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[原创]给蓝军切尔西盖个楼 3楼为视频楼

vivic 发表于 2007-3-22 19:23:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: Voith (沃伊思-我要垄断UK的芹菜经销权), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [新闻]周四阵地观察——乔科尔几乎准备好了<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Mar 22 18:52:59 2007), 站内<br/><br/>SPY ON THURSDAY - JOE COLE IS NEARLY READY<br/>周四阵地观察——乔科尔几乎准备好了<br/>ublished:March 22, 2007        <br/><br/>新闻来源:<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1000365,00.html<br/>新闻翻译:katekui<br/>版权所有:切尔西中文网<br/><br/>Chelsea\'s Spy In The Camp has been bringing inside news, banter and comment for 20 years in the matchday programme, on Chelsea TV and now on the web.<br/>切尔西的“阵地观察”节目是一档报道球队内部新闻、搞笑以及评论的比赛日节目,已经在切尔西电视台播出了20年的时间。现在这个节目也被搬到了切尔西网站上来。 <br/><br/>Joe Cole was out on the fields of Cobham yesterday running hard, putting real weight bearing pressure on his mending foot.<br/>昨天乔科尔已经出现在克博姆的训练场地上做快速奔跑了,他正在恢复中的那只脚已经在承受压力了。 <br/>He is not far away at all from full training. His dream of playing in early April is a real possibility.<br/>离参加完整的训练相差不远了。四月初上场比赛的这个梦想真的是很有可能实现。 <br/>He\'s one of those footballers who are completely obsessed with the game. If he wasn\'t a world class player, he\'d still be a fan, he\'d still be attending games, watching matches on television, debating with mates in the pub and at work all the issues of his team.<br/>他是完全沉醉在这种运动中的那种球员。如果不是一个世界级的球员,他也会是个球迷,会去参加这项运动,会在电视机前看比赛,在酒吧或者工作的时候和自己的伙伴谈论自己球队的所有事情。 <br/>As it is he is a great watcher of Spanish football. He\'ll know more about Valencia than any other player.<br/>就因为如此,他也热衷于看西班牙足球。他对瓦伦西亚的了解会比去他球员都多。  <br/>The site of him, after he had thrown away his crutches and the protective plaster had been removed from his foot, walking round the corridors of the training ground building with a ball at his feet, dribbling, doing little tricks, caressing it, was extraordinary. It was like watching a boy who had just fallen in love with the game and had got his first ball at home.<br/>他扔掉了拐杖,脚上保护性的石膏也被拆调了,在训练基地建筑物的长廊里,一边脚下带着球,一边做些假动作,同球那么的亲近,这一幕真是太特别了。就像是一个刚刚热爱上这个运动的男孩,在家里第一次拥有了自己的足球一样。  <br/>He\'d dribble from the gym to the massage room, from the kit room to the medical room.<br/>他带着球从体育馆走到按摩室,从工具间走到医务室。  <br/>That activity took the place of sitting around waiting for his foot to mend, surfing the web and finding brilliant action from Ronaldinho and his favourite all-time player Zinedine Zidane.<br/>这些练习活动取代了无所事事的坐在那里等着脚伤去恢复,或者上网冲浪,去找找关于罗纳尔迪尼奥和他最喜爱的球员齐达内的精彩表演。  <br/>José Mourinho has said often how much Chelsea has missed him this season, but it was good also to hear Terry Venables at the last Banksy\'s Boys lunch talk about how England also had missed him, and saying that he was a player who not only seemed to become complete under Mourinho but continued to improve his game every year.<br/>穆里尼奥常说切尔西是多么想念他,当听到特里-维纳布尔斯说英格兰国家队也是特别的想念他,并说在穆里尼奥的手下他已经日趋完美,而且每一年他都所有提高,这听上去感觉不错。  <br/>That is because he thinks about it non-stop, assesses, enjoys the good bits, is anguished by the bad bits.<br/>那是因为他觉得这是一种需要不断进步的运动,他评定着自己的成绩,享受着自己的每一点进步,为一点点错误而感到恼火。  <br/>There are lots of games remaining this season that he\'d love to play, crucial Champions League ties, an FA Cup semi-final and hopefully Final, but right now you sense the one he would most appreciate being fit for is the away Premiership match at West Ham.<br/>这个赛季剩下的比赛中,有很多是他期望可以参加的,像很关键的冠军联赛,足总杯半决赛和很有希望的决赛,但现在你应该可以感觉的到,他最希望踢的是联赛中客场对西汉姆联的比赛。  <br/>He missed playing at his old club last season through suspension, and if he misses the opportunity again this year who knows when he might next get the chance.<br/>上个赛季因为停赛,他错过了回到自己以前的俱乐部踢球的机会,如果今年的比赛他也错过了,那不知什么时候再能有这个机会了。  <br/>He still has a lot of affection for them and 18 April is certainly a possibility for Cole action.<br/>他仍旧对他们有很深的感情,而且4月18日科尔很有可能上场比赛。  <br/>Considering how he had to fight to establish himself at Chelsea, firstly under Claudio Ranieri when he couldn\'t get a run in the team, and then in Mourinho\'s first year when he had to rid his game of unnecessary embellishments, no-one deserves a period clear of injury and frustrations more.<br/>想想在切尔西他是如何打拼出来的,先是在拉涅利的带领下,他连出场的机会都没有,然后穆里尼奥执教下的第一个赛季,他要改掉自己的一些踢球时的冗余动作,他是最不该受到伤病困扰的人了。  <br/>If it comes in the last 10 or so games of the season, then it could yet turn into a special year for him.<br/>如果本赛季能参加的比赛只有10场左右,那对他来说也依旧是很特别的一年。  <br/>As you read this, he may be out running again - or more likely dribbling from A to B.<br/>你正在看这篇文章的时候,也许他又在外面跑步了——或者更有可能是带着球从a处走到b处。 <br/>
超级巴拉凯 发表于 2007-3-22 19:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
easysky 发表于 2007-3-22 23:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
JOE COLE好了才热闹,不知道他会影响谁的位置<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />
ballack0926 发表于 2007-3-23 00:07:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>vivic</i>在2007-3-22 0:13:00的发言:</b><br/><p>强!!愚弄杰拉德的切尔西球童!!</p><p><a href=\"\"></a></p></div><p>阴谋</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" />
№.德到胜利 发表于 2007-3-23 21:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>路过..再顶个~</p><p>   我们要三冠王...................................~</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" />
vivic 发表于 2007-3-24 14:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (我……我长牙了-_-!), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]BRIDGE BUILDING TO FITNESS<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Mar 24 01:26:52 2007), 站内<br/><br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1001199,00.html<br/><br/>卷毛布之前半月板磨损,做了手术,手术状况不错<br/>他认为他可以挑战一下达夫3周复出的记录<br/>半月板的损伤在客场对波尔图的时候就开始了,当时他决定忍受一下<br/>不过打完联赛杯决赛和港嘴以后情况变得严重<br/>所以他决定动个手术<br/>(我看他根本是想凑国家队比赛周XD)<br/><br/>=====<br/>Wayne Bridge has given a positive progress report on his recovery from knee surgery.<br/><br/>Our England international left-back underwent a cartilage operation on Tuesday 13 of this month to repair a tear in the meniscus in his knee.<br/><br/>His rehabilitation has been on-going and he expects to start running again next week.<br/><br/>\'The knee is not bad. It is as good as it can be,\' Bridge told Chelsea TV.<br/><br/>\'You can\'t really push it too hard in the first 10 days in case of swelling in the knee so I have not pushed it too much. It feels okay.<br/><br/>\'The test is really when you start running. A few people have been back in three weeks and I know Duffer [Damien Duff] was one of them so hopefully I can match that or beat it.\' <br/><br/>The injury, believed to be the result of general wear and tear, first began to trouble Bridge before the game away to Porto. Initially he hoped the repair could be delayed until the end of the season.<br/><br/>\'It got worse gradually,\' he explained. \'I played with it in Porto and got through it. Adrenalin gets you through something when the pain is not too bad.<br/><br/>\'The Carling Cup Final was a little bit worse, training after that and playing at Portsmouth was even worse. I was struggling to sprint flat out so I don\'t think I could compete in a game and do myself and the team justice. <br/><br/>\'So I decided to get the operation done.\'<br/>--<br/>
克尼马 发表于 2007-3-29 18:35:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font size=\"2\">联赛杯决赛殴斗盖棺定论:切尔西阿森纳各受重镑罚单<br/></font><a href=\"\"><font size=\"2\"></font></a><font size=\"2\"> 2007年03月27日23:46  新浪体育</font></p><p><font size=\"2\"></font></p><p><font size=\"2\"></font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  新浪体育讯 北京时间周二,英足总纪律委员会宣布了对切尔西和阿森纳联赛杯决赛事件的判决,两家俱乐部均被罚款10万英镑,另有2名阿森纳球员被处以追加处罚。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  英足总在声明中说:阿森纳足球俱乐部和切尔西足球俱乐部因在2月25日的联赛杯决赛后,各自有球员和官员卷入一个大规模的对立事件,而均被罚款10万英镑并受到谴责。两家俱乐部因没有保证他们的球员或官员行为正当而受到处罚,两家俱乐部都接受了处罚。委员会认为,这是一起严重、不可接受的和对比赛毁坏性的事件。但是,它考虑了两家俱乐部的有罪申诉和缓和请求。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  英足总同时对卷入该混乱的球员进行了处罚。阿森纳的阿德巴约被处以7500英镑的罚款,并因其在被出示红牌后拒绝离场而被警告;他的队友埃布则被处以了追加处罚,由于电视录像证明他击打了切尔西球员布里奇,他被停赛3场。切尔西球员方面,米克尔在比赛中被红牌罚下,但没有追加处罚,由于他的红牌是本赛季在英格兰赛场上的第二张,他在英格兰国内的比赛中被停赛4场,目前停赛已经完成。(比切多尔) </font></p><p><font size=\"2\"></font></p>
vivic 发表于 2007-3-31 03:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (黛丝-飞行员酷迪), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [新闻]真的猛男<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Mar 30 19:46:57 2007), 站内<br/><br/>Drogba calls for Ivorian peace<br/>德罗巴号召象牙海岸人的和平<br/>Last Updated: Thursday, 29 March 2007, 15:52 GMT 16:52 UK<br/><br/>来源:<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br/>翻译:dav<br/>版权:切尔西中文网--球迷論壇<br/><br/>National captain Didier Drogba has made a visit to the Ivory Coast\'s separatist north and called on the country as a whole to unite in peace.<br/>国家队队长迪迪尔.德罗巴拜访了象牙海岸的分离派北部,并号召全国人民和平地团结起来。<br/><br/><br/>The muscular forward took his Caf African Footballer of the Year award to Bouake in the north to show to the people.<br/>这位强壮的前锋把他的非洲足联非洲足球先生奖座带到了北面的布瓦凯,以向当地的人民展示一番。<br/><br/>The West African nation has been split in two since a failed coup d\'etat against President Laurent Gbagbo in 2002, with the northern half controlled by New Forces rebels and the south by Gbagbo\'s government.<br/>这个在非洲西面的国家自2002年对总统洛朗.巴博发动军事政变失败后,已分裂成两部份:北半部由新军反政府组织所控制,而南部则由巴博的政府所掌管。<br/><br/>Drogba was given a hero\'s welcome by New Forces general secretary and new Ivory Coast Prime Minister Guillaume Soro.<br/>德罗巴受到了新军的总书记和新的象牙海岸总理纪尧姆.索罗的英雄式欢迎。<br/><br/>\"I have come here to offer you a golden ball, it\'s the golden ball for the whole of the Ivory Coast,\" said Drogba from a podium on the famous Carnival Square.<br/>德罗巴从有名的嘉年华广场的一个讲台上发言:“我特意来到这里为大家带来一个金球奖,这是属于整个象牙海岸的金球奖。”<br/><br/>\"This is only the beginning. In June the whole Ivory Coast national team will be at Bouake for the match against Madagascar (in an African Nations Cup qualifier).<br/>“这只是一个开始。整支象牙海岸国家队将会在六月于布瓦凯为迎战马达加斯加(非洲杯预选赛)作好准备。”<br/><br/>\"3 June will be a memorable day: it will be the victory for Ivory Coast football, the victory of the Ivory Coast people and quite simply there will be peace.\"<br/>“六月三日将会是一个值得纪念的日子:这天将会是象牙海岸足球的胜利、象牙海岸人民的胜利,和平将会必然地出现。”<br/><br/>Ivory Coast, who lead Group One of Nations Cup qualifying, play Madagascar on the weekend of 1-3 June. <br/>象牙海岸暂时于非洲杯预选赛第一组中领先,将会在六月一日至三日的周末对阵马达加斯加。<br/>--
vivic 发表于 2007-3-31 03:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: Voith (沃伊思-坦克手切赫), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: No Time to Breath<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Mar 30 20:30:51 2007), 站内<br/><br/>SPY ON THURSDAY - NO TIME TO BREATHE<br/>周四阵地观察–无喘息的机会<br/><br/>来源:官网<br/>翻译:dav<br/>版权:切尔西中文网--球迷论坛<br/>日期:2007年03月30日<br/><br/>Chelsea\'s Spy In The Camp has been bringing inside news, banter and comment for 20 years in the matchday programme, on Chelsea TV and now on the web.<br/>切尔西的《阵地观察》节目为大家带来球队内部消息、玩笑和评论,20年来分别在比赛日节目、切尔西电视台和现在透过网页亮相。<br/><br/>Training today is at 1pm so that all the internationals can get back and do a warm-down.<br/>今天的操练时间是下午一点,以便所有国脚可以回来做一些放松训练。<br/><br/>Frank Lampard will have his wrist with its fractured bone examined, but with modern light-plaster protection at such an advanced stage I am expecting him to be available at Watford on Saturday evening.<br/>弗兰克.兰帕德的手腕骨折的伤势将会被评估,但现在时候还早而且有现代的轻盈塑胶保护套,我预料他将可以在周六黄昏对阵沃特福德时上阵。<br/><br/>It\'s not been a bad week for our injured. Michael Essien injured his knee at home to Tottenham in the FA Cup but has been running again and hopefully will be able to join full training soon.<br/>这周对我们的受伤球员来说并不太差劲。迈克尔.埃辛在足总杯主场对阵托特纳姆时弄伤膝部,但已经可以再次跑步了,如无意外很快便可以重新加入全面复操。<br/><br/>Wayne Bridge, who had his knee operated on two weeks and two days ago, is running well and he is in the same boat.<br/>韦恩.布里奇刚刚在两周零两天前做好膝部手术,现在已经可以好好地跑步,和埃辛的处境相同了。<br/><br/>Joe Cole had a scan on his foot on Monday and the broken bone has healed. His last appearance was as a substitute at Manchester United on 26 November. We can start looking forward to seeing him in action in the near future.<br/>乔.科尔在周一进行了足部扫瞄,碎裂的骨头已经愈合了。他上一次比赛已经是去年十一月二十六日对阵曼联时以替补身份上阵。我们可以在不久的将来便看见他再次踏上球场。<br/><br/>Andriy Shevchenko returned from his calf injury, which kept him out of Ukraine\'s weekend game, to lead them to a 1-0 victory over Lithuania last night, and now they top the Group containing Scotland, France and Italy.<br/>安德烈.舍甫琴科小腿受伤错过了周末乌克兰的比赛,但已经伤愈复出并在昨晚带领乌克兰以1-0小胜立陶宛,他们现时在分组中领先于苏格兰、法国和义大利。<br/><br/>Meanwhile, it\'s not been a bad week for rests either. Shaun Wright-Phillips, left out of the England squad by Steve McClaren, was given last week off by Jose Mourinho and had a week\'s holiday.<br/>另一方面,这周对可以休息的球员来说也不错。肖恩.赖特.菲利浦斯并未入选史蒂夫.麦克拉伦的英格兰大军,在上周得到了何塞.穆里尼奥批准度过了一星期的假期休息。<br/><br/>Ashley Cole didn\'t play on Saturday because he was suspended. Claude Makelele didn\'t play last night as France had just a friendly.<br/>阿什利.科尔因停赛并无在周六比赛。克劳德.马克莱莱昨晚亦无比赛因为法国只进行了一场友谊赛。<br/><br/>Those players whose international duties ended at the weekend have not returned to training. So Michael Ballack, Geremi, John Mikel Obi and Didier Drogba have all had rests and return to training today.<br/>所有在周末为国家队上阵的球员还没有重返操练。只有迈克尔.巴拉克、格雷米、约翰.米克尔和迪迪尔.德罗巴获得了休息并在今天进行操练。<br/><br/>The importance of this can be appreciated when you look at the schedule now facing the players. If they win the Champions League quarter-final against Valencia, then there are games each midweek until the end of the season.<br/>当你看看球员现时面对的赛程,你便知道这些良好消息的重要性。假如球队在欧联四分一决赛打败瓦伦西亚,那么他们在赛季结束前每个周中都要应付不同的赛事。<br/><br/>Indeed, most of them have had midweek games with internationals for a long time.<br/>事实上,把国际赛亦计算在内的话,他们大部份都长时间需要在周中比赛。<br/><br/>So if they are successful, they will be lucky to get more than one day off in April.<br/>那么假如他们成功的话,他们将会幸运地在四月获得多一天的休息。<br/><br/><br/>Here is the schedule.<br/>球季余下的赛程如下:<br/><br/>Sat 31 Mar: Watford (a)<br/>三月三十一日(六):沃特福德(客)<br/><br/>Wed 04 Apr: Valencia (h)<br/>四月四日(三)  :瓦伦西亚(主)<br/><br/>Sat 07 Apr: Tottenham (h)<br/>四月七日(六)  :托特纳姆(主)<br/><br/>Tue 10 Apr: Valencia (a)<br/>四月十日(二)  :瓦伦西亚(客)<br/><br/>Sun 15 Apr: Blackburn (at Old Trafford)<br/>四月十五日(日) :布莱克本(老特拉福德)<br/><br/>Wed 18 Apr: West Ham (a)<br/>四月十八日(三) :西汉姆(客)<br/><br/>Sun 22 Apr: Newcastle (a)<br/>四月二十二日(日):纽卡斯尔(客)<br/><br/>Wed 25 Apr: Potential Champions League semi-final (h)<br/>四月二十五日(三):欧联半决赛可能对手(主)<br/><br/>Sat 28 Apr: Bolton (h)<br/>四月二十八日(六):博尔顿(主)<br/><br/>Tue 01 May: Potential Champions League semi-final (a)<br/>五月一日(二)  :欧联半决赛可能对手(客)<br/><br/>Sun 06 May: Arsenal (a)<br/>五月六日(日)  :阿森纳(客)<br/><br/>Wed 09 May: Man Utd (h)<br/>五月九日(三)  :曼联(主)<br/><br/>Sun 13 May: Everton (h)<br/>五月十三日(日) :埃弗顿(主)<br/><br/>Okay, there\'s potentially a free midweek here. Then, hopefully, there\'s more football.<br/>好的,这里有可能出现一个自由的周中。然后如无意外,将会迎接更多的足球赛事。<br/><br/>Sat 19 May: Potential FA Cup Final (Wembley)<br/>五月十九日(六) :足总杯决赛可能对手(温布利)<br/><br/>Wed 23 May: Potential Champions League Final (Athens).<br/>五月二十三日(三):欧联决赛可能对手(雅典)<br/><br/>At least we\'ll have lots of fresh legs with the injured returning, with 22-years-old Lassana Diarra not only having arrived as a first team player but now with two 90 minutes appearances for France under his belt, and with 19-years-old John Mikel Obi settling into English football rhythm.<br/>最低限度随着伤愈归来的球员,我们将会有很多活力充沛的球员。而22岁的拉萨纳.迪亚拉不单止达到一线队球员水平,现在更加两次为法国国家队踢毕90分钟的赛事;还有19岁的约翰.米克尔开始习惯英格兰的足球节奏了。<br/><br/>We may be entering the most historic period in our 102 years history. Everyone ought to be optimistic. Let\'s enjoy it! But don\'t expect any rest.<br/>我们可能正步入102年以来最有历史意义的时刻。所有人都应该保持乐观。让我们一起来享受吧!不过别期望有任何休息!<br/><br/>Finally, thank you to Robert and Ella Macmillan who have emailed me to correct my statistics. They claim that the clean sheets list of current goalkeepers should not read only: Cudicini 83+4, Cech 64, Hilario 8, as I have it on the Statistics page of this website, but should also have \'Terry 1\' at the end.<br/>最后,感谢Robert和Ella Macmillan致电邮纠正我的资料统计。他们指出我在这网站的资料统计页里现役守门员的零封名单上除了:库迪奇尼83+4、切赫64、希拉里奥8以外,最后面应该还有“特里1”。<br/><br/>Robert and Ella, you have short memories. Glen Johnson is only on loan at Portsmouth and should be included in our statistics. He not only kept a clean sheet in his two minutes appearance in goal for us, he saved a shot. JT didn\'t have to do that. So chuck him in as well!<br/>Robert和Ella,你们有点大意了。格伦.约翰逊现时只是被租借到朴次茅斯,他应该同时包括在我们的统计名单上。他不单止在替我们把关的两分钟内保持零封,更作出了一次扑救!JT那时并不需要這樣做。那麼把他也一併算進去吧!<br/>--<br/>
vivic 发表于 2007-3-31 17:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (黛丝-飞行员酷迪), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]小兰可以出战大黄蜂<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Mar 31 02:44:56 2007), 站内<br/><br/>LAMPARD GIVEN OKAY TO FACE HORNETS<br/>,,10268~1004355,00.html<br/><br/>这次是克拉克来做报告,主要讲小兰的事情<br/>1.小兰已经随队训练了,他可以在3.31(4.1 for us)出战Watford。<br/>  这场比赛是切尔西一队本赛季的第50场。<br/>2.小兰对安道尔不上是为了避免意外<br/>3.小兰或者俱乐部没有提出提前回国的要求,当时他很乐意留下支持球队<br/>4.肯定了小兰在国家队的态度以及对俱乐部的贡献<br/><br/>其次,本场埃辛因伤缺阵,不过他的伤快好了<br/>小乔(脚)和卷毛布(半月板)继续伤停<br/><br/>本次和上次一样,会在曼联的联赛比完以后才开波。<br/><br/>=====<br/>As the Barclays Premiership title race warms-up again, assistant manager Steve Clarke has poured cold water on stories circulating about Frank Lampard this week.<br/><br/>After announcing that our top appearance maker this season has trained normally for two days and will play his 50th club game of the campaign at Watford, Clarke reacted to reports that there were attempts to hasten Lampard\'s return from England duty after he had damaged his wrist.<br/><br/>\'It was never an issue,\' he insisted. \'We didn\'t ask him to come back and he didn\'t ask to come back. He stayed with the England squad to support the team.<br/><br/>\'The boy was injured, he could not play in the match and the decision was taken not to risk him against Andorra. I think he is happy with that decision and he is happy to be back here at Chelsea. <br/><br/>\'Frank\'s fitness is good,\' Clarke continued. \'He has trained the last couple of days with a cast on and feels much more comfortable with the injury.\'<br/><br/>On the subject of the vice-captain\'s much-debated form in an England shirt, Clarke gave an opinion from a Chelsea perspective.<br/><br/>\'When I watch England play. I see Frank give 100 per cent every time. If people want to criticise his performances for England, that is not a concern for me. <br/><br/>\'When he plays for Chelsea, everyone knows his value to the club. We appreciate what he does for us. And we can only get the best out of Frank when he is with Chelsea, and I think we do that.\'<br/><br/>The squad will be one midfielder light as it travels to Vicarage Road for the Saturday evening kick-off. <br/><br/>Michael Essien has not yet completed his recovery from a knee problem although there is optimism his return is imminent. Joe Cole (foot) and Wayne Bridge (knee) remain out.<br/><br/>With two days\' squad preparation under the belt after the international break, the Chelsea side will take on Watford in the familiar situation of knowing Man United\'s points haul from the weekend before our kick-off. <br/><br/>\'I think we have to win all our games. It doesn\'t matter what Man United do before us,\' said Clarke. \'We have to win the game so we don\'t need to think about what other teams are doing.<br/><br/>\'Watford are fighting for their lives. They need to win the match. We are fighting for the championship again so we need to win the match. It should make for an interesting game.\'<br/><br/>Clickhere to discover Coral odds on Frank Lampard to score the first goal in the Watford v Chelsea match.<br/>--<br/>

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-31 17:55:04编辑过]
vivic 发表于 2007-3-31 17:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
信人: dyce (黛丝-飞行员酷迪), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]罗本接受膝部手术<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Mar 31 02:55:32 2007), 站内<br/><br/>KNEE SURGERY FOR ROBBEN<br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1004500,00.html<br/><br/>罗本要接受膝部手术,有可能错过整个赛季。<br/>他周三在国家队打满90分钟,周四回来就被查出膝盖受伤<br/>老大当然要小抱怨一下国家队了,唉……<br/>稍微安慰一点的是,小乔快要复出了,没意外的话下周他就可以出现在大名单中<br/>我们最终还是无法排出我们的最强阵容...<br/>老大只希望队员们不要再受伤了Q_Q<br/>囧囧囧囧<br/><br/>=====<br/>José Mourinho revealed on Friday afternoon that Arjen Robben will undergo a knee operation that may rule the player out for the rest of the campaign.<br/><br/>The winger returned from international duty on Thursday afternoon and following examinations on a problem, the decision was taken on Friday to go down the surgery path.<br/><br/>\'Robben will be out for a long time,\' the Chelsea manager announced on Chelsea TV.<br/><br/>\'For me it is a bit difficult to accept because he played two matches for his country, 90 minutes last Wednesday, and the next day he came here and he is injured. <br/><br/>\'He needs surgery and we lose an important player maybe for the rest of the season.\'<br/><br/>The blow will be softened a little by the return soon of another international capable of playing on either flank.<br/><br/>\'Joe Cole is coming back and maybe next week we have him,\' said Mourinho on the imminent return to full training. \'But again we can never have our best team with every player available. But if I can lose one and gain one, it is not so bad. <br/><br/>\'At this time we just want to have no more injuries because the matches are arriving and all of them are like finals. We want to be under pressure and being under pressure is to play every three days. We have fought a lot to be in this situation. It is difficult but we cannot complain, we need to be happy.<br/><br/>\'What a player like John Terry wants to do now is play and play and play and don\'t miss one single second because he missed so much in the season. <br/><br/>\'We have some very strong characters and if they are not injured, they want to play every time.\'<br/>--<br/>
vivic 发表于 2007-3-31 17:57:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (黛丝-飞行员酷迪), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]罗本手术详情-怎么办,首发都没法贴了<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Mar 31 15:52:19 2007), 站内<br/><br/>ROBBEN HAS SURGERY<br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1004558,00.html<br/><br/>Arjen Robben underwent surgery yesterday (Friday) on his injured knee.<br/><br/>昨天(周五)罗本接受了膝部手术。<br/><br/>Club doctor Bryan English said: \'Arjen returned from international duty with a swelling of the left knee joint. <br/><br/>队医English说:“阿羊从国家队回来就出现了左膝关节肿胀的状况。”<br/><br/>\'A scan was organised immediately which confirmed a complex tear of the lateral meniscus within the knee. <br/><br/>“扫描结果证实他的半月板侧面呈复杂性撕裂。”<br/><br/>\'Such is the nature of this injury that surgery is required as soon as possible. For this reason Arjen underwent arthroscopic surgery in London.<br/><br/>“考虑到阿羊的伤情,手术应该尽快进行。因此阿羊在伦敦接受了内窥镜手术(这样对关节的损伤比较小)。”<br/><br/>\'The torn area of the meniscus has been removed and he will now undergo a phase of rehabilitation. It will be at least four weeks before he returns to full fitness.\'<br/><br/>“现在损坏的部分已经去除,阿羊将进入恢复疗程。他至少需要休息四个星期。”<br/>--<br/>
№.德到胜利 发表于 2007-3-31 18:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
GERの厷宔 发表于 2007-3-31 22:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
偶喜欢切尔西的说,蓝军加油哦!<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" />
0℃の雨 发表于 2007-3-31 23:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>在SINA看比分直播,MU落后中……</p><p>不过这赛季MU的运气好得诡异,上帝保佑布莱克本灵魂附体阻击MU……<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em22.gif\" /></p>
vivic 发表于 2007-4-1 06:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (黛丝-飞行员酷迪), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: A rap of Chelsea<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Mar 31 22:30:48 2007), 站内<br/><br/>作者:Schlingko@PTT<br/>授权:Schlingko:谢谢大家&gt;////&lt;  要转可以^^注明作者就行~~<br/><br/>我觉得写得好欢乐啊<br/>不过如果你看了觉得有不懂的地方,很抱歉我无法向你解释<br/>(and我果然不会念rap Q_Q)<br/><br/>=====<br/>欢迎加入欢乐的雀儿喜~成为蓝军的一席~<br/>我们有好野老板阿布会给你高薪~<br/>有狂人魔力鸟会叫你多加练习~<br/>不管你是大牌或小牌~进来都要先唱ABC~<br/>CCCCCCC~<br/>然后我们将丢你面包餐巾以示欢喜~<br/>队长蒋公会教你使用切尔西攻击~<br/>弹弹弹弹耳朵~这是终极偷袭~<br/>在训练的时候~不要被副队长Lp的大腿引诱~<br/>不然你的耳朵会被弹弹弹弹弹的很痛~<br/>他是蒋夫人~你不能侵犯的蒋夫人~<br/>我们是蓝狮~我们是蓝车~我们是蓝色军团~<br/>当你进球的时候娃娃会找你抱抱~<br/>我知道你很爽但不行马上大叫~<br/>因为过度庆祝会被黄牌警告~<br/>黄牌牌牌~我们女神头被踢爆都没有的黄牌牌牌~<br/>王牌牌牌~连英国女王都贿赂裁判不要让我们得冠军~<br/>但冠军属于蓝军~蓝军就是冠军~历史上的功勋少不了我们蓝军~<br/>想要拦下我们只会让你头晕~<br/>办不到~你们办不到~<br/>魔力鸟的嘴炮就会让你知道~<br/>切切切切切切……尔西才是王道~<br/><br/>在边路奔驰的小飞侠其实很爱裸奔~<br/>郁金香开花的时分发线也往后奔~<br/>裸奔奔太多会不青春~<br/>看守球门的美人是切赫女神~<br/>别以为美人就不会守门~<br/>看了他的表现只会让你俯首称臣~<br/>在禁区内的魔兽叫作德罗巴~<br/>切尔西的黑白无常就是他跟娃娃~<br/>非洲足球先生他的头发很像麻花~<br/>百搭王巴熊在这里反被搭~<br/>不只队友很爱他教练场场还让他先发~<br/>他的大兵锅盖头现在变中卷发~<br/>黑黑亮亮的令人很想摸一把~<br/>待嫁新娘小乔现在多病痛~<br/>希望啾扣快回来别再被冰冻~<br/>魔力鸟爱你只是怕你动~<br/>打工的爱心虽然表现不错~<br/>比起当中场还是差了点唷~<br/><br/>Chelsea, Chelsea, You’re so sexy~<br/>训练露大腿~比赛完上空~<br/>球衣送给球迷顺便请他们吃冰淇淋~<br/>Chelsea, Chelsea, crazy, crazy~疯狂得到冠军就是我们目的~<br/>Chelsea, Chelsea, funny, funny~爆笑又认真就是切尔西真谛~<br/>Chelsea, Chelsea, cutie, cutie~我们不耍大牌又超有亲和力~<br/>Chelsea, Chelsea, happy, happy~我们欢乐的是不会腐败的安逸~<br/>Chelsea, Chelsea, sunny, sunny~我们热情洋溢每天都超有活力~<br/>Chelsea, Chelsea, pretty, pretty~漂亮到炸射门精准才是利器~<br/>Chelsea, Chelsea, trophy, trophy~得到奖杯后可以先短暂休憩~<br/>Chelsea, Chelsea, beauty, beauty~如何维持美丽是我们秘密~<br/>Chelsea, Chelsea, party, party~蓝军派对请勿带妻来出席~<br/>Chelsea, Chelsea, story, story~故事那么精采要令你妒忌~<br/>Chelsea, Chelsea, money, money~金元战舰让你马上无力~<br/>Chelsea, Chelsea, shining, shining~球员闪亮请记得要带墨镜~<br/>Chelsea, Chelsea, which I’m loving loving!<br/><br/>--<br/>*Calling Chelsea a day·Keep the sadness away*<br/>*Calling Chelsea a day·Keep the smile all day*<br/>*Calling Chelsea a day·Chelsea\'s God will hear your pray*<br/>*Calling Chelsea a day·Your mood won\'t be grey*<br/>*Calling Chelsea a day·Your life wil be great*<br/>*Calling Chelsea a day·Handsome guys will come\'n\'say hey*<br/><br/>--<br/>
说公平的话 发表于 2007-4-1 07:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
克尼马 发表于 2007-4-1 22:56:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>说公平的话</i>在2007-4-1 7:37:00的发言:</b><br/><p>侥幸获胜,巴拉克居然又被打了个全场最低分</p></div><p>不怕,三分是王道</p>
罗本 发表于 2007-4-2 14:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
easysky 发表于 2007-4-2 16:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>可怜的是天空那帮眼睛不好的编辑。</p><p>帖段BIGSOCCER上球迷的评论过来:</p><p>And now a word to the Ballack haters:<br/><br/>As I said and everybody must have seen it by himself: almost all Chelsea players had a bad day, and there were very few good combinations, very few good scoring chances.<br/><br/>But to pick out just the one player who of course didn&acute;t use his chances properly, but at least had reached two big scoring opportunities and another 2 or 3 tries, which was more than all the strikers combined, who played the best pass of the game and had some more good ones, who was used as attacking midfielder first, then, after the break had additionaly to take the holding midfielder role until Mikel came in and in the end operated almost as a striker, the man who had to in this game occasionaly secured and saved in theown box, as well as having chances on the other side of the pitch and in crunch time added to the best pass and biggest opportunities the best tackle that decided the game and maybe, we will know that in a few weeks, maybe the championship for Chelsea, is biased and unfair.<br/><br/>You saw nothing from Drogba in this game, SWP was really terrible, at least every second passing from Lampard does not reach his teammates, why do you pick out Ballack?<br/><br/>That deciding tackle in the end was true leadership, exactly that what you&acute;re management wanted to get when they decided to hire the captain of the german team, not a brasilian.</p><p>中文大意:</p><p>昨天车子全体球员表现都不好,他们创造的射门机会少而又少。</p><p>但是把巴拉克挑出来说是极其没道理的,他至少创造了两次很好的得分机会,还有其他两三次尝试,这比两个前锋加起来还要多。他传了很多好球,特别是上半场给德黑的那个直塞,那是全场最佳传球。</p><p>比赛一开始,他踢的是攻击中场,中场休息换人后他退回到后腰的位置,而M12上场后他又回到老位置,比赛最后阶段他几乎被推到锋线。</p><p>他在本方禁区前救了几次险,又在对方禁区里制造了混乱。而在补时阶段,正是他的那次抢断造就了最后的进球,这对我们至关重要。</p><p>这场比赛,德黑、SWP、兰8表现都不好,你们为什么单独挑他出来说?</p><p>最后时刻的那个抢断,充分体现了他的领袖精神,这就是为什么你们的教练会引进一个德国队队长,而不是一个巴西人!</p><p></p><p>跟这样的球迷比起来,天空就素那小白<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em04.gif\" /></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-2 22:25:29编辑过]
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