<div>发信人: dyce (我……我长牙了-_-!), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标 题: [官网]GILES SMITH: CARRY ON GLOVING<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Mar 22 16:36:43 2007), 站内<br/><br/>史密斯周中观点:掠起袖管 戴上手套<br/>Wed, 21st Mar 2007<br/><br/>来源:<a href=\"http://www.chelseafc.com/page/Columnists/0\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.chelseafc.com/page/Columnists/0</a>,,10268~999869,00.html<br/>翻译:fall_ark<br/>版权:转载请注明切尔西中文网<br/><br/>Our Wednesday columnist calls on the authorities to take the gloves off when dealing with miSuper Boyehaviour from Monday, but for the players to most definitely not. <br/>我们的周三专栏作家呼吁当权者们在处理周一发生的恶性事件时“脱下手套,绝不容情”,不过对球员们来说,手套还是戴着比较好。<br/><br/><br/>What got into that pitch-invading Tottenham fan the other night? Anyone would have thought he\'d watched his team blow a 3-1 lead, away from home, in the quarter finals of the FA Cup, and then fail to capitalise on home advantage in the replay.<br/>前晚那个冲进场地的热刺球迷究竟是哪根筋搭错了?人们八成会以为他是见证了自己的球队在足总杯四分之一决赛里客场一手葬送了3-1领先的好局,然后又在重赛时在主场都把球输掉了呢。<br/><br/>Oh, yeah. So he had.<br/>……啊,哦对,事实如此来着。<br/><br/>Anyway, that\'s no excuse for giving some dozy stewards the slip and making your way across the penalty area to take a swing at Frank Lampard. Let\'s be emphatically clear about this: there IS no excuse for that kind of behaviour, no matter how shiny white your trainers are.<br/>但无论如何,绕开那群昏昏欲睡的球场保安、冲过禁区来向兰帕德挥拳这件事没有任何借口可提——让我们以着重的方式再明确地说一遍:不管你穿的鞋子有多亮,这种行为没有借口。<br/><br/>I thought Martin Jol might have been a bit more outspoken on the subject of this shame on his own doorstep, but he chose to take the faintly undiplomatic route of announcing afterwards, \'I can feel for the frustration of our fans.\' <br/>我觉得马丁·尤尔在这桩家门口的丑事上完全可以更坦白一点,但他偏偏选择了一条不太聪明的道路,事后他说:“我能体谅我们球迷的沮丧心情。”<br/><br/>Well, yes, Martin. But also, no, Martin. <br/>那,好吧马丁,但同时,马丁,你错了。<br/><br/>Anyway, even Jol ended up pointing out, \'You have to take disappointment on the chin.\'<br/>不过,即使是尤尔也不得不在最后指出,“对于失望[球迷们]应该学会忍受。”<br/><br/>Sub-title for that Tottenham fan: that\'s your own chin, not Frank Lampard\'s.<br/>特为热刺球迷加上注释:把气撒在自己身上,别撒在兰帕德身上。<br/>(注:take it on the chin=默默忍受,同时chin=下巴,这里暗指袭击兰帕德)<br/><br/>Spurs now have to wait nervously to find out what kind of punishment awaits them. What would be suitable? I think the FA needs to think very seriously about setting an example here. Clearly a fine alone won\'t be enough. I\'d like to see the authorities go with, as a bare minimum, a points deduction, closure to the public of White Hart Lane for the whole of the 2007-08 season and a 10-year ban from Europe, with immediate effect.<br/>热刺现在要焦急地等待可能会到来的处罚了。罚到什么程度才合适?我觉得嘛足总应该好好想想、来个杀鸡儆猴,很明显只罚款远远不够,我个人希望那些官员们能提出——最低限度——扣个几分、在下个赛季关闭整个白鹿巷、取消他们十年的欧战资格,而且即刻执行。<br/><br/>Also, how about painting the seats there pink to encourage less aggression? It\'s something they\'ve tried with prisoners\' overalls in jails in Texas, apparently, and with some success.<br/>顺便一提,能不能把他们球场的椅子漆成粉红色来降低球迷的侵略倾向?据说德克萨斯的监狱们都已经把囚犯的椅子这么办了嘛,而且看起来效果不错哦。<br/><br/>I know: it\'s sad for the vast majority of law-abiding people at the club to be punished so extensively for the actions of one freelance troublemaker. But there is a principle at stake here.<br/>当然,我也明白:让俱乐部中绝大部分遵纪守法的良民们仅因一个独立肇事者的行为而受到如此广泛的惩罚是挺悲哀的。啊但是在此时此刻,整个原则正岌岌可危哪。<br/><br/>Turning to far happier matters, I\'m not pretending I\'m clever enough to understand the physics behind Sheva\'s short-sleeve shirt and gloves combo. There are whole levels of complex stuff there about heat conduction that I\'m never going to be able to get to grips with. But it definitely works. What a goal that was. And amazing to think that was his second-best foot.<br/>好啦,谈谈开心的事吧,首先声明一下我不会假装自己明白舍瓦那短袖+手套组合背后的物理原理——我就是一辈子也不可能搞明白那一整堆关于热传导的复杂理论——但这组合效果出奇的好,多漂亮的进球!更值得惊叹的是,他还是用非惯用脚打进的。<br/><br/>The Daily Telegraph was so impressed, it reported that Sheva \'drilled it 30 yards past Robinson\'. Given that Sheva was in the penalty area at the time, that would have been quite an achievement. But I\'ve been there a few times, and I can tell you it\'s a terrible view you get from that Tottenham press box.<br/>我们的《每日电讯报》惊得够呛,以至于报道说舍瓦“30码外使罗宾逊束手无策”。考虑到当时舍瓦是在禁区里面,如果能射出30码的射门那可真是不得了的成就,不过我也去过几次白鹿巷,我可以告诉你托特纳姆记者席的视线的确糟糕透顶(大禁区角上到球门中央最多只有28码,但是………………大禁区角上到球门远门柱有31.6码,所以,30码还是有可能的啦……史叔)。<br/><br/> ersonally, I\'m a big fan of gloves in football and always have been. I like them specifically because they wind up the people who blame the \'foreign invasion\' for \'softening the game\' and harp on about the \'golden age\' when football was played \'properly\' by \'hard men\'. I like to think of Sheva\'s raised glove at White Hart Lane as an unignorable signal to that kind of person.<br/>就个人而言,我对足球运动中的手套一直是颇有好感的,尤其是因为手套可以让那群声称“外来入侵者们”“软化了这项运动”、喋喋不休于以“男人的方式”玩“男人的游戏”的“黄金时代”的人们大为光火,我个人认为舍瓦在白鹿巷举起手套庆祝毫无疑问是对这群人的一种明确答复。<br/><br/>At Everton on Sunday, only one Arsenal player wasn\'t wearing gloves. That was Cesc Fabregas, whom I would have assumed was a dead cert glove-wearer. Mittens and a scarf, even, if they were available. <br/>周日在阿森纳对埃弗顿的比赛里,只有一名阿森纳球员没戴手套,那人是法布雷加斯——我一直以为他绝对会戴的,假如条件允许的话,说不定还会是女式手套配丝巾的组合哩。<br/><br/>Anyway, I was quite jealous. The place in history is still open for the first complete team to play in gloves, but at this rate, and in the kind of form they\'re in, it\'s bound to be Arsenal. It\'s a record I would have liked us to have held and one that we\'ve definitely been in reach of a few times down the years.<br/>总而言之呢,我还是挺嫉妒的,虽说“史上第一支全队戴手套参赛的球队”还没有真正地出现,但考虑到现状和发展速度,阿森纳荣膺此称号应该没有问题,这个名头我还是很希望自己的球队能够拿下的,而且在过去几年中我们也曾离这个目标相当得近。<br/><br/>There doesn\'t seem to be a fixture this weekend, so I take it that means Steve McClaren is off with half our key players on another of his pointless jollies. Up to a point, I feel the same way about the people who arrange for international football to interfere with the rhythm of the club season as I do about pitch-invading hooligans. They\'re only a minority, but they end up spoiling it for the rest of us.<br/>似乎本周末没有赛程呢,那八成意味着麦克拉伦又要带着我们一半儿的重要球员去搞他那毫无意义的消遣了。对那些安排国家队比赛来打乱俱乐部赛季节奏的人,我抱着和对侵入场地的小流氓同样的心情——只因为他们一小部分人的行径,却把属于我们所有人的足球搞得一团糟。</div> |