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[原创]给蓝军切尔西盖个楼 3楼为视频楼

克尼马 发表于 2007-2-26 09:20:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>联赛杯-切尔西2-1阿森纳夺冠 德罗巴2球3人被罚下<BR><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" ></A> 2007年02月26日01:04  新浪体育<BR>  新浪体育讯 北京时间2月25日23:00(英国当地时间15:00),2006/07赛季英格兰联赛杯决赛在加迪夫千年球场展开争夺,最终切尔西2比1力克阿森纳,沃尔科特先拔头筹,德罗巴梅开二度反超比分。比赛结束前双方爆发争斗,米克尔、图雷和阿德巴约均被红牌罚下。最终切尔西历史上第4次夺取联赛杯冠军。</P>
<>  切尔西在双方近8场交锋中4胜4平保持不败,而此前却是阿森纳在连续16场交锋中保持不败。双方杯赛交锋25场,阿森纳10胜7平8负稍占上风。双方联赛杯交锋4场,各自取胜2场。1976年第4轮,阿森纳主场2比1胜出;1998年半决赛,切尔西客场1比2失利后主场3比1翻盘晋级决赛;值得一提的是切尔西在1998年11月联赛杯第4轮客场5比0大胜阿森纳。</P>
<>  本场比赛将是阿森纳的第6场联赛杯决赛和切尔西的第5场,但切尔西3次夺杯,阿森纳仅有2次,但温格还从未夺得过联赛杯冠军。双方在决赛历史上仅一次相逢,2002年5月4日,切尔西在千年球场的足总杯决赛中0比2不敌阿森纳,帕洛尔和永贝里各入一球。这是双方第165场交锋,此前阿森纳67胜50平47负占据上风。</P>
<>  特里在周中欧冠比赛中右脚扭伤被换下,但蓝军队长及时伤愈复出第300次代表切尔西出场,阿什利-科尔伤愈进入替补席。阿森纳在周中欧冠赛事中客场0比1不敌埃因霍温,温格轮换多达8人之多,亨利被雪藏,莱曼禁赛缺阵被阿穆尼亚替代,霍伊特、特劳雷、迪亚比、德尼尔森和沃尔科特等小将首发,巴普蒂斯塔和阿利亚迭雷搭档锋线。</P>
<>  第2分钟,巴拉克直传,德罗巴和舍甫琴科双双越位。阿森纳随后便持续施压,第6分钟,迪亚比在禁区右侧脚后跟传球沃尔科特,布里奇拦截解围,法布雷加斯中路25码处射门被切赫稳稳没收。第8分钟,巴普蒂斯塔闪过两人后在禁区左侧传中,卡瓦略抢在阿利亚迭雷之前7码处铲球解围。</P>
<>  第9分钟,舍甫琴科左路传中,兰帕德禁区左肋15码处包抄稍慢错过皮球。第10分钟,迪亚比左路传球,阿利亚迭雷骗过卡瓦略后传中,皮球打中特里之后偏转,切赫没收。第11分钟,阿利亚迭雷传球,巴普蒂斯塔中路24码处抽射,皮球从特里双腿间穿过奔向大门左上角,切赫飞身将皮球扑出。</P>
<>  阿森纳第12分钟取得领先,法布雷加斯开出左侧角球被解围,沃尔科特追回皮球传给迪亚比,法国人晃过德罗巴后直传禁区沃尔科特,后者躲过兰帕德的抢断和卡瓦略的铲截后突入禁区左肋,这位17岁小将首度为阿森纳进球。第15分钟,德尼尔森前场被巴拉克犯规,图雷30码外任意球远射被封堵。</P>
<>  第16分钟,沃尔科特右路传入禁区,巴普蒂斯塔在迪亚拉防守下摔倒,裁判韦伯示意比赛继续。随后德罗巴换鞋后继续比赛。第19分钟,德罗巴禁区左侧横传,舍甫琴科回敲,但兰帕德在禁区中路边缘的射门被森德罗斯封堵。切尔西第20分钟扳平比分,巴拉克中路左脚挑传,反越位成功的德罗巴禁区右侧10码处单刀冷静推射破门。</P>
<>  第24分钟,法布雷加斯远射被挡。2分钟后,兰帕德30码外远射偏出。第27分钟,德罗巴传球,舍甫琴科中路22码处的射门又被森德罗斯用身体挡下。第29分钟,德尼尔森后场被突破后绊倒埃辛被黄牌警告。第30分钟,特劳雷左路连过埃辛和迪亚拉,同法布雷加斯配合后在禁区左肋11码处的软弱侧身低射被切赫没收。</P>
<>  第32分钟,法布雷加斯精准长传禁区左肋的巴普蒂斯塔,切赫及时出击从巴西人头顶摘下皮球。第36分钟,埃辛飞铲迪亚比犯规也得到黄牌。第38分钟,兰帕德直传分球左路,布里奇传中,舍甫琴科8码处的头球攻门被阿穆尼亚没收。第39分钟,切赫接左路传中球脱手,阿利亚迭雷禁区左侧底线附近铲射被切赫扑挡后打在边网。</P>
<P>  第44分钟,德尼尔森直传,甩开特里的阿利亚迭雷突入禁区右侧切向中路,但卡瓦略及时漂亮地铲球解围。第45分钟,法布雷加斯右路25码处抽射被兰帕德封挡后偏转,切赫没收。上半场双方1比1战平,射门次数切尔西6次(1次射正3次被挡),阿森纳8次(4次射正3次被挡);传球成功率均在87%,但切尔西半场成功传球成功率74.8%低于阿森纳的80.8%。</P>
<P>  罗本下半场替换马克莱莱出场。第47分钟,罗本直传禁区中路,但舍甫琴科的抢点稍慢半拍。阿森纳第48分钟险些利用快速反击再度领先,埃辛中场拉倒德尼尔森犯规,法布雷加斯快速开出任意球,巴普斯斯塔直传,迪亚比禁区左侧15码处的射门被出击的切赫神勇扑出。1分钟后,卡瓦略禁区边缘外绊倒阿利亚迭雷被黄牌警告,但巴普蒂斯塔25码处任意球直接射门被人墙中的巴拉克头球顶出。</P>
<P>  第51分钟,霍伊特传球,法布雷加斯禁区右侧18码处抽射远角擦立柱偏出。第52分钟,布里奇长传,罗本突入禁区右侧18码处的左脚弧线球射门同样稍稍偏出远角立柱。随后迪亚拉后场对迪亚比犯规被黄牌警告,图雷任意球远射再度被封挡。第57分钟,罗本开出右侧角球,特里6码处勇敢头球争顶被迪亚比一脚踢中左脸,当即昏迷不省人事。</P>
<P>  看到爱将受伤,英格兰主帅麦克拉伦急匆匆离开赛场,切尔西老板阿卜拉莫维奇在看台包厢中也是一脸茫然。经过数分钟的紧急治疗后,特里被固定在担架上输氧抬出,全场球迷向这位斗士鼓掌,米克尔替换出场,埃辛回撤防线。第67分钟,埃布换下特劳雷,霍伊特被调换至左路。</P>
<P>  切尔西第67分钟险些反超比分,迪亚拉直传,反越位成功的德罗巴摆脱森德罗斯,但科特迪瓦人在禁区右肋10码处的低射被阿穆尼亚用腿挡出。1分钟后,赫莱布换下受伤的迪亚比。第70分钟,阿森纳开出角球被解围,德尼尔森远射偏出。场外传来消息,特里恢复意识,但仍然被送往医院进行检查和治疗。</P>
<P>  切尔西第74分钟再度与进球擦肩,罗本传球,兰帕德中路25码处右脚抽射,皮球打中横梁弹出。阿森纳第78分钟也错过机会,法布雷加斯开出右侧角球,无人盯防的图雷前点8码处也将皮球顶高。第81分钟,阿德巴约换下阿利亚迭雷。第82分钟,德罗巴挑传右路,舍甫琴科传中,图雷抢在兰帕德之前凌空解围。</P>
<P>  切尔西第84分钟反超比分,罗本左路传中,德罗巴中路8码处力压森德罗斯头球破门梅开二度,这是他本赛季第28粒进球。第86分钟,埃布传球,沃尔科特禁区右侧的射门被切赫没收。第88分钟,埃布阻挡罗本犯规后言辞激烈,科特迪瓦人被黄牌警告。第89分钟,德罗巴头球摆渡,舍甫琴科禁区右肋14码处劲射轰中近角横梁。</P>
<P>  全场伤停补时长达7分钟。第94分钟,米克尔对图雷犯规引发混战,米克尔和图雷互有推搡,法布雷加斯拉扯上前的兰帕德,阿德巴约从一侧上前拳打兰帕德,直至穆里尼奥和温格双双入场劝解,局势才恢复平静。随后米克尔、阿德巴约和图雷3人均被红牌罚下,亨利将暴怒的多哥人劝解出场。兰帕德和法布雷加斯也被双双黄牌警告。</P>
<P>  第99分钟,卡劳换下舍甫琴科。最终切尔西2比1取胜,继1965、1998和2005之后第4次夺取了联赛杯冠军。穆里尼奥第一个上台领奖,这是他个人的第2个联赛杯冠军,德罗巴随后上台领取联赛杯最佳球员奖,场上队长兰帕德最后举起冠军奖杯,全场一片欢腾。</P>
<P>  阿森纳出场阵容(4-4-2):24-阿穆尼亚;31-霍伊特,5-图雷,6-森德罗斯,45-特劳雷(67\',27-埃布);2-迪亚比(68\',13-赫莱布),4-法布雷加斯,15-德尼尔森,32-沃尔科特;9-巴普蒂斯塔,30-阿利亚迭雷(81\',25-阿德巴约)</P>
<P>  切尔西出场阵容(4-4-2):1-切赫;19-迪亚拉,6-卡瓦略,26-特里(63\',12-米克尔),18-布里奇;4-马克莱莱,5-埃辛,8-兰帕德,13-巴拉克;7-舍甫琴科(99\',21-卡劳),11-德罗巴</P>
<P>  (斯科)<BR>声明:新浪网独家稿件,转载请注明出处。 <BR></P>
慕尼黑之恋 发表于 2007-2-26 11:56:00 | 显示全部楼层
<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" />
№.德到胜利 发表于 2007-2-26 22:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" />我喜欢chelsea~~<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em11.gif\" />
vivic 发表于 2007-2-27 01:57:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: AMShevchenko (Andriy Mykolayovych Shevchenko), 信区: Chelsea<BR>标  题: [官网]TERRY: HIS DRESSING ROOM WORDS<BR>发信站: 水木社区 (Tue Feb 27 00:11:48 2007), 站内<BR><BR>,,10268~987517,00.html<BR><BR>Such was the speed of John Terry\'s recovery from being knocked unconscious <BR>during the Carling Cup Final, he was back from hospital and in the victorious <BR>dressing room in time to join the celebrations.<BR><BR>如大家所看到的,特里很快离开医院到更衣室和大家一起庆祝去了。<BR><BR>He also gave one interview - to Chelsea TV. You can see him on \'Blues News\' <BR>tonight at 6.30pm and again at 10pm together with pictures of him arriving <BR>back in the dressing room and being greeted by his team-mates.<BR><BR>他还接受了采访。<BR><BR>During the interview, the skipper reveals:<BR><BR>\'I was just saying to the lads I don\'t remember. I remember walking out for <BR>the second-half and nothing else until waking up in the ambulance on the way <BR>to the hospital.<BR><BR>特里语:跟某人一样,我也不记得了。我只记得下半场出场,然后镜头一切换我就在去医<BR>院的救护车上了。<BR><BR>\'I had the scan and they said it\'s ok. It\'s great to be back [with the lads], <BR>they were different class.<BR><BR>特里语:我做了扫描,他们说我没事。能回去(跟队友一起胡闹)太爽了。<BR><BR>\'I\'m still feeling a bit groggy though. Thanks to the lads as I didn\'t have <BR>much part to play in the second-half. Throughout the competition they\'ve been <BR>spot on.\'<BR><BR>特里语:不过我还是有点头晕眼花。下半场我不见了,感谢队友们的努力。<BR><BR>There are plenty of exclusive pictures and interviews from the celebratory <BR>dressing room as well. <BR><BR>If you haven\'t already subscribed to Chelsea TV, you can still do so at £6 a <BR>month: for Sky digital channel 421 call 0875 800 803, or via HomeChoice <BR>channel 565 call 0800 072 3363.<BR><BR>--<BR>
vivic 发表于 2007-2-28 03:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote>
<>发信人: dyce (冠军杯也是杯赛嘛...), 信区: Chelsea<br>标  题: [官网]帕特内文:关于奖牌的反思<br>发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Feb 28 02:49:37 2007), 站内<br><br>AT NEVIN: REFLECTIONS ON THE SILVERWARE<br><br>新闻来源:<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" ></A>,,10268~988058,00.html<br>翻译:ladyinblue<br>版权:切尔西中文网论坛<br><br>As promised last week, our Tuesday columnist and former Blue gets up close and personal with the Carling Cup heroes.<br><br>应上周的承诺,我们周二的专栏作家、前切尔西球员与联赛杯冠军们进行了一次亲密接触。<br><br>The Carling Cup final of 2007 will go down as one of the most memorable domestic finals in history. <br><br>2007年联赛杯决赛落幕,这将是历史上最让人难忘的国内赛事决赛。<br><br>Great goals, a comeback, two fine teams who are old adversaries, some superb individual performances, dramas on and off the field as well as 102 minutes of pulsating entertainment with a fitting conclusion to the game, i.e. a Chelsea win.<br><br>漂亮的进球,伟大的逆转,2支豪门宿敌,一系列赏心悦目的个人表演,场上场下戏剧性的内容,还有102分钟振奋人心的战斗以一个令人满意的结尾收场,比如,切尔西夺冠。<br><br>It was also hard to argue with the man of the match trophy residing anywhere else other than the mantelpiece of Didier Drogba, not only after the game but also the season he has had.<br><br>除了迪迪埃德罗巴再也没有人更有资格冠以全场最佳,不仅因为本场比赛的表现,更由于这整个赛季以来他所有的贡献。<br><br>What however cannot be overlooked is some of the behaviour shown on the day. <br><br>然而那天还有一些行为是我们无法忽视的。<br><br>Violence is always to be abhorred and of course it can have an adverse affect on those who witness it. So it is time to hold our hands up and admit that the unacceptable sight of a couple of hundred pounds of celery raining down on the field was a contributing factor of the stress being felt by both sets of players, bubbling over into a bit of a fracas near the end of the game.<br><br>暴力让人深恶痛绝,对目睹这起纷争过程的人而言,暴力也会导致不良影响。所以让我们举手承认,重达百磅的芹菜雨落赛场这样难堪的情景是增加双方球员压力的重要因素,最终导致了临近比赛结束时那场纠纷。<br><br>Chelsea fans must understand that if a piece of rogue celery were to hit one of the players at just the wrong angle, then there is every chance someone\'s hairstyling could have been seriously affected. It takes constant gelling after hours of intense styling to make sure the coiffures look just so for the big day.<br><br>切尔西球迷们必须认识到,如果有颗流氓芹菜不小心落错了方向砸中哪位球员的话,有些人的发型就会遭到严重破坏。那脑袋可是造型师用发胶弄了好几个小时才终于配得上这个关键日子的。<br><br>Forget about the Oscar ceremony, the pictures of these players will be beamed round the world for all to see and the last thing they need is for a flake of green vegetation to adversely affect the perfectly manufactured creations developed by the hairdressing artistes.<br><br>尽管不像奥斯卡颁奖礼那么隆重,这些球员的照片还是会被全世界看到,他们最讨厌的事就是那些发型师精心设计的完美造型被某种烦人的绿色植物搞坏。<br><br>Hairdressers throughout the London area held their breaths as one, as well as<br>each others hands, when Cesc Fabregas went over to take a corner. So in future<br>spare a thought for these delicate visionaries and the hours they have sweated<br>over the basins and the dryers.<br><br>一到法布雷加斯到场边主罚角球,全伦敦的发型师都会屏住呼吸,手拉手凝视。所以,大<br>家还是为这些脆弱的艺术家们著想著想,为他们围著那些盆具和吹风机汗流浃背的几个小<br>时著想著想。<br><br>Thankfully José and Arsène were not caught up in that particularly dangerous corner, but they will doubtless incur the wrath of the FA for going on to the pitch during the game. You could however argue that they simply added to spectacle of what will eventually be remembered as a legendary afternoon.<br><br>幸亏鸟帅和温公都没出现在那无比危险的角落里,但在比赛中他们走进球场的行为无疑会点燃足总的怒火。但我们大可争辩说,他们只不过想在这个传奇般的下午也留个影。<br><br>On a slightly more serious note, there will be folk getting all hot and bothered about those scenes at the end of the game, but when compared to some of the horrors I witnessed at Chelsea games in Cardiff in the eighties, we have certainly come a long way.<br><br>说正经的,肯定会有人因为比赛结尾发生的事感到着恼和气愤,但相比较我目睹的八十年代切尔西在加迪夫的遭遇,可以说,我们已经进步不小了。<br><br>Other than that it is good news for Chelsea all the way. One trophy down and three to go this season and just to put the icing on the cake, it would appear that John Terry is in fact indestructible after all.<br><br>除去这些,这个晚上是切尔西的好日子。本赛季一只奖杯已然收入囊中,还剩下3个等着我们去摘。放心庆祝吧,很明显我们的JT并无大碍。<br><br>He suffered an ankle injury in Porto which would have kept a lesser mortal out for a month, but only managed to curtail one training session for our captain as he was back to lead from the front on Sunday.<br><br>在波尔图他脚踝扭伤,搁任何一个别人身上都会缺阵一个月左右,但我们的队长只缺席了一堂训练课,周日早上他就回来继续领军。<br><br>Then there was the sickening injury and concussion followed by his immediate hospitalisation, which didn\'t even manage to stop him from joining in the celebrations after the match.<br><br>接下来又是一次令人窒息的重伤,昏迷之后马上被送往医院,然而这样的遭遇也未能阻止他参加大家赛后的庆祝。<br><br>Forget those who want to go on about the negative sides of the afternoon, this was for the vast majority of the time, a phenomenal celebration of all the is good, exciting and enthralling about the English game. If only every cup final was so engaging.<br><br>意图继续谈论那些负面东西的人们,别再想了。这个时刻真正的意义是:这是一场美妙的、激情的、迷人的英格兰足球比赛。如果每个杯赛决赛都有这么吸引人就好了。<br><br>I was honoured to be asked to write the pen pics for the match programme on the day, but the shine was slightly taken off it when they looked at my copy and said \'don\'t be so stupid you cheeky, disrespectful clown Nevin\', before mercilessly editing it prior to publication.<br><br>很荣幸能够在这一天为比赛栏目撰写球员小资料。但当他们看着我的手稿对我说“别傻了,你这个无情、无耻、无理取闹的内文”,然后恶狠狠地对它们作发表前的删改时,我的光荣感顿时矮了一截。<br><br>As promised last week, below is the full unedited version for your perusal, particularly if you weren\'t at the game or didn\'t manage to get your hands on a programme.<br><br>应上星期所诺,下面就是没有被改过的版本,请您过目,尤其是如果你那天没在比赛现场,也没有看到比赛录像的话。<br><br>Before that however there is the competition. A more difficult question last week fooled a few of you, but nearly 100 got it right. The person to score most hat tricks (three goals in one game) for Chelsea was indeed the great Jimmy Greaves with an amazing 13.<br><br>不过先让我们来继续我们的竞猜。上周的问题难倒了不少人,不过还是有100多个人猜对了。切尔西史上戴帽最多的人事实上就是伟大的吉米·格利维斯,我们神奇的13号。<br><br>The supplementary question was even trickier, but it was George \'Gatling Gun\' Hilsdon who scored the second most hat-tricks with ten many years before. He is also the man who is famously portrayed in the Chelsea weather vane at the stadium.<br>This week a test of how closely you were watching the Carling Cup final.<br><br>这周的题目是测验你是否认真看了联赛杯决赛的比赛。<br><br>Which Arsenal man showed his two footed skills precisely 24 minutes into the cup final? <br><br>大约24分钟的时候,哪位阿森纳球员展示了他双脚左右开弓的能力?<br><br>Answers as ever to and the winner will get the usual DVD of the Blues.<br><br></P></DIV>
vivic 发表于 2007-2-28 03:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>Now to those pen pics and hopefully Chelsea players will take them in the right spirit and hopefully any Arsenal fans who have strayed on to this site will take it with the same light hearted attitude.</P>
<>etr Cech - Arguably the best goalkeeper in the world today, who at 24 will only get better as he gets older. Keepers usually peak in their early to mid thirties, which is a frightening thought for Premiership strikers. It could have been all so different; he wanted to be an ice hockey keeper and has recently even started to wear the headgear to prove the point. As long as he doesn\'t bring his hockey stick onto the pitch to deter overeager forwards, he should continue to take the stoppers art to new levels.</P>
<>彼得·切赫 - 完全可以称得上是当今世界最好的门将,24岁的他随着年龄的增长,只会愈发的优秀。门将通常要到30岁出头才达到颠峰,一想到这点英超射手们就会害怕。但对切赫可能不同;他希望能成为一个冰上曲棍球门将,并且最近已经开始戴着头盔尝试了。只要他还没有拿着他的曲棍去场上遏制那些不要命的突进,他就仍有机会把射门拦截艺术提升到一个新水平。</P>
<>Carlo Cudicini - Carlo would play week in week out at just about any other club in the world. He was named Chelsea Player of the Year by the fans in 2001 and was in the PFA team of the year the following season. His shot stopping compares with the very best and it is almost an insult to describe him as merely a stand in keeper. His chance for a run of games was cruelly curtailed when injured in the same game as Petr Cech incurred his infamous head injury.</P>
<>Hilario - The man with the headline writers\' dream name, but the Portuguese has been too competent to tempt the tabloids when he has been given his chance. He was rightly proud of his Champions League debut against Barcelona last year when he kept a clean sheet against some of the finest strikers in the game. He played under José Mourinho in season 2003-04 for Porto and although he tends to follow the manager around, he is not related to him as far as we know.</P>
<P>Ashley Cole - Full backs used to be 6\' 2\" cloggers whose main aim in life was to kick the ball 70 yards up field in the general direction of the strikers and to kick opposing wingers in a not dissimilar fashion. Ashley Cole is the living embodiment of the modern attacking full back in the Roberto Carlos style, always preferring attack to defence. Signed this season from a small nomadic club in London\'s northern suburbs.</P>
<P>Wayne Bridge - It is bad enough when one particular player keeps you out of the national team, but when he then transfers to your club team as well, it is enough to make you want to burn your Waynes. The full back has however continued to chip away and has been rewarded with a run of games for Chelsea and a recall to Steve McClaren\'s England squad.</P>
<P>Paulo Ferreira - With over 30 caps for Portugal, Champions League and Uefa Cup winners\' medals with Porto alongside two league championships in both Portugal and England, Paulo has enjoyed great success alongside his manager and countryman José Mourinho. He is looking for his second football league cup winners\' medal today, which will serve well as a thank you present to the manager who has developed his career. Paulo Ferreira and José Mourinho are not related.</P>
<P>Gérémi - A more regular starter under Claudio Ranieri, Gérémi now fills in a number of positions when injuries occur. The few goals he has scored for Chelsea have generally been special efforts by a player who is now considered principally as a defender, even though he started out in his career as more of a wide attacker. He generally gets lots of sympathy on cup final days - with fifteen brothers and sisters, sorting out the complimentary tickets tends to be a bit of a nightmare.</P>
<P>Khalid Boulahrouz - In Holland he had the nickname Khalid the Cannibal, apparently for his desire to eat up the opposition on the field - as if we thought it was for another more sinister reason. He has represented Holland on 19 occasions when he has been keen to show that along with the total football ethic, Dutch defenders can mix it with the best when the situation arises.</P>
<P>John Terry - When Chelsea fans were asked which player they most feared losing to injury; it was of course the captain who polled the most votes. Not only is he the rock that the team is built on, not only is he England\'s captain, not only is he the best attacking centre half in the business from set pieces, he is also a Chelsea boy through and through. In an age where few kids actually end up playing for their boyhood team, he made the leap from the Shed End with a bag of chips in his hands to the front of the open top bus with the Premiership trophy in his hands. Irreplaceable.On a personal note, I am currently avoiding him because, as a keen collector of Blues memorabilia, he wants my 1983/84 Chelsea home shirt and I am embarrassed to tell him that he can\'t afford it.</P>
<P>Ricardo Carvalho - One of my favourite players in the game today. A classic old style no nonsense defender who just loves to tackle. Having been on the end of a few Stuart Pearce crunchers in my time I feel eminently qualified to say that he delivers the same type of message with his size nines. The idea is to get in hard, time it well, make it fair, but if the opponent knows he has be challenged at the end of it all, then all the better.<br>His performances at Euro 2004 were worthy of player of the tournament, when he allied his brilliant defending with a willingness to break forward at pace to set up and join in with attacks. Moving from Porto to Chelsea in 2004, with all the attendant medals, he is not related to José Mourinho.</P>
<P>Lassana Diarra - Lassana is a player for the future who has already tasted first team action. Originally expected to challenge Makelele in the long term, he has also been considered at full back. Naturally left footed, he is just as comfortable on his right side. Far to young for a grizzled old ex pro to wind up.</P>
<P>Michael Essien - One of José Mourinho\'s untouchables, which is not a comment on his hygiene habits. Known as the Bison, again nothing to do with his hygiene, but more to do with his running power and tackling prowess. Michael is one of the hardest players in the Premiership, not only to play against but also to interview. Shyness personified, I recently asked him what his pastimes were, hoping to get an answer longer than five words and then develop a conversation. His answer \' I like to sleep.\' Michael Parkinson would have struggled. Polite to the point of agreeing to play brilliantly in any position his manager asks at a moments notice. Noted for his impeccable cleanliness.</P>

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-28 3:43:01编辑过]
vivic 发表于 2007-2-28 03:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>Claude Makelele -. In reference books under the phrase holding midfielder it simply says \'see Claude Makelele\'. Almost certainly the best player in the world in his preferred position, reading danger effortlessly and destroying attacks with his tough and timely tackles.Even though he is very friendly off the field, most acquaintances usually only feel comfortable giving an honest appraisal of his choice of casual shirts from a distance of more than 50 yards away?which co-incidentally is also the best range to appreciate them from.</P>
<>John Mikel Obi - Possibly the most bizarre and confused transfer saga in British history was played out between Chelsea and Manchester United over John Obi. All of that is behind him now and with the learning process also behind him regarding the culture of football in England and at Chelsea in particular, ( translation - turn up late again and you will get sent to the frozen wastes of northern Cobham for another month and you should only use the excuse \'I was kidnapped\' once in British football ) he now has everything, including the talent and the physique, to become a huge star.</P>
<>Frank Lampard - Without doubt Frank is one of the all-time Chelsea greats with his astonishing scoring record from midfield. Reaching the top of your profession, and being runner up as world and European player of the year in 2005 behind Ronaldinho suggest he has, the tough part is to stay there. The 52 times capped midfielder has managed to continue to be the most durable player at the very top level in world football in recent years, missing games as infrequently as Tiger Woods misses cuts.</P>
<>Michael Ballack - There have been huge expectations in England for the iconic German player of his generation, though Oliver Kahn might argue with that statement. Actually Kahn would not only argue but would almost certainly sue over that statement. If and when the midfield relationship with Frank Lampard reaches its full potential it could be unstoppable and the most successful Anglo German alliance since the Saxe-Coburgs started hanging around Buckingham Palace 160 odd years ago.</P>
<P>Joe Cole - Highly regarded before his recent injury, his time on the sidelines may even have enhanced his reputation at Stamford Bridge. In his absence the Blues have sorely missed the creativity and range of different options he offers. The change from unreliable, if undeniably talented fringe player, to regular producer for club and country has been among the most impressive transitions in the modern game. Gianfranco Zola\'s boots were tough to fill - and not just because they were so small - but he certainly has managed to do so over the past couple of seasons.</P>
<P>Arjen Robben - Anyone watching the Dutchman hobble pitifully from the training ground to his car would struggle to believe that come match day this man goes from 0-60 quicker than an Aston Martin DB9. Has the comical and enviable habit of making most defenders look not unlike Wile E Coyote in pursuit of the roadrunner when he puts his foot down.Rumours of the playing surface at Stamford Bridge being singed in the process are apparently untrue, though it is probably still a good idea to soak the wings at five to three just in case.</P>
<P>Shaun Wright-Phillips - A big money move from Manchester City was a bit of a millstone round his neck, and having Arjen Robben and Joe Cole in contention for his place, it was never going to be easy for the lightning quick and tricky winger. Give him his due he has stuck at it and fought for his place in the Chelsea first eleven and those efforts have helped him to retain his place in the England set up. His dad used to play for a small nomadic club in the suburbs of North London before briefly hitting the big time with Glasgow Celtic.</P>
<P>Didier Drogba - Serious doubts have been raised this year on whether or not he is actually a real human being. After a truly astonishing run of form it has been suggested that he is in fact a hybrid genetically designed and engineered by a group of eminent scientists paid to produce the perfect centre forward. Suspicions were further aroused when he briefly filled in at centre back during a few games and immediately looked world class there as well. Close advisors have suggested he tries to pretend to be a bit rubbish now and again to quell the rumours, hasn\'t heeded them as yet.</P>
<P>Andriy Shevchenko - The Ukrainian is probably under more pressure to perform than any other player who has ever come to the Premiership. He has continued to work hard as he has attempted to acclimatise to the English game. Many others have succeeded after taking a while to fit in, including Didier Drogba, Doug Rougvie and Thierry Henry who plays for a small, nomadic club in the etc etc. Shevchenko blotted his copybook earlier in the season by scoring a goal against Scotland in a European qualifier.</P>
<P>Salomon Kalou - After three years at Feyenoord, Salomon left partly to develop his career and partly due to a highly publicised and failed attempt to become a naturalised Dutchman. Much is expected of the man now representing his home country of the Ivory Coast, but it is worth remembering that he is still only 21 and his undoubted raw talent needs time to develop. Even so he still has over 30 appearances in this, his first season at Stamford Bridge. <BR>Headline writers still spend many sleepless hours trying to work Salomon\'s mines into any article about him.</P>
克尼马 发表于 2007-3-1 07:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>穆里尼奥:幸运帮助曼联领跑 切尔西已触到失败警戒线<BR><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" ></A> 2007年02月27日14:01  新浪体育</P>
<>  新浪体育讯 德罗巴第84分钟破门,穆里尼奥短暂兴奋后回复平静,事实上自始至终葡萄牙人都没有温格那样显得投入,除了冲进球场劝架的速度比阿森纳主帅快一拍之外,其他都很慢热。举起冠军奖杯的时候球迷们终于见到狂人久违的笑容,但走出千年球场,穆里尼奥立刻想到曼联。</P>
<>  “他们做客富勒姆,”穆里尼奥说,“从场面上看应该输,结果却赢了。”由于联赛杯决赛与英超发生冲突,所以切尔西为这个冠军付出的代价是落后曼联的差距从6分变成9分。借着对手把0分变成3分这个话题,穆里尼奥展开说,曼联能领跑积分榜,运气给红魔帮了很大的忙,上面说过了富勒姆,啃掉热刺也是如此。“他们做客白鹿巷,C罗一个假摔打破0-0僵局,最后比分是4-0。看上去所有运气都集中在曼联身上,不过这就是足球。”</P>
<>  欧冠曼联客场拿下里尔,吉格斯快速发出任意球打了对方措手不及,里尔人没有吃透规则是原因之一,另一方面吉格斯的射门也是无可挑剔。“曼联不止没有伤病,而且每个人都有出色发挥。”穆里尼奥说。</P>
<>  怨天尤人不是葡萄牙人的风格,更何况切尔西也曾被好运眷顾。“我执教切尔西的第一个赛季就是这样,没有伤病,我还记得曾经5场比赛我们都是在1分钟左右进球,比赛早早没了悬念。”</P>
<>  现在双方差距是9分,本周末曼联很可能将领先优势扩大到12分,前提是他们在率先进行的安菲尔德大战中战胜利物浦,这样他们至少能在4个小时内享受12分的优势。“我们比对手少赛一场,现在切尔西的目标是将积分差距退回到6分。我们必须保持前进趋势,然后等待下一个缩小差距的机会,当然也可能被拉大。”切尔西没有放弃希望,不过形势已经非常危急,任何竞争都需要在一个范围之内,穆里尼奥认为如果积分差距超过9分,冠军就没戏了。换句话说,现在的切尔西已经触到警戒线。“如果差距再被拉大,夺冠会非常、非常困难,而如果双方分差在4-6分之间,那么一切皆有可能。”</P>
<>  英超29轮,曼联客场对阵利物浦,榜首两强之间的积分差距很可能发生变化,如果曼联输了切尔西赢了,双方只差6分,再加上切尔西补赛可能拿回的3分,双方只有一场之间的距离。不过切尔西客场对阵朴茨茅斯的比赛也不轻松,穆里尼奥必须先保证自己不丢分。(黎璐) </P>
克尼马 发表于 2007-3-2 18:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>切尔西铁卫再次接受脑部检查 特里复出时间未定<BR><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" ></A> 2007年03月01日22:19  新浪体育<BR>  新浪体育讯 北京时间3月1日,切尔西队后卫约翰-特里接受了第二次脑部检查,周末能否复出尚不可知。</P>
<>  在周日的联赛杯决赛中,特里被踢中头部,送进了医院,他事后出现了失忆症状,记不清比赛的大部分细节,不过他还是参加了赛后的夺冠欢庆。</P>
<>  周三他被送往了医院再次接受脑部检查。据切尔西俱乐部传出的消息称,这次检查完全是例行公事。据英国媒体的报道,特里头疼、乏力的症状已经消失,不过要看过一位神经科大夫后,才能决定是否复出。</P>
<>  切尔西将在本周六的英超联赛中迎战朴茨茅斯,将在下周二的冠军联赛中迎战葡萄牙波尔图。</P>
<>  (何塞)</P>
克尼马 发表于 2007-3-2 18:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
<><IMG src=\"\" border=1></P>
<>“光环”中的德罗巴 </P>

<>2006年非洲足球先生揭晓 德罗巴力压埃托奥当选<BR><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" ></A> 2007年03月02日05:01  新浪体育</P>
<>  新浪体育讯 北京时间3月2日,非洲足联公布了2006年非洲足球先生的获奖者,切尔西中锋德罗巴力压巴萨前锋埃托奥以及队友埃辛获得了此项殊荣。</P>
<>  切尔西中锋是首次获得此项荣誉,他的当选也打破了埃托奥欲连续第四年获奖的梦想。科特迪瓦人在得知这一消息后也激动的表示:“ 我很兴奋,这项荣耀证明了我在过去的一年中的努力和牺牲没有白费。”</P>
<>  德罗巴06年的表现有目共睹,年初他率领科特迪瓦打进了非洲杯的决赛,虽然最终在点球大战中以2比4遗憾的输给了东道主埃及,但是“魔兽”的表现仍然让人记忆犹新。随后,在德国进行的世界杯上,德罗巴更是表现的异常出色,在他的带领下,科特迪瓦始终保持着不屈不挠的战斗精神。</P>
<>  在俱乐部方面,切尔西队成功的卫冕了英超联赛冠军,这也和科特迪瓦人的表现是分不开的。</P>
<>  据悉,在本次投票中,德罗巴共获得了79票,巴萨的前锋埃托奥位列第二(74票),德罗巴在俱乐部的队友埃辛位列第三,他得到了36票。</P>
<>  另外,在其他奖项中,加纳国家队获得了最佳球队的称号,埃及的阿尔阿赫利成为最佳俱乐部,而俱乐部主帅何塞则荣膺了最佳教练,最佳新秀被尼日利亚的边路狂人泰沃夺得。(刘峰) </P>
克尼马 发表于 2007-3-4 09:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>英超-德罗巴高难凌空 切尔西客场2球告捷取4连胜<BR><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" ></A> 2007年03月04日03:09  新浪体育<BR>  新浪体育讯 北京时间3月4日01:15(英国当地时间3日17:15),2006/07赛季英格兰足球超级联赛第29轮一场焦点战在弗拉顿公园球场展开争夺,切尔西客场2比0力克朴茨茅斯,德罗巴凌空抽射入网,替补出场的卡劳进球锁定胜局。切尔西取得联赛4连胜。</P>
<>  双方英超历史交锋7场,切尔西取得全胜攻入16球仅丢1球。切尔西近9场对阵朴茨茅斯取得全胜,近20场交锋取得14胜6平保持不败。蓝军最近一次输给庞贝军还是1960年12月的联赛杯第4轮,联赛中失利则还要追溯到1957年12月的甲级联赛。双方历史交锋73场,朴茨茅斯21胜23平29负落于下风。</P>
<>  罗本替换联赛杯决赛中受伤的特里出场,埃辛再度回撤后防线同卡瓦略搭档中卫,阿什利-科尔伤愈替换布里奇首发。朴茨茅斯方面,从切尔西租借而来的格伦-约翰逊因条款限制无法出场。开场仅2分钟,奥尼尔右路突破卡瓦略传中,皮球打中前点的埃辛后偏转至马休-泰勒身上滚出底线。</P>
<>  第9分钟,卡努头球摆渡,卢阿卢阿禁区右肋12码处的射门被切赫稳稳没收。1分钟后,兰帕德传球,迪亚拉右路远射偏出。第14分钟,奥尼尔25码外远射高出。第16分钟,埃辛禁区前犯规,马休-泰勒28码处任意球直接射门打中人墙偏转出底线。第17分钟,阿什利-科尔突入禁区左侧15码处搓射远角高出。</P>
<>  切尔西随后逐渐占据场上主动。第21分钟,罗本直传,舍甫琴科禁区左侧10码处小角度作脚抽射偏出。第22分钟,舍甫琴科直传,德罗巴大禁区右上角的右脚抽射偏出。第25分钟,巴拉克对卢阿卢阿铲球犯规得到黄牌。第28分钟,肖恩-戴维斯传球,卡努中路25码处低射被切赫没收。</P>
<>  切尔西第33分钟取得领先,阿什利-科尔左路斜传,德罗巴禁区右侧7码处小角度凌空抽射反弹入网,这是他本赛季第29粒入球,其中18粒联赛入球。第38分钟,奥尼尔右路传中,马休-泰勒8码处错过射门机会。第45分钟,卡努传球,里查德-休斯中路25码处抽射稍稍高出。</P>
<>  第47分钟,罗本同德罗巴踢墙配合后在禁区左侧的小角度左脚射门打中横梁。第52分钟,兰帕德中路25码处左脚抽射,詹姆斯扑挡后没收。随后的比赛陷入僵持局面,切尔西无法在领先局势下发起有威胁攻势扩大比分,而朴茨茅斯的进攻也难以打破蓝军防守。第68分钟,马克莱莱对卢阿卢阿阻挡犯规被黄牌警告。</P>
<>  第76分钟,卡努禁区右侧传中,安迪-科尔中路11码处头球攻门擦柱偏出。随后卡劳和赖特-菲利普斯分别换下舍甫琴科和罗本。第78分钟,赖特-菲利普斯突入禁区右侧传中,詹姆斯扑救脱手反而令卡劳在6码处错过皮球。随后朴茨茅斯险些扳平比分,肖恩-戴维斯右路传中,安迪-科尔10码处头球攻门被切赫单手捞出。</P>
<>  第79分钟,里查德-休斯右路传中,卡努远点15码处头球攻门又被切赫扑出右下角。捷克人的出色表现也赢得了穆里尼奥的起立鼓掌。切尔西第82分钟扩大比分,兰帕德长传,阿什利-科尔左路摆渡禁区内,卡劳禁区左侧8码处小角度推射入网,这是他本赛季第3粒联赛入球。第84分钟,布里奇换下德罗巴。第85分钟,兰帕德传球,布里奇禁区边缘外的左脚抽射被詹姆斯没收。</P>
<>  朴茨茅斯出场阵容(4-4-2):1-詹姆斯;6-特劳雷(68\',19-克兰杰卡),2-普里默斯,23-坎贝尔,11-帕马洛特;14-马休.泰勒,28-肖恩.戴维斯,22-里查德.休斯,26-奥尼尔;32-卢阿卢阿(73\',8-安迪.科尔),27-卡努</P>
<P>  切尔西出场阵容(4-4-2):1-切赫;19-迪亚拉,6-卡瓦略,5-埃辛,3-阿什利.科尔;4-马克莱莱,8-兰帕德,13-巴拉克,16-罗本(76\',24-赖特.菲利普斯);7-舍甫琴科(76\',21-卡劳),11-德罗巴(85\',18-布里奇)</P>
<P>  (斯科)</P>
<P><BR>声明:新浪网独家稿件,转载请注明出处。 <BR></P>
克尼马 发表于 2007-3-4 09:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>穆里尼奥:上帝与曼联同在 特里的命比一场球重要<BR><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" ></A> 2007年03月04日04:12  新浪体育</P>
<><BR>  新浪体育讯 凭借德罗巴和卡劳的进球,切尔西客场2比0击败朴茨茅斯,延续着对庞贝军团的英超交锋全胜(8场)。巧合的是包括今天在内,切尔西最近四次做客弗拉顿公园比分都是2比0。</P>
<>  穆里尼奥比赛中表情丰富,舍瓦上半时打飞一脚射门,他抱头遗憾,下半时切赫两次神奇扑出对手头球,他又连连鼓掌、远远的向捷克人挑起大拇指。</P>
<>  赛后,穆里尼奥透露了一个消息,本场休战的特里下周冠军杯仍然不会出场。“JT(特里全名缩写;被用为昵称)对波尔图出场?不可能。”</P>
<>  “人比什么都重要,JT比一场球赛的结果更重要,我们不能拿他冒险。医学规律必须遵守。”本周中,特里再度去了医院,切尔西方面称这是一次常规检查,目前JT还在等待第三次检测,之前不会上场。</P>
<>  当被问到特里何时能够回归,穆里尼奥说:“也许下周末对托特纳姆(足总杯1/4决赛)。”</P>
<>  有人问穆里尼奥,是否感觉曼联很幸运,葡萄牙人回答说:“他们幸运吗?是的,最后一分钟赢了,而且一直没有伤病,因此上帝与他们同在。但我们必须诚实,并且公正的看待曼联的成绩,他们配的上一些东西,这是对他们主帅和球员的尊重。”</P>
<>  “我们能做的就是继续获胜,将差距重新变为6分,然后给他们压力。我们必须赢得所有比赛,然后等曼联丢分。”</P>
<>  兰帕德也认为,冠军之争远未结束。“仍然有机会,我们必须继续前进。我们看了安菲尔德之战,原本这个结果会让我们沮丧,发挥失常,但我们挺住了,踢得很好,打进了两球并获得了胜利。”</P>
<>  老雷德克纳普赛前一天度过了60岁生日,他和弗格森是英超中的两位六旬教头,赛前他称赞了新生代穆里尼奥,也表示自己雄心不老。“穆里尼奥是足球圈最出色的教练之一,看看他在波尔图的成就,干得非常棒。我感觉自己仍能干好,看看弗格森,他是一个年轻的65岁老头,而我是一个年轻的60岁老头。”</P>
<P>  谈到比赛,老雷德克纳普对球员表现感到满意,毕竟下半时一度给切尔西制造了大麻烦。“切尔西能成为冠军不是白给的,他们是一支出色的队伍,他们和曼联整个赛季都很出色,能和他们抗衡让我对球员们感到满意。”</P>
<P>  本场技术统计(主队朴茨茅斯在前)</P>
<P>  射门10比10、射正4比4、射偏3比5、被封堵射门3比1;角球7比5、越位2比2、犯规10比11、赢得铲球20比20;传球成功率66.9%比76.1%、控球率42.4%比57.6%。</P>
<P>  (丁林) </P>
沉沉 发表于 2007-3-4 15:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
vivic 发表于 2007-3-5 11:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (Andrew变得真好), 信区: Chelsea<BR>标  题: [新闻]Terry to miss Porto return<BR>发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Mar  5 01:14:49 2007), 站内<BR><BR>By Chris Harvey -  Created on 3 Mar 2007<BR><BR><BR>老大说:<BR>1.对Porto时JT不会复出,不过也许下周末足总杯1/4决赛对热刺会复出。<BR>2.切赫最棒。<BR>3.曼联运气很好,不过他们值得尊敬。<BR><BR>小兰贼心不死的乱入说我们不能和曼联拉开距离,这样才有机会,并且狗腿切赫。<BR><BR>切赫同样对联赛冠军贼心不死。<BR><BR>=====<BR>John Terry will not be fit to face Porto in the UEFA Champions League on <BR>Tuesday.<BR><BR>Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho, speaking after seeing his side beat Portsmouth, <BR>confirmed the England captain is still recovering from a head injury <BR>sustained in last Sunday\'s Carling Cup final.<BR><BR>\"John Terry has no chance of playing against Porto,\" Mourinho said.<BR><BR><BR>\"The man is before the player. JT is more important than a football result <BR>and we don\'t risk him. The medical rules are the medical rules.\"<BR><BR>Asked when Terry might return, Mourinho replied: \"Maybe next weekend against <BR>Tottenham (in the FA Cup quarter-finals).<BR><BR>The Chelsea coach was swift to praise the contribution made by Petr Cech in <BR>the 2-0 win at Fratton Park.<BR><BR>\"This is a goalkeeper that gives you 10 or 15 points a season. He is the <BR>best.\"<BR><BR>Asked if he thought United were currently riding their luck after <BR>back-to-back last-minute wins against Fulham and Liverpool, Mourinho said: <BR>\"Are they lucky? Yes. They win in the last minute and they have no injuries <BR>so the gods are with them.<BR><BR>\"But we have to be honest and fair with them and give them what they deserve <BR>which is big respect to the manager and the players.<BR><BR>\"Our job is to keep winning matches and get back to six points (behind) and <BR>have the pressure on them. We have to win all our matches and wait for them <BR>to drop some points.\"<BR><BR>Frank Lampard echoed Mourinho\'s defiance.<BR><BR>He said: \"It is still doable and we have to keep going. We saw the game (at <BR>Anfield) earlier and we could have come out with our heads down and not got a <BR>result. But we didn\'t. We battled well, got two goals and the win.<BR><BR>\"Man Utd are doing great. They have had two great late wins but it doesn\'t <BR>always go your way. We have to keep plugging away and try to close the gap.\"<BR><BR>Lampard agreed with Mourinho\'s assessment of Cech\'s importance to the Chelsea <BR>cause, adding: \"He\'s world class. If Petr hadn\'t been injured so long we\'d be <BR>up there with Man Utd.\"<BR><BR>Cech, who has kept seven clean sheets in 10 matches since returning from a <BR>head injury sustained at Reading, insisted: \"It (the title race) is not <BR>finished.\"<BR><BR>
发信人: dyce (Andrew变得真好), 信区: Chelsea<BR>标  题: [新闻]Pepe plays down Blues reports<BR>发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Mar  5 01:24:55 2007), 站内<BR><BR>By Chris Stanton -  Created on 4 Mar 2007<BR><BR><BR>我们和Porto的后卫佩佩传出绯闻<BR>orto高层表示如果我们够诚意他们会考虑这笔生意<BR>而佩佩则对Porto表忠心<BR><BR>=====<BR>Chelsea are reportedly set to bid for the signature of Porto defender Kleper Pepe, although the player himself is focused only on the teams\' forthcoming UEFA Champions League clash.<BR><BR>Real Madrid and Juventus are both rumoured to be in the running for the £12million-rated Brazilian, with another assured performance at Stamford Bridge next week sure to attract further interest.<BR><BR>orto president Jorge Pinto da Costa admits his club may have to consider offers for the highly-rated star.<BR><BR>\"If a super offer comes in we will certainly study the subject,\" said da Costa.<BR><BR>However Pepe played down rumours of a move to the Premiership.<BR><BR>\"I remain calm about it because I have a contract here until 2009,\" said Pepe.<BR><BR>\"I\'m only thinking of going to London to knock Chelsea out of the Champions League.\"<BR><BR>orto defender Jose Bosingwa is rated extremely doubtful for the clash after suffering a muscle strain in the team\'s 1-0 win over Sporting Braga on Saturday.<BR><BR>There is better news on Lucho Gonzalez who should be fit after leaving the pitch against Braga as a precaution</P>
习惯德国 发表于 2007-3-6 12:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
明天凌晨巴拉克会上吗?  不上的话我就不看了。
vivic 发表于 2007-3-6 12:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (Andrew变得真好), 信区: Chelsea<BR>标  题: [影片]The best looking footballer on Chelsea<BR>发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Mar  5 15:34:29 2007), 站内<BR><BR><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" ></A><BR><BR>蓝军经常都会放出奇怪的vid<BR>这次是一个民意调查,谁是切尔西最好看的足球员<BR><BR>切赫:  the best looking footballer on Chelsea? (认真貌)<BR>食人魔:good question (讪笑)<BR>巴拉克:……(挑眉)<BR>A科尔 :……(皱眉,撇嘴)<BR>Hilario:Ah come on....(尴尬笑)<BR>JT:    hohoho~~~ (笑)<BR>兽巴:  呵呵...(抓后脑勺)<BR>乔科尔:啊?...(撇嘴)<BR>食人魔:(抿嘴)<BR>兰帕德:Carlo Cudicini(冷静貌)<BR>Hilario:呵...(无奈貌)<BR>食人魔:Cudicini,穿衣服有品味,看起来不错<BR>JT:    总之是说Cudicini(我没听很清楚)<BR>巴拉克:教练!(大笑)<BR>A克尔: 我<BR>切赫:  I think that err....(犹豫貌)<BR>兽巴:  (继续抓后脑勺)<BR>乔科尔:I wouldn\'t like to say, I wouldn\'t like to say!<BR>兽巴:  卡瓦略<BR>Hilario:英国人来说的话,John Terry。<BR>切赫:  Carlo<BR>JT:    又改口说是兰帕德<BR>乔科尔:No comments, what a solution question!<BR>JT:    夸兰帕德<BR><BR>======================<BR>结论:<BR>芭乐真狗腿(明明是问足球员……)<BR>JT见人就夸(好像还夸了A科尔,果然是队长)<BR>兽巴眼光很独到,怎么不多采访几个黑人啊~~~~~~~~~~~~<BR>
vivic 发表于 2007-3-6 12:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (依布好可爱o(&gt;《)o), 信区: Chelsea<BR>标  题: [新闻]Cole: Europe more realistic<BR>发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Mar  5 22:34:20 2007), 站内<BR><BR>Cole: Europe more realistic<BR>By Mark Buckingham -  Created on 5 Mar 2007<BR><BR><BR>阿科尔说联赛很难追了,不如放眼欧冠比较实际<BR>下一场只要不被进球就可以晋级(那是打算龟吗?)<BR>对Porto的比赛博拉鲁兹肩伤复出,埃辛可能被解放出来打中场(那是打算四大吗?)<BR><BR>=====<BR>Ashley Cole feels winning the UEFA Champions League is a more realistic target for Chelsea than retaining the Premiership.<BR><BR>The Blues\' quest for a hat-trick of top-flight crowns is currently being thwarted by Manchester United, who hold a nine-point advantage.<BR><BR>A 2-0 win at Portsmouth on Saturday kept Chelsea in the hunt, but Cole admits thoughts of glory are turning more towards Europe.<BR><BR>Chelsea face Porto in the second leg of their last 16 encounter at Stamford Bridge on Tuesday, with the score 1-1 from the first meeting.<BR><BR>Cole believes success in the Champions League is more likely for The Blues, although the full-back will not concede defeat in the title race.<BR><BR>\"It will be tough,\" said Cole of the Porto game. \"But it is 1-1 and we have the away goal.<BR><BR>\"Now we just have to keep a clean sheet. The focus and determination are there, so we have to keep grinding out the results.<BR><BR>\"But Europe is more realistic than the league now. We are nine points behind and it will be an uphill struggle.<BR><BR>\"Yet we are in good stead for the next round in Europe and hopefully we can progress.\"<BR><BR>Khalid Boulahrouz is set to boost Chelsea\'s prospects of reaching the quarter-finals by making his return from a shoulder injury.<BR><BR>With captain John Terry ruled out of the game, Boulahrouz is likely to come straight back in at centre-half, with Michael Essien reverting to a midfield role.
easysky 发表于 2007-3-6 13:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>A克尔: 我</P>
<>哈哈,我就欣赏这小子这点<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /></P>
vivic 发表于 2007-3-6 14:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
沉沉 发表于 2007-3-6 15:28:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>习惯德国</I>在2007-3-6 12:38:00的发言:</B><br>明天凌晨巴拉克会上吗?  不上的话我就不看了。</DIV>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-6 15:33:19编辑过]
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