\">+39.674</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">5 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">刘易斯-汉密尔顿</td><td align=\"center\">英国</td><td align=\"center\">迈凯轮</td><td align=\"center\">+45.085</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">4 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">科瓦莱宁</td><td align=\"center\">芬兰</td><td align=\"center\">雷诺</td><td align=\"center\">+46.169</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">3 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">尼科-罗斯博格</td><td align=\"center\">德国</td><td align=\"center\">威廉姆斯</td><td align=\"center\">+55.778</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">2 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">库比卡</td><td align=\"center\">波兰</td><td align=\"center\">宝马-索伯</td><td align=\"center\">+56.707</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">1 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">费斯切拉</td><td align=\"center\">意大利</td><td align=\"center\">雷诺</td><td align=\"center\">+59.491</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">- </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"center\">库特哈德</td><td align=\"center\">英国</td><td align=\"center\">红牛</td><td align=\"center\">+1:11.009</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">- </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">伍尔兹</td><td align=\"center\">奥地利</td><td align=\"center\">威廉姆斯</td><td align=\"center\">+1:19.628</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">- </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">拉尔夫-舒马赫</td><td align=\"center\">德国</td><td align=\"center\">丰田</td><td align=\"center\">+1圈</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">- </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">巴顿</td><td align=\"center\">英国</td><td align=\"center\">本田</td><td align=\"center\">+1圈</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">- </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"center\">23</td><td align=\"center\">戴维森</td><td align=\"center\">英国</td><td align=\"center\">超级亚久里</td><td align=\"center\">+1圈</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">- </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">里尤兹</td><td align=\"center\">意大利</td><td align=\"center\">红牛二队</td><td align=\"center\">+1圈</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">- </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"center\">特鲁利</td><td align=\"center\">意大利</td><td align=\"center\">丰田</td><td align=\"center\">+1圈</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">- </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">巴里切罗</td><td align=\"center\">巴西</td><td align=\"center\">本田</td><td align=\"center\">+1圈</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">- </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">22</td><td align=\"center\">佐藤琢磨</td><td align=\"center\">日本</td><td align=\"center\">超级亚久里</td><td align=\"center\">+1圈</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">- </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">19</td><td align=\"center\">19</td><td align=\"center\">维泰尔</td><td align=\"center\">德国</td><td align=\"center\">红牛二队</td><td align=\"center\">+1圈</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">- </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">21</td><td align=\"center\">山本左近</td><td align=\"center\">日本</td><td align=\"center\">世爵</td><td align=\"center\">+2圈</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">- </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">21</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">艾德里安-苏蒂尔</td><td align=\"center\">德国</td><td align=\"center\">世爵</td><td align=\"center\">+4圈</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">- </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">22</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">韦伯</td><td align=\"center\">澳大利亚</td><td align=\"center\">红牛</td><td align=\"center\">+48圈</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-26 21:58:29编辑过]
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-8-26 21:59:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下为土耳其站比赛后车手积分榜:<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" border=\"0\"><tbody><tr><td><table cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" width=\"600\" border=\"0\"><tbody><tr bgcolor=\"#dcdcdc\"><td align=\"center\">名次</td><td align=\"center\">车手</td><td align=\"center\">国籍</td><td align=\"center\">车队</td><td align=\"center\">轮胎</td><td align=\"center\">积分</td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">汉密尔顿</td><td align=\"center\">英国</td><td align=\"center\">迈凯轮</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">84 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">阿隆索</td><td align=\"center\">西班牙</td><td align=\"center\">迈凯轮</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">79 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">马萨</td><td align=\"center\">巴西</td><td align=\"center\">法拉利</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">69 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">莱科宁</td><td align=\"center\">芬兰</td><td align=\"center\">法拉利</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">68 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">海德菲尔德</td><td align=\"center\">德国</td><td align=\"center\">宝马-索伯</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">47 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">库比卡</td><td align=\"center\">波兰</td><td align=\"center\">宝马-索伯</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">29 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">科瓦莱宁</td><td align=\"center\">芬兰</td><td align=\"center\">雷诺</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">19 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">费斯切拉</td><td align=\"center\">意大利</td><td align=\"center\">雷诺</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">17 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">伍尔兹</td><td align=\"center\">奥地利</td><td align=\"center\">威廉姆斯</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">13 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">尼科-罗斯博格</td><td align=\"center\">德国</td><td align=\"center\">威廉姆斯</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">9 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">库特哈德</td><td align=\"center\">英国</td><td align=\"center\">红牛</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">8 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">韦伯</td><td align=\"center\">澳大利亚</td><td align=\"center\">红牛</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">8 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">特鲁利</td><td align=\"center\">意大利</td><td align=\"center\">丰田</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">7 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"center\">拉尔夫-舒马赫</td><td align=\"center\">德国</td><td align=\"center\">丰田</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">5 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">佐藤琢磨</td><td align=\"center\">日本</td><td align=\"center\">超级亚久里</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">4 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">维泰尔</td><td align=\"center\">德国</td><td align=\"center\">宝马-索伯</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">1 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">巴顿</td><td align=\"center\">英国</td><td align=\"center\">本田</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">1 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">艾德里安-苏蒂尔</td><td align=\"center\">德国</td><td align=\"center\">世爵</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">0 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">19</td><td align=\"center\">戴维森</td><td align=\"center\">英国</td><td align=\"center\">超级亚久里</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">0 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">斯皮德</td><td align=\"center\">美国</td><td align=\"center\">红牛二队</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">0 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">21</td><td align=\"center\">巴里切罗</td><td align=\"center\">巴西</td><td align=\"center\">本田</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">0 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">22</td><td align=\"center\">温克霍克</td><td align=\"center\">德国</td><td align=\"center\">世爵</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">0</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table><p>以下为土耳其站比赛后车队积分榜:<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" border=\"0\"><tbody><tr><td><table cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" width=\"600\" border=\"0\"><tbody><tr bgcolor=\"#dcdcdc\"><td align=\"center\">名次</td><td align=\"center\">车队</td><td align=\"center\">轮胎</td><td align=\"center\">积分</td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">迈凯轮</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">163 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">法拉利</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">137 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">宝马-索伯</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">77 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">雷诺</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">36 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">威廉姆斯</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">22 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">红牛</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">16 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">丰田</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">12 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">超级亚久里</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">4 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">本田</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">1 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">红牛二队</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">0 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">世爵</td><td align=\"center\">普利司通</td><td align=\"center\">0</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></p>
kleinersebbi 发表于 2007-8-26 22:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-8-26 22:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>kleinersebbi</i>在2007-8-26 22:03:00的发言:</b><br/>亲们可以去下红牛杂志</div><p>某个晚上我和我LP趴在那边扒了好几本杂志 XDD</p>
以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-8-26 22:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
ayakid 发表于 2007-8-26 23:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>kleinersebbi</i>在2007-8-26 22:03:00的发言:</b><br/>亲们可以去下红牛杂志</div><p></p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em52.gif\" /></p><p>周六刊里面搞笑的东西我已经丢在之前的楼里面了</p>
superbasty 发表于 2007-8-26 23:26:00 | 显示全部楼层
恭喜马萨,恭喜kimi,恭喜法拉利,继续加油,争取最后反超……  <img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />
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